<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html> |
<head> |
<title>Basic Doodle Jump HTML Game</title> |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> |
<style> |
html, body { |
height: 100%; |
margin: 0; |
} |
body { |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
} |
canvas { |
border: 1px solid black; |
} |
</style> |
</head> |
<body> |
<canvas width="375" height="667" id="game"></canvas> |
<script> |
const canvas = document.getElementById('game'); |
const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); |
// width and height of each platform and where platforms start |
const platformWidth = 65; |
const platformHeight = 20; |
const platformStart = canvas.height - 50; |
// player physics |
const gravity = 0.33; |
const drag = 0.3; |
const bounceVelocity = -12.5; |
// minimum and maximum vertical space between each platform |
let minPlatformSpace = 15; |
let maxPlatformSpace = 20; |
// information about each platform. the first platform starts in the |
// bottom middle of the screen |
let platforms = [{ |
x: canvas.width / 2 - platformWidth / 2, |
y: platformStart |
}]; |
// get a random number between the min (inclusive) and max (exclusive) |
function random(min, max) { |
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min; |
} |
// fill the initial screen with platforms |
let y = platformStart; |
while (y > 0) { |
// the next platform can be placed above the previous one with a space |
// somewhere between the min and max space |
y -= platformHeight + random(minPlatformSpace, maxPlatformSpace); |
// a platform can be placed anywhere 25px from the left edge of the canvas |
// and 25px from the right edge of the canvas (taking into account platform |
// width). |
// however the first few platforms cannot be placed in the center so |
// that the player will bounce up and down without going up the screen |
// until they are ready to move |
let x; |
do { |
x = random(25, canvas.width - 25 - platformWidth); |
} while ( |
y > canvas.height / 2 && |
x > canvas.width / 2 - platformWidth * 1.5 && |
x < canvas.width / 2 + platformWidth / 2 |
); |
platforms.push({ x, y }); |
} |
// the doodle jumper |
const doodle = { |
width: 40, |
height: 60, |
x: canvas.width / 2 - 20, |
y: platformStart - 60, |
// velocity |
dx: 0, |
dy: 0 |
}; |
// keep track of player direction and actions |
let playerDir = 0; |
let keydown = false; |
let prevDoodleY = doodle.y; |
// game loop |
function loop() { |
requestAnimationFrame(loop); |
context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); |
// apply gravity to doodle |
doodle.dy += gravity; |
// if doodle reaches the middle of the screen, move the platforms down |
// instead of doodle up to make it look like doodle is going up |
if (doodle.y < canvas.height / 2 && doodle.dy < 0) { |
platforms.forEach(function(platform) { |
platform.y += -doodle.dy; |
}); |
// add more platforms to the top of the screen as doodle moves up |
while (platforms[platforms.length - 1].y > 0) { |
platforms.push({ |
x: random(25, canvas.width - 25 - platformWidth), |
y: platforms[platforms.length - 1].y - (platformHeight + random(minPlatformSpace, maxPlatformSpace)) |
}) |
// add a bit to the min/max platform space as the player goes up |
minPlatformSpace += 0.5; |
maxPlatformSpace += 0.5; |
// cap max space |
maxPlatformSpace = Math.min(maxPlatformSpace, canvas.height / 2); |
} |
} |
else { |
doodle.y += doodle.dy; |
} |
// only apply drag to horizontal movement if key is not pressed |
if (!keydown) { |
if (playerDir < 0) { |
doodle.dx += drag; |
// don't let dx go above 0 |
if (doodle.dx > 0) { |
doodle.dx = 0; |
playerDir = 0; |
} |
} |
else if (playerDir > 0) { |
doodle.dx -= drag; |
if (doodle.dx < 0) { |
doodle.dx = 0; |
playerDir = 0; |
} |
} |
} |
doodle.x += doodle.dx; |
// make doodle wrap the screen |
if (doodle.x + doodle.width < 0) { |
doodle.x = canvas.width; |
} |
else if (doodle.x > canvas.width) { |
doodle.x = -doodle.width; |
} |
// draw platforms |
context.fillStyle = 'green'; |
platforms.forEach(function(platform) { |
context.fillRect(platform.x, platform.y, platformWidth, platformHeight); |
// make doodle jump if it collides with a platform from above |
if ( |
// doodle is falling |
doodle.dy > 0 && |
// doodle was previous above the platform |
prevDoodleY + doodle.height <= platform.y && |
// doodle collides with platform |
// (Axis Aligned Bounding Box [AABB] collision check) |
doodle.x < platform.x + platformWidth && |
doodle.x + doodle.width > platform.x && |
doodle.y < platform.y + platformHeight && |
doodle.y + doodle.height > platform.y |
) { |
// reset doodle position so it's on top of the platform |
doodle.y = platform.y - doodle.height; |
doodle.dy = bounceVelocity; |
} |
}); |
// draw doodle |
context.fillStyle = 'yellow'; |
context.fillRect(doodle.x, doodle.y, doodle.width, doodle.height); |
prevDoodleY = doodle.y; |
// remove any platforms that have gone offscreen |
platforms = platforms.filter(function(platform) { |
return platform.y < canvas.height; |
}) |
} |
// listen to keyboard events to move doodle |
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { |
// left arrow key |
if (e.which === 37) { |
keydown = true; |
playerDir = -1; |
doodle.dx = -3; |
} |
// right arrow key |
else if (e.which === 39) { |
keydown = true; |
playerDir = 1; |
doodle.dx = 3; |
} |
}); |
document.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { |
keydown = false; |
}); |
// start the game |
requestAnimationFrame(loop); |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |