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Created April 11, 2011 04:01
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Chef Powershell Error on Rightscale
*RS> Converging ****
*RS> Run list: development::setDNS
*RS> Starting at Mon Apr 11 05:00:18 +0100 2011
05:00:18: Starting Chef Solo Run
*ERROR> Chef converge failed
*ERROR> An external command returned an error during the execution of Chef:
"powershell -command "&{set-executionpolicy -executionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process; import-module C:\PROGRA~1\RIGHTS~1\SandBox\RIGHT_~1\chef\lib\windows\bin\ChefNodeCmdlet.dll; &C:/Users/RIGHTS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/chef-powershell-06D9AC00-8D64-4213-A46A-611FBAFB4426/powershell_provider_source.ps1; if ($NULL -eq $LastExitCode) { $LastExitCode = 0 }; if ((0 -eq $LastExitCode) -and ($Error.Count -gt 0)) { $RS_message = 'Script exited successfully but $Error contained '+($Error.Count)+' error(s).'; Write-warning $RS_message; $LastExitCode = 1 }; exit $LastExitCode}"" returned 1, expected 0.
The command was run from "C:/Users/RIGHTS~1/AppData/Local/Temp"
*ERROR> Chef process failure
*ERROR> Chef process failed with return code 1
*RS> failed: development::setDNS
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