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Created August 31, 2020 18:32
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Sentinel policy to parse an AWS IAM Policy and fail based on not allowed actions
import "tfplan/v2" as tfplan
import "json"
import "types"
// Parametized not allowed list
param not_allowed_actions default [
# "ec2:Describe*",
# Function will filter all resource changes and only return those of the given type
# that are also being created or updated (i.e. ignore destroy)
find_resources = func(type) {
resources = filter tfplan.resource_changes as address, rc {
rc.type is type and
rc.mode is "managed" and
(rc.change.actions contains "create" or rc.change.actions contains "update")
return resources
# Function to take an input and normalize the result to be a list(string)
# If the input is a string, return as a single element list
# If its a list, return as list
normalize_as_list = func(data) {
if types.type_of(data) == "list" {
return data
if types.type_of(data) == "string" {
return [data]
return error("Invalid type: ", data, types.type_of(data))
# Function to validate each IAM role in the plan
validate_iam_policy = func() {
validated = true
# Get all IAM Role Policies
allRolePolicy = find_resources("aws_iam_role_policy")
for allRolePolicy as address, rc {
policy_json = rc.change.after.policy
policy = json.unmarshal(policy_json)
for policy.Statement as _, statement {
# print("Statement", i, statement)
effect = statement.Effect
actions = normalize_as_list(statement.Action)
resources = normalize_as_list(statement.Resource)
# Debug prints
# print("Actions", actions)
# print("Resources", resources)
# Only consider Allow effects
if effect == "Allow" {
# Filter through each action to see if it has an item in the not allowed list
found_violation = filter actions as a {
a in not_allowed_actions
# If a violation is found, print it
if length(found_violation) > 0 {
print("Invalid Allow action found", found_violation, "in", statement)
validated = false
return validated
# Validate every IAM policy in the plan
violatingIamPolicy = validate_iam_policy()
# Main rule
main = rule {
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