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Created May 31, 2024 23:35
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This script creates secure password entries using the pass password manager. It sets a directory for password storage, prompts the user for a title, URL, username, and email, and optionally generates a secure password. The title is converted to camel case, and the user can choose an email from predefined options. Finally, it compiles the provided information and stores it as a new password entry in the pass system.
Ensure all CHANGE-ME placeholders are replaced with actual values before use.
# Function to convert a string to camel case
to_camel_case() {
echo "$1" | awk -F'[[:space:]]' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) $i=toupper(substr($i,1,1)) tolower(substr($i,2))}1' OFS=""
# Define the base directory for the entries
# Check if the password store directory exists
if [ ! -d "$HOME/.password-store" ]; then
echo "Error: Password store directory does not exist. Please initialize your password store first."
exit 1
# Ensure the base directory exists
# Prompt for the Title
read -p "Enter the Title (this will be the name of the entry) [required]: " Title
# Convert the Title to camel case
Title=$(to_camel_case "$Title")
# Prompt for the URL
read -p "Enter the URL (leave empty if not applicable): " URL
# Prompt for the Username
read -p "Enter the Username [required]: " Username
# Email options
echo "Select an email address (leave blank if not applicable):"
echo "1) CHANGE-ME"
echo "2) CHANGE-ME"
echo "3) CHANGE-ME"
echo "4) CHANGE-ME"
echo "5) CHANGE-ME"
echo "Enter the number corresponding to your email choice, or leave blank to skip:"
read email_choice
case $email_choice in
1) email=${emails[0]};;
2) email=${emails[1]};;
3) email=${emails[2]};;
4) email=${emails[3]};;
5) email=${emails[4]};;
"") email="";;
*) echo "Invalid selection. No email will be added.";;
# Prompt for the Password
read -sp "Enter the Password (leave empty to generate a secure password): " Password
# Handle potential empty values
if [ -z "$Title" ] || [ -z "$Username" ]; then
echo "Title and Username are required. Please try again."
exit 1
# Generate a secure password if not provided
if [ -z "$Password" ]; then
# Prompt for the Password length
read -p "Enter the desired password length (default is 22): " PasswordLength
# Prompt for password type
echo "Select the type of password to generate:"
echo "1) Alphanumeric only"
echo "2) Alphanumeric with special characters"
read -p "Enter 1 or 2: " PasswordType
if [ "$PasswordType" == "1" ]; then
Password=$(LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c $PasswordLength)
Password=$(LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9!@#$%^&*()_+~' < /dev/urandom | head -c $PasswordLength)
echo "Generated secure password: $Password"
# Define the entry path and content
# Build the content string
user: $Username"
if [ -n "$email" ]; then
email: $email"
if [ -n "$URL" ]; then
url: $URL"
# Create the entry in the pass store
echo "$CONTENT" | pass insert --multiline "$ENTRY_PATH"
echo "Password entry has been created successfully in the 'pass CHANGE-ME' directory."
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