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Created May 17, 2018 17:41
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Use unicorn to deobfuscate simple ADVobfuscator string encryptions, used by secneo
#!/usr/bin/env python
# fsck secneo
from __future__ import print_function
from unicorn import *
from unicorn.arm_const import *
from capstone import *
import binascii
DEBUG = False
# Utility functions
def info(formatted_string):
def error(formatted_string):
print('ERROR - %s' % formatted_string)
def debug(formatted_string):
print('DEBUG - %s' % formatted_string)
# memory address where emulation starts
ADDRESS = 0x1000
# Place for writing and playing with memory
def disassemble_arm(arm_code):
for i in md.disasm(arm_code, 0x1000):
info("0x%x:\t%s\t%s" %(i.address, i.mnemonic, i.op_str))
def emulate_arm(arm_code=None, ro_data=None, ro_data_start=None, ro_offset=None):
debug(">>> Emulating ARM code")
# Memory for actual code
mu.mem_map(ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024)
mu.mem_write(ADDRESS, arm_code)
# RO Memory
mu.mem_write(ro_data_start, ro_data)
# write dummy data to be emulated to memory
mu.mem_write(SCRATCH_ADDRESS, "\x00"*64)
# Initialize some registers, automated by script
mu.reg_write(UC_ARM_REG_R1, ro_offset)
mu.reg_write(UC_ARM_REG_R3, ro_offset)
mu.reg_write(UC_ARM_REG_R0, 0x00)
mu.reg_write(UC_ARM_REG_R12, 0x00)
debug(">>> Before emulation ")
for i in range(UC_ARM_REG_R0, UC_ARM_REG_R12):
val = mu.reg_read(i)
debug("\t %s = 0x%x" % ("R" + str(i-UC_ARM_REG_R0),val))
mu.emu_start(ADDRESS + 1, ADDRESS + len(arm_code))
debug(">>> Emulation done.")
debug(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context")
sp = mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_SP)
debug(">>> SP = 0x%x" %sp)
val = mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_PC)
debug(">>> PC = 0x%x" %val)
for i in range(UC_ARM_REG_R0, UC_ARM_REG_R12):
val = mu.reg_read(i)
debug(">>> %s = 0x%x" % ("R" + str(i-UC_ARM_REG_R0),val))
debug("Memory at addr 0x%X %s" % (SCRATCH_ADDRESS, binascii.hexlify(content)))
content = mu.mem_read(SCRATCH_ADDRESS, 100)
info(">>> Decrypted text : %s" % content)
except UcError as e:
error("ERROR: %s" % e)
def get_ro_data():
rodata_seg = idaapi.get_segm_by_name('.rodata')
if rodata_seg is not None:
return rodata_seg.startEA, idc.GetManyBytes(rodata_seg.startEA, rodata_seg.endEA - rodata_seg.startEA, False)
return None, None
def get_decrypt_functions():
funcs = []
text_seg = idaapi.get_segm_by_name('.text')
if text_seg is None:
return 0, None
# This appears to be in all decryption functions
# TODO : Assert this works across multiple compiles, etc
# ADD.W R4, LR, R0
hook_opcodes = '0E EB 00 04'
start = text_seg.startEA
next_address = None
while True:
next_address = idaapi.find_binary(start, text_seg.endEA, hook_opcodes, 0, SEARCH_DOWN)
if next_address == idaapi.BADADDR:
func = idaapi.get_func(next_address)
# TODO : There may be a case where it isn't a function /yet/, which we may want to cover
if func is None:
error("Hit an issue with 0x%x" % next_address)
start = func.endEA
if func.endEA > text_seg.endEA:
error('Odd case that should not be possible hit!')
return len(funcs), funcs
# TODO : Beef this up, right now this is simple enough and easy to do
# For tested binaries, this worked for 74/76 functions
# Will likely need to validate new registers aren't used
def check_func(func):
if func.startEA + 0x38 > func.endEA:
return False
if GetMnem(func.startEA + 0x38) == "ADDS":
return True
return False
def seek_bound(func):
if func is None or func.startEA is None or func.startEA + 0x3e > func.endEA:
return None
addr = func.startEA + 0x3e
while True:
addr = FindCode(addr, SEARCH_DOWN)
if GetMnem(addr) == "MOVS":
return addr
# Unsure if the latter case could even be possible, but whatever - lets check?
if addr > func.endEA or addr < func.startEA:
return None
def get_offset_into_ro_data(func):
# TODO : Better check
if GetMnem(func.startEA + 0x30) != "LDR":
return None
opnd = GetOpnd(func.startEA + 0x30, 1)
if opnd.index("byte_") > 0:
start = opnd.index("byte_") + len("byte_")
end = opnd.index(" ", start)
if end > 0:
return int(opnd[start:end], 16)
except ValueError as e:
return None
return None
def get_arm_code(func):
lower_bound = func.startEA + 0x3e
upper_bound = seek_bound(func)
if upper_bound is None:
return None
arm_code = idc.GetManyBytes(lower_bound, upper_bound - lower_bound, False)
if arm_code is None or arm_code <= 0:
return None
return arm_code
def decrypt_strings(func, ro_data, rodata_start):
arm_code = get_arm_code(func)
offset = get_offset_into_ro_data(func)
if offset is not None:
debug("Using ro_data offset 0x%x for 0x%0x" % (offset, func.startEA))
emulate_arm(arm_code, ro_data, rodata_start, offset)
return True
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
rodata_start, ro_data = get_ro_data()
if ro_data is None or ro_data <= 0:
error("Issue finding '.rodata', bailing...")
how_many, funcs = get_decrypt_functions()
info("Found %d decryption functions..." % how_many)
for func in funcs:
if check_func(func):
info("=" * 26)
info("=" * 26)
if not decrypt_strings(func, ro_data, rodata_start):
error("Decrypt failed..")
error("0x%x doesn't seem correct" % func.startEA)
# TODO : relabel function names and ending pointer
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