An improvised draft of JSON Expression grammar in ABNF:
JsonExpression = "[" Operator Operands "]" ; JSON-expression is itself a valid JSON array
Operator = JsonLiteral ; Operator is any JSON value, but usually a string
Operands = 1*("," Operand) ; Non-nullary expression has at least one operand
Operand = JsonValue / JsonExpression ; Operands are values or sub-expressions
JsonValue = NullaryExpression / JsonLiteral ; Array value or any other non-array JSON
NullaryExpression = "[" JsonLiteral "]" ; Nullary operator allows array (and any JSON) values
JsonLiteral = <> ; All rules terminate with valid JSON
The program starts with Operand
rule to allow for any JSON value or expression. Or, if explicitly
at least one JSON Expression is required, the program starts with JsonExpression
Everything substitutes down to JsonLiteral
(and right-recursive JsonExpression
JsonExpression = "[" Operator Operands "]"
JsonExpression = "[" JsonLiteral Operands "]"
JsonExpression = "[" JsonLiteral 1*("," Operand) "]"
JsonExpression = "[" JsonLiteral 1*("," JsonValue / JsonExpression) "]"
JsonExpression = "[" JsonLiteral 1*("," NullaryExpression / JsonLiteral / JsonExpression) "]"
JsonExpression = "[" JsonLiteral 1*("," ("[" JsonLiteral "]") / JsonLiteral / JsonExpression) "]"
Operand = JsonValue / JsonExpression
Operand = NullaryExpression / JsonLiteral / JsonExpression
Operand = ("[" JsonLiteral "]") / JsonLiteral / JsonExpression
Consider we want to create a human-readable "debug" format for JSON Expressions. It will follow LISP-like s-expression bracketed syntax.
For example a JSON expression like
["len", // Get lengths
[".", "foo", "bar"]] // Concatenate strings
would become
(len ; Get lengths
(. "foo" "bar")) ; Concatenate strings
Get lengths of an array literal
["len", [[1, 2.2, "3"]]]
would become
(len [1, 2.2, "3"])
JSON operators (quoted strings) are still valid:
("len" [1, 2.2, "3"])
The ABNF grammar for the debug format could be:
JsonExpression = "(" Operator 1*Operand ")" ; At least one operand is still enforced
Operator = Identifier / JsonLiteral ; Still support JSON value as operator for completeness
Identifier = [a-z] *[a-z0-9_.-] ; Allow string without quotes
Operand = JsonLiteral / JsonExpression ; Operand simplify, as nullary expression is not needed
JsonLiteral = <> ; All rules terminate with valid JSON
The syntax above basically introduces round bracket (
notation into JSON grammar. Where the value inside the brackets is the operator, possibly unquoted string; and the remaining one-or-more values are operands, with the ability of operands themselves be nested JsonExpression
After substitutions:
JsonExpression = "(" (Identifier / JsonLiteral) 1*Operand ")"
JsonExpression = "(" (([a-z] *[a-z0-9_.-]) / JsonLiteral) 1*Operand ")"
JsonExpression = "(" (([a-z] *[a-z0-9_.-]) / JsonLiteral) 1*(JsonLiteral / JsonExpression) ")"
Operand = JsonLiteral / JsonExpression
In debug format it could be useful to allow developers to store inline comments. Hence, the debug notation could allow for single line comments which start with a semicolon ;
(until the end of line). The comments syntax is not included in the grammar as it is assumed that the lexer strips them out.
- Shall double slash
also be allowed to start a line comment? - Shall the language support multi-line comments?
From the grammar it follows: empty expressions and nullary operators (operator without operands) are invalid:
( ) ; empty expression
(operator ) ; nullary operator