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Last active October 2, 2016 23:31
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MediaWiki File Upload Bot - python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python bot for upload files in MediaWiki, originaly created for use at GTA Network.
# Tiago 'StreetGT' Cardoso ([email protected])
# For use, you need to create a folder called "files" and add the files inside to be upload.
# Should be on same folder root from the script, or won't work.
import os
import numpy
from selenium import webdriver
def login(username,password):
# Browser
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
driver.get('Login Page here:')
# log in
return driver
def upload_file(driver,files):
# Check if there still urls
if len( files ) == 0:
print 'Upload Files Bot: Finished!'
# Visit Upload Page
driver.get("Upload page here:")
# Pop a URL from the array
file_path = files.pop()
# Click on select file and send file relative path
driver.find_element_by_id('wpUploadFile').send_keys(os.getcwd()+ "/" + file_path)
# Click on upload file
# Lets wait a bit
r = numpy.random.randint(2,5)
# Information about how many left
print 'MediaWiki Upload Files Bot: ' + str(len( files )) + ' files left!'
# Recursive
return upload_file(driver, files)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Credentials
username = 'XXXXXXX'
password = 'XXXXXX'
# Files Names
files = []
# List files name in files Directory
for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()+"/files"):
files.append("files/" + file)
# Sort the files to start from A to Z
# Login in Wiki
driver = login(username, password)
# Upload files
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