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Last active March 6, 2017 00:59
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Populate chart labels from custom data in designated column Excel VBA
Function xValRange(cForm As String) As Range
Dim chunks() As String
chunks = Split(cForm, ",")
Set xValRange = Range(chunks(UBound(chunks) - 2))
End Function
'To use:
' 1) create a chart from x/y data in columns on the spreadsheet
' 2) add custom labels for specific points in an adjacent column
' 3) select the series in the chart and run the sub AttachLabelsToPoints (Alt-F8)
Sub attachLabelsToPoints()
Dim mySeries As Series, name As String, aChart As Chart, pt As Point, xRef As Range
Dim i As Integer, offset As Integer, ldr As String, addr As String
On Error GoTo errorAttachLabelsToPoints
name =
Set aChart = ActiveChart
Set mySeries = Selection
On Error Resume Next
offset = CStr(InputBox("Enter the label column offset in relation to the x values", "Enter Offset", "-1"))
With mySeries
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Set xRef = xValRange(.Formula)
i = 0
ldr = "='" + + "'!"
For Each pt In .Points
addr = ldr + xRef.Worksheet.Cells(xRef.Row + i, xRef.Column + offset).Address(ReferenceStyle:=Application.ReferenceStyle)
pt.DataLabel.Formula = addr
i = i + 1
Next pt
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error, unable to find the series to attach labels to. Please select the desired series and re-run macro."
End Sub
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