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Last active September 25, 2017 20:50
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Read a stack of superpixel .png files (exported from Raveler), relabel them, and export the volume as hdf5.
Utility function relabel_superpixels_to_bodies(), along with a main() function providing a command-line interface.
See usage documentation in main(), below.
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import numpy as np
import vigra
def main():
- A stack of superpixels in .png fromat (exported from Raveler),
where each file is named yada-yada.NNNNN.png
- A superpixel-to-segment mapping txt file,where each line is:
<plane index> <superpixel id> <segment id>
- A segment-to-body mapping txt file, where each line is:
<segment id> <body id>
An hdf5 volume of all planes, remapped to use body IDs (uint64)
TODO: It would be trivial to refactor the main loop in this script to support larger-than-RAM volumes.
import os
import sys
import re
import argparse
import h5py
## Debug example...
#sys.argv += '--output-path=/tmp/output.h5 \
# superpixel_to_segment_map.txt \
# segment_to_body_map.txt \
# superpixel_maps/sp_map.00100.png \
# superpixel_maps/sp_map.00101.png'.split()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("image_paths", nargs="+")
parser.add_argument("--output-path", required=False)
parsed_args = parser.parse_args()
if not parsed_args.output_path:
input_name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(image_path)[1])
parsed_args.output_path = os.getcwd() + input_name + '-bodies.h5'
assert parsed_args.output_path[-3:] == '.h5', "Output path must end with .h5 extension."
print("Parsing mappings...")
plane_to_superpixel_to_segment_mapping = parse_superpixel_to_segment_file(parsed_args.superpixel_to_segment_filepath)
segment_to_body_mapping = parse_segment_to_body_file(parsed_args.segment_to_body_filepath)
# We assume superpixel pngs end with NNN.png, where NNN is the Z-index.
index_rgx = re.compile('.*\D(\d+)\.png')
body_imgs = []
for image_path in parsed_args.image_paths:
match = index_rgx.match(image_path)
assert match, "Could not extract plane index from image path: {}".format(image_path)
plane = int(match.groups()[0])
print("Reading {}...".format( image_path ))
superpixel_img = read_superpixel_png(image_path)
body_img = relabel_superpixels_to_bodies( plane_to_superpixel_to_segment_mapping[plane],
superpixel_img )
body_imgs.append( body_img[None] )
vol_3d = np.concatenate(body_imgs, axis=0)
print("Writing to {}...".format( parsed_args.output_path ))
with h5py.File(parsed_args.output_path, 'w') as f:
f.create_dataset( 'bodies',
compression_opts=1 ) # Labels are highly compressible,
# so fastest option should be fine.
def relabel_superpixels_to_bodies( superpixel_to_segment_mapping,
superpixel_label_img ):
Apply the two mappings to the given label image.
segment_label_img = relabel_img( superpixel_to_segment_mapping, superpixel_label_img, np.uint64 )
body_label_img = relabel_img( segment_to_body_mapping, segment_label_img, np.uint64 )
return body_label_img
def relabel_img(sorted_mapping, label_img, output_dtype=None):
Given a sorted OrderedDict of input labels -> output labels,
relabel the given input image according to the mapping.
assert isinstance(sorted_mapping, collections.OrderedDict)
output_dtype = output_dtype or label_img.dtype
indexed_data = np.searchsorted(sorted_mapping.keys(), label_img)
relabeled_data = np.array(sorted_mapping.values(), dtype=output_dtype)[indexed_data]
return relabeled_data
def parse_superpixel_to_segment_file(path):
Read the superpixel-to-segment text file and return a sorted dict-of-dicts:
mapping[plane][superpixel_id] -> segment_id
mappings = collections.defaultdict(lambda: {})
with open(path, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
plane, superpixel, segment = map(int, line.split())
mappings[plane][superpixel] = segment
sorted_mappings = collections.OrderedDict()
for plane in sorted( mappings.keys() ):
sorted_mappings[plane] = collections.OrderedDict( sorted( mappings[plane].items() ) )
return sorted_mappings
def parse_segment_to_body_file(path):
Read the segment-to-body text file and return a sorted dict:
mapping[segment_id] -> body_id
mapping = {}
with open(path, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
segment, body = map(int, line.split())
mapping[segment] = body
sorted_mapping = collections.OrderedDict( sorted( mapping.items() ) )
return sorted_mapping
def read_superpixel_png(png_path):
Read the given png and return a uint32 image of superpixel ids.
Raveler encodes 24-bit superpixel IDs into the RGB channels of a png image,
so we simply decode it as a uint32 value (after discarding the Alpha channel).
(Raveler sets the alpha channel to 255)
png_data = vigra.impex.readImage(image_path, dtype='NATIVE').withAxes('yxc')
assert png_data.ndim == 3
assert png_data.shape[-1] == 4
assert png_data.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
# Zero-out the alpha channel
png_data[...,-1] = 0
return png_data.view(np.uint32)
if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.exit( main() )
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