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Created December 18, 2014 15:29
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Save stubbornella/e97662e4a197eb9a534a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Media Object from OOCSS and now Bootstrap written in React/jsx
'use strict';
var React = require('react/addons');
var _ = require('lodash');
var setClass = React.addons.classSet;
var MediaObject = React.createClass({
render: function () {
var classes = setClass({
'media-left': this.props.horizontalAlignment === 'left',
'media-right': this.props.horizontalAlignment === 'right',
'media-middle': this.props.verticalAlignment === 'middle',
'media-bottom': this.props.verticalAlignment === 'bottom',
'media-object': !this.props.imageHref
var paddingClasses = setClass({
'prs': this.props.leftMediaSpacing === 'small',
'prm': this.props.leftMediaSpacing === 'medium',
'prl': this.props.leftMediaSpacing === 'large',
'prxl': this.props.leftMediaSpacing === 'xlarge',
'pls': this.props.rightMediaSpacing === 'small',
'plm': this.props.rightMediaSpacing === 'medium',
'pll': this.props.rightMediaSpacing === 'large',
'plxl': this.props.rightMediaSpacing === 'xlarge'
var mediaClasses = [classes, paddingClasses].join(' ');
if (this.props.imageHref) {
return (
<a className={mediaClasses} href={this.props.imageHref} >
<img alt={this.props.alt} className="media-object" src={this.props.imageSource} height={this.props.height} width={this.props.width} />
} else {
return (
<img alt={this.props.alt} className={mediaClasses} src={this.props.imageSource} height={this.props.height} width={this.props.width} />
var Media = React.createClass({
render: function () {
var leftMedia,
rightMedia = '';
var classes = setClass({
'media': true,
'media-stackable-xs': this.props.stackSize === 'xsmall',
'media-stackable-sm': this.props.stackSize === 'small',
'media-stackable-md': this.props.stackSize === 'medium',
'media-stackable-lg': this.props.stackSize === 'large'
var bodyClasses = setClass({
'media-body': true,
'media-middle': this.props.bodyAlignment === 'middle',
'media-bottom': this.props.bodyAlignment === 'bottom'
if (this.props.leftImageSource) {
leftMedia = (
if (this.props.rightImageSource) {
rightMedia = (
return (
<div {...this.props} className={classes}>
<div className={bodyClasses}>
module.exports = {
Media: Media
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At Facebook, we have a component similar to the media block called "image block" (this may be familiar to you) that requires an image child and a content child. It is used like this:


You can imagine easily extending this to:


This gets slightly more complicated if either image is optional. For example, if someone wanted to leave off the left image, the code would be pretty gross:


If optional left/right images were desired, I would recommend passing each image in as props instead. For example:


Although this last suggestion might feel weird, something to keep in mind is that in React, children are simply props. The only thing that really differentiates children is how it is represented in JSX and how the primitive DOM components treat them.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks @yungsters, of course I remember the ImageBlock, though it was written in xhp back when I was at facebook. ;)

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Here is where we've ended up...

  • We created a flag object to handle middle vertical alignment, it just passes through to media and sets the right property. Media handles top alignment by default.
  • We pass in the image as a param, which feels much cleaner
  • We were able to add some validations
'use strict';

var React = require('react/addons');
var _ = require('lodash');
var setClass = React.addons.classSet;

var MediaObject = React.createClass({
  render: function () {
    var classes = setClass({
      'media-left': this.props.horizontalAlignment === 'left',
      'media-right': this.props.horizontalAlignment === 'right',
      'media-middle': this.props.vAlign === 'middle',
      'media-bottom': this.props.vAlign === 'bottom'

    var paddingClasses = setClass({
      'prs': this.props.leftMediaSpacing === 'small',
      'prm': this.props.leftMediaSpacing === 'medium',
      'prl': this.props.leftMediaSpacing === 'large',
      'prxl': this.props.leftMediaSpacing === 'xlarge',
      'pls': this.props.rightMediaSpacing === 'small',
      'plm': this.props.rightMediaSpacing === 'medium',
      'pll': this.props.rightMediaSpacing === 'large',
      'plxl': this.props.rightMediaSpacing === 'xlarge'

    var mediaClasses = [classes, paddingClasses].join(' ');

    return (
      <div className={mediaClasses}>

var Media = React.createClass({
  propTypes: {
    stackSize: React.PropTypes.oneOf(["xsmall", "small", "medium", "large"]),
    vAlign: React.PropTypes.oneOf(["middle","bottom"]),
    leftImage: function(props, propName, componentName) {
      if(props[propName] && (!props[propName].type || props[propName].type !== "img") ) {
        return new Error("Left image must be an image")
    rightImage: function(props, propName, componentName) {
      if(props[propName] && (!props[propName].type || props[propName].type !== "img") ) {
        return new Error("Right image must be an image")
    hasImages: function(props, propName, componentName) {
      if(!props["leftImage"] && !props["rightImage"]) {
        return new Error("The media component must have at least one image")
  render: function () {
    var leftMedia,
        rightMedia = '';

    var classes = setClass({
      'media': true,
      'media-stackable-xs': this.props.stackSize === 'xsmall',
      'media-stackable-sm': this.props.stackSize === 'small',
      'media-stackable-md': this.props.stackSize === 'medium',
      'media-stackable-lg': this.props.stackSize === 'large'

    var bodyClasses = setClass({
      'media-body': true,
      'media-middle': this.props.vAlign === 'middle',
      'media-bottom': this.props.vAlign === 'bottom'

    if (this.props.leftImage) {
      leftMedia = (

    if (this.props.rightImage) {
      rightMedia = (

    return (
      <div {...this.props} className={classes}>
        <div className={bodyClasses}>

var Flag = React.createClass({
  getDefaultProps: function () {
    return {
      vAlign: 'middle'
  render: function () {
    return (
      <Media {...this.props}>{this.props.children}</Media>

module.exports = {
  Media: Media,
  Flag: Flag

We still want to set it up to use a <Image /> component rather than the default html img (because it is weird to have an href attribute on a base html element, but that will have to be done after the holidays.

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We think the validations will be simpler with an <Image /> component, something like:

  optionalUnion: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([

But yeah, that will have to wait...

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To check if a ReactElement has a particular type, check its .type property:

var img = <Image />;
img.type === Image  // true

There's no built-in PropTypes validator to check for an element with a particular type.

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vjeux commented Dec 28, 2014

You need to be really careful when checking against the type field of a ReactElement. When done the naive way, it prevents you from writing abstractions.

For example, if you only accept a prop img that satisfies img.type === Image, then it only accepts a literal <Image ...> component. But it won't accept a higher level component like <ProfilePicture> that eventually renders an <Image> component.

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pmeskers commented Jan 2, 2015

@spicyj @vjeux I'm having difficulty getting a ReactElement to return its type the way you specified... my reproduction produced the following:

var img = <Image />
img.type === Image // false


function (props) {
      // This constructor is overridden by mocks. The argument is used
      // by mocks to assert on what gets mounted. This will later be used
      // by the stand-alone class implementation.

which comes from ReactClass.js. Would love any feedback to clarify my understanding of how to use the type field of ReactElements!

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