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Last active February 17, 2025 15:20
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A Verse module that adds useful functions to Verse Arrays including Map, Reduce etc.
using { / }
Array<public> := module:
# Makes an `array` with only unique elements
(Input:[]t where t:subtype(comparable)).Unique<public>()<transacts>:[]t =
var UniqueArray : []t = array{}
for (Value : Input):
if (UniqueArray.Find[Value] > -1) {}
set UniqueArray = UniqueArray.Append(Value)
return UniqueArray
# Makes an `array` by returning items in a random order
(Input:[]t where t:type).Shuffle<public>()<transacts>:[]t =
# Makes an `array` by returning items in a random order
# Fails if `Input` is empty
(Input:[]t where t:type).RandomElement<public>()<decides><transacts>:t =
Index : int := GetRandomInt(0, Input.Length - 1)
# Makes an `array` by running a `Mapper` function on every item
(Input:[]t where t:type).Map<public>(Mapper: type{_(:t)<transacts> : t})<transacts>:[]t =
for (Value : Input, NewValue := Mapper(Value)). NewValue
# Makes an `array` duplicate of the input
(Input:[]t where t:type).Copy<public>()<transacts>:[]t =
for (Value : Input). Value
# Makes an `array` by filtering out items that `FilterBy` function succeeds
(Input:[]t where t:type).Filter<public>(FilterBy: type{_(:t)<decides><transacts> : void})<transacts>:[]t =
for (Value : Input, FilterBy[Value]). Value
# Succeeds if all items in an `array` make the `FilterBy` function succeed
(Input:[]t where t:type).IsEveryElement<public>(FilterBy: type{_(:t)<decides><transacts> : void})<decides><transacts> : void =
FilteredArray := Input.Filter(FilterBy)
FilteredArray.Length = Input.Length
# Succeeds if any items in an `array` make the `FilterBy` function succeed
(Input:[]t where t:type).IsAnyElement<public>(FilterBy: type{_(:t)<decides><transacts> : void})<decides><transacts> : void =
FilteredArray := Input.Filter(FilterBy)
FilteredArray.Length > 0
# Reduces an `array` by running a function on an accumulator
(Input:[]t where t:type).Reduce<public>(ReductionFunction: type{_(:k, :t)<transacts> : k}, Accumulator: k where k:type)<transacts>:k =
if (Input.Length > 0, Return := Input.Slice[1].Reduce(ReductionFunction, ReductionFunction(Accumulator, Input[0]))):
return Return
return Accumulator
# Sums an `array` of ints
(Input:[]int).SumInts<public>()<transacts> : int =
return Input.Reduce(Reduce.SumInts, 0)
# Sums an `array` of floats
(Input:[]float).SumFloats<public>()<transacts> : float =
return Input.Reduce(Reduce.SumFloats, 0.0)
# Makes an `array` with the `Element` added to the end
(Input:[]t where t:type).Append<public>(Element:t)<computes>:[]t =
return Input + array{Element}
# Makes an `array` with the `Element` added to the beginning
(Input:[]t where t:type).Prepend<public>(Element:t)<computes>:[]t =
return array{Element} + Input
# Makes an `array` with the items in reverse order
(Input:[]t where t:type).Reverse<public>()<computes>:[]t=
for (Index -> _Unused : Input, Element := Input[Input.Length - Index - 1]). Element
# Makes an `array` of ints sorted in order of the `SortOrder` enum
(Input:[]int).SortInts<public>(SortOrder : Sort.orderBy)<transacts> : []int =
return Input.Sort(SortOrder, Array.Sort.CompareInts)
# Makes an `array` of ints sorted in order of the `SortOrder` enum
(Input:[]float).SortFloats<public>(SortOrder : Sort.orderBy)<transacts> : []float =
return Input.Sort(SortOrder, Array.Sort.CompareFloats)
# Makes an `array` of items sorted in order of the `SortOrder` enum with a `Comparer` function
# Usage: SortedItems := Sort(Items, Array.Sort.orderBy.Asc, Array.Sort.CompareFloats)
(Input:[]t where t:type).Sort<public>(SortOrder : Sort.orderBy, Comparer: type{_(:t, :t)<transacts> : int})<transacts> : []t =
if (Input.Length > 1, Pivot := Input[Floor(Input.Length/2)]):
Left := for(Item : Input, Comparer(Item, Pivot) < 0) do Item
Middle := for(Item : Input, Comparer(Item, Pivot) = 0) do Item
Right := for(Item : Input, Comparer(Item, Pivot) > 0) do Item
if(SortOrder = Sort.orderBy.Asc):
Left.Sort(SortOrder, Comparer) + Middle + Right.Sort(SortOrder, Comparer)
Right.Sort(SortOrder, Comparer) + Middle + Left.Sort(SortOrder, Comparer)
# Returns the item that is the largest by the `Comparer` function
# Fails if `arary` is empty
(Input:[]t where t:type).MaxBy<public>(Comparer: type{_(:t, :t)<transacts> : int})<transacts><decides> : t =
Input.Sort(Sort.orderBy.Desc, Comparer)[0]
# Returns the item that is the smallest by the `Comparer` function
# Fails if `arary` is empty
(Input:[]t where t:type).MinBy<public>(Comparer: type{_(:t, :t)<transacts> : int})<transacts><decides> : t =
Input.Sort(Sort.orderBy.Asc, Comparer)[0]
# Submodule for Reduce functions
Reduce<public> := module:
SumInts<public>(Accumulator: int, Input: int)<computes>: int =
return Accumulator + Input
SumFloats<public>(Accumulator: float, Input: float)<computes>: float =
return Accumulator + Input
# Submodule for Sort functions
Sort<public> := module:
orderBy<public> := enum{Asc, Desc}
CompareInts<public>(A : int, B : int)<transacts>: int =
if(A < B) then -1
else if(A > B) then 1
else 0
CompareFloats<public>(A : float, B : float)<transacts>: int =
if(A < B) then -1
else if(A > B) then 1
else 0
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great code. using this in my projects.

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