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Forked from eternalstorms/Apple Evangelists.txt
Last active August 6, 2021 19:43
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UI- and App Frameworks Evangelist - Jake Behrens, [email protected], twitter: @Behrens
- What's new in Cocoa
- Accessibility in iOS
- Building User Interfaces for iOS 7
- Getting Started with UIKit Dynamics
- What's new in Cocoa Touch
- What's New With Multitasking
- Best Practices for Cocoa Animation
- Improving Power Efficiency with App Nap
- Introducing Text Kit
- Optimizing Drawing and Scrolling on OS X
- Advanced Text Layouts and Effects with Text Kit
- Bringing Your iOS Apps to OS X
- Custom Transitions Using View Controllers
- Exploring Scroll Views on iOS 7
- Making Your App World-Ready
- What's New in State Restoration
- Implementing Engaging UI on iOS
- Using Fonts with Text Kit
Graphics and Game Technologies Evangelist - Allan Schaffer, [email protected], twitter: @funnest
- What's new in Scene Kit
- Integrating with Game Controllers
- Designing Games with Sprite Kit
- Introduction to Sprite Kit
- What's New in Game Center
- Advances in OpenGL ES
- Turn-Based Gaming with Game Center
- What's New in OpenGL for OS X
- Working with OpenCL
- Core Image Effects and Techniques
App Frameworks and Developer Tools Evangelist - Dave DeLong, [email protected], twitter: @davedelong
- Advances in Objective-C
- Building Efficient OS X Apps
- What's new in the llvm compiler
- Xcode Core Concepts
- Core Data Performance Optimization and Debugging
- Debugging with Xcode
- From Zero To App Store In Xcode 5
- Interface Builder Core Concepts
- Optimize Your Code Using LLVM
- Taking Control Of Auto Layout In Xcode 5
- What's New in Core Data and iCloud
- Energy Best Practices
- Fixing Memory Issues
- Introducing AppleScript Libraries
- OS X Automation Update
- Testing in Xcode 5
- Advanced Debugging with LLDB
- Designing Code for Performance
- Hidden Gems in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch
- Understanding Source Control in Xcode
Core OS Evangelist - Paul Danbold, [email protected], twitter: ?
- Building Efficient OS X Apps
- Efficient Design with XPC
- Nearby Networking with Multipeer Connectivity
- Protecting Secrets With The Keychain
- What's New in Foundation Networking
- What's New in Kext Development
- Energy Best Practices
- Introducing AppleScript Libraries
- OS X Automation Update
- The Accelerate Framework
- Protecting your Users' Privacy
MFi & I/O Technology Evangelist - Craig Keithley, [email protected], twitter: ?
- Core Bluetooth
- Designing Accessories for iOS and OS X
iPhone Evangelism - Stephen Chick, [email protected], twitter: ?
- Core Bluetooth
- Designing Accessories for iOS and OS X
Desktop Technologies Evangelist - Mark Tozer-Vlichez, [email protected], twitter: ?
- Designing Accessories for iOS and OS X
Application Services and Integration Technologies Evangelist - Paul Marcos, [email protected], twitter: ?
- Extending your apps for Enterprise and Education Use
- What's new in Cocoa Touch
- What's New With Multitasking
- Integrating Passbook Into Your Ecosystem
- What's New in Passbook
- Putting Map Kit in Perspective
- Using Receipts to Protect Your Digital Sales
- Using Store Kit for In-App Purchases
- What's New in Core Location
- What's New in iTunes Connect
- What's New in Map Kit
- Harnessing iOS to Create Magic in Your Apps
- Implementing OS X Push Notifications for Websites
- Solutions to Common Date and Time Challenges
Director of Media Evangelism, Technology Evangelism - John Geleynse, [email protected], twitter: @jgeleynse
- Getting the Most out of Web Inspector
- Moving to AV Kit and AV Foundation
- What's new in Cocoa Touch
- What's New In Core Audio For iOS
- What's New In Safari And Webkit For Web Developers
- Power And Performance: Optimizing Your Website For Great Battery Life And Responsiveness
- Preparing And Presenting Media For Accessibility
- What's New in Camera Capture
- Advanced Editing with AV Foundation
- iAd Integration and Best Practices
- Implementing OS X Push Notifications for Websites
- Integrating JavaScript into Native Apps
iAd Evangelist - Mark Malone, [email protected], twitter: ?
- Introducing iAd workbench
- Building Advanced iBooks Html 5 Widgets And iAd Rich Media Ads
- Introduction To iBooks Author Widget And iAd Rich Media Ad Development With iAd Producer
User Experience Evangelist - Mike Stern, [email protected], twitter: ?
- What's new in Cocoa Touch
- What's New in iOS User Interface Design
- Best Practices for Great iOS UI Design
DTS Sr. Support Scientist, George Warner - [email protected], twitter: ?
- The Accelerate Framework
Technology Evangelist - Stefan Lesser, [email protected], twitter: @stefanlesser
Apple Graphics and Media Evangelist — Filip Iliescu, [email protected], twitter: @firechant
--- Some session videos did not include the "Contact" slide ---
Other Contacts:
Cocoa Feedback: [email protected]
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