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Forked from officialrajdeepsingh/Search.tsx
Created August 27, 2023 02:34
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Creating search functionality on static blog with next js, markdown and flexsearch
export const posts: Array<{ id: string; title: string; description: string; date: string; tags: string[]; category: string[]; image: string; author: string; }> = [
id: "1X2",
title: "5 Reasons Why You Shouldnt Learn Photography On Your Own",
description: "Mollit aute nostrud voluptate amet irure consectetur commodo cupidatat elit. Non ut dolor nulla dolor duis. Anim eiusmod fugiat eiusmod ut nulla nulla labore.",
date: "2022-11-09T08:18:10.494Z",
tags: ["Photography"],
category: ["Photography"],
image: "/images/camera.jpg",
author: "Jeanne Ballard"
id: "1X3",
title: "7 Useful Tips From Python Experts In Programming",
description: "Eiusmod quis esse aliqua sit nostrud aliquip sunt minim irure laboris reprehenderit irure ex",
date: "2022-11-10T07:47:21.553Z",
tags: ["Programming", "Python", "Tips"],
category: ["Programming"],
image: "/images/software-developer.jpg",
author: "Jeanne Ballard"
id: "1X4",
title: "7 Ways To Use Computer Science To Your Advantage",
description: "Incididunt magna do magna cupidatat ullamco laboris amet. Tempor aute ipsum culpa esse ipsum veniam excepteur duis mollit irure cillum.",
date: "2022-11-11T08:29:39.860Z",
tags: ["Advantage", "Computer Science", "Tech"],
category: ["Computer Science"],
image: "/images/computer.jpg",
author: "Emilio Tate"
id: "1X5",
title: "10 Things You Most Likely Didnt Know About Health",
description: "Culpa laboris aliquip ea consectetur mollit ea ipsum sint qui culpa laboris dolor adipisicing proident. Et officia consequat do nulla tempor cupidatat elit.",
date: "2022-11-12T08:05:53.939Z",
tags: ["Health", "Likely", "Didn't Know"],
category: ["Health"],
image: "/images/vegetables.jpg",
author: "Curtis Lopez"
id: "1X6",
title: "15 Common Misconceptions About Health",
description: "Sunt et ad ipsum consectetur culpa officia enim non magna irure consectetur qui ex.",
date: "2022-11-13T08:07:38.708Z",
tags: ["Health", "Misconceptions"],
category: ["Health"],
image: "/images/health.jpg",
author: "DR. Jeffery Schwartz"
id: "1X7",
title: "15 Facts You Never Knew About Photography",
description: "Dolor adipisicing adipisicing Lorem et irure veniam nisi anim excepteur mollit occaecat eu.",
date: "2022-11-15T08:14:33.826Z",
tags: ["15 facts", "Photography", "Jeanne Ballard facts"],
category: ["Photography"],
image: "/images/photographer.jpg",
author: "Jeanne Ballard"
id: "1X8",
title: "The Five Secrets You Will Never Know About Blogging",
description: "Non aute adipisicing anim enim et proident proident consectetur est laborum tempor.",
date: "2022-11-22T07:20:16.517Z",
tags: ["Blog", "five", "Secrets"],
category: ["Blog"],
image: "/images/blog-2.jpg",
author: "Rajdeep singh"
id: "1X9",
title: "How Computer Science Is Going To Change Your Business Strategies",
description: "Cupidatat occaecat dolore dolor aute enim consequat nulla dolor dolor reprehenderit irure reprehenderit nisi.",
date: "2022-11-22T07:20:16.517Z",
tags: ["Business Strategies", "Business"],
category: ["Computer Science"],
image: "/images/technology.jpg",
author: "Emilio Tate"
id: "1X10",
title: "Photography Is Not Rocket Science! Learn Them Now!",
description: "Est ex incididunt reprehenderit laboris anim mollit ex ut. Cupidatat nisi deserunt veniam ipsum proident consequat anim ipsum in.",
date: "2022-11-01T08:40:19.051Z",
tags: ["Photography", "Photo"],
category: ["Photography"],
image: "/images/smartphone.jpg",
author: "Ashley Paul"
id: "1X12",
title: "Seven mind blowing Facts About Smart Phone",
description: "Ea qui quis ad mollit enim in nostrud officia nisi id aute anim non. Adipisicing aliqua amet adipisicing consequat eiusmod anim exercitation proident quis.",
date: "2022-02-08T08:54:26.105Z",
tags: ["Android", "Smart Phone", "Facts"],
category: ["Smart Phone"],
image: "/images/ios.jpg",
author: "Hannah Rivera"
id: "1X13",
title: "Understand The Android Features Before You Regret",
description: "Lorem excepteur dolore ex veniam ad velit officia enim velit consequat consequat nulla eiusmod.",
date: "2022-10-08T08:48:51.359Z",
tags: ["Android", "Android Features"],
category: ["Android"],
image: "/images/android.jpg",
author: "Linda Pittman"
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { Index } from "flexsearch";
import { posts } from "./posts";
export default () => {
// This will create a new search index. Here we are using all of the default options, but the docs show other choices that can be used.
const [index, setIndex] = useState(new Index({}));
// Create state variables for query and results.
const [query, setQuery] = useState("");
const [results, setResults] = useState([]);
// When the component first loads, we need to iterate through data values and add each to the search index.
useEffect(() => {
posts.forEach((item) => {
setIndex(index.add(, item.title, item.description));
}, []);
// When the query from the search input changes, we want to update the query state and thus the results to display.
useEffect(() => {
}, [query]);
const finalResult = => posts.find(item => === result))
return (
<input value={query} onChange={(e) => setQuery(} />
{ => <p>{item.title}</p>)}
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