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Created January 18, 2019 16:08
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Crowdfunding Smart Contract Example
pragma solidity 0.5.2;
contract Crowdfunding {
address payable beneficiary;
uint goalInEther;
uint deadline;
mapping (address => uint) public contributions;
address[] public contributors;
event NewContribution(address _who, uint _amount, uint _timestamp);
event RefundIssued(address _who, uint _amount, uint _timestamp);
event BeneficiaryPaid(address _beneficiary, uint _amount, uint _timestamp);
constructor(address payable _beneficiary, uint _goalInEther, uint _durationInHours) public {
beneficiary = _beneficiary;
goalInEther = _goalInEther * 1 ether;
deadline = now + (_durationInHours * 1 hours);
function contribute() public payable {
require(now < deadline);
if (contributions[msg.sender] == 0) contributors.push(msg.sender);
contributions[msg.sender] += msg.value;
emit NewContribution(msg.sender, msg.value, now);
function refund() public {
require(now > deadline &&
address(this).balance < goalInEther
uint amountToSend = contributions[msg.sender];
contributions[msg.sender] = 0;
emit RefundIssued(msg.sender, amountToSend, now);
function payBeneficary() public {
require(now > deadline &&
address(this).balance >= goalInEther
emit BeneficiaryPaid(beneficiary, address(this).balance, now);
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