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Last active February 15, 2017 22:27
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[Deprecated] Rigetti Forest in Common Lisp
;;;; forest.lisp
;;;; By Robert Smith
;;;; Licensed under Apache 2.0:
;;; This file demonstrates how to use the Rigetti Forest API
;;; ( by exposing the two most important
;;; functions: RUN and WAVEFUNCTION. Other, more advanced functions
;;; are supported by the API as well, but are not implemented
;;; here. This file is intended to be pedagogical and not production
;;; quality.
;;; The logic mostly follows the `forest` module of the open source
;;; library pyQuil, officially supported by Rigetti.
;;; Quickload :DRAKA for HTTP support, YASON for JSON support, and
;;; ALEXANDRIA for utilities, and IEEE-FLOATS for float decoding.
(ql:quickload '(:drakma :yason :alexandria :ieee-floats))
;;; Set up our parameters.
(defparameter *endpoint* "")
(defparameter *api-key* "<<<YOUR API KEY HERE>>>")
;;; Helper function for JSON dictionaries.
(defun dict (&rest key-vals)
(alexandria:plist-hash-table key-vals))
(defun post-json (json)
"POST the JSON data structure (as interpreted by YASON) to Rigetti Forest.
Return two values:
1. The response payload, either as a string, an octet vector, or a
2. The content length or NIL.
(multiple-value-bind (body status headers)
:method ':post
;; Required for wavefunction output. See
:accept "application/octet-stream"
:additional-headers `(("X-API-KEY" . ,*api-key*))
:content (with-output-to-string (s)
(yason:encode json s)))
;; Check status.
(unless (= 200 status)
(error "Got a status that wasn't 200."))
;; Give the return value. The caller should handle what to do with
;; this value, which is either a string or a stream, as well as
;; the content length.
(values body
(parse-integer (cdr (assoc ':content-length headers)))))))
;;; Corresponds to
(defun ping ()
"Ping the server."
(values (post-json (dict "type" "ping"))))
;;; Helper function write write small snippets of raw Quil.
(defun quil (&rest instructions)
"A helper function to make Quil program strings."
(with-output-to-string (s)
(loop :for instr :in instructions
:do (write-line instr s))))
;;; Corresponds to
(defun run (program addresses &optional (num-trials 1))
"Run the Quil program PROGRAM (as a string) a total number of
NUM-TRIALS (default: 1) times, reading the classical bits addressed by
the list of addresses ADDRESSES.
Return a list of lists of sampled bits corresponding to the requested
(dict "type" "multishot"
"addresses" addresses
"trials" num-trials
"quil-instructions" program))))
;;; Example: Bell State Measurement
;;; CL-USER> (run (quil "H 0"
;;; "CNOT 0 1"
;;; "MEASURE 0 [0]"
;;; "MEASURE 1 [1]")
;;; '(0 1)
;;; 10)
;;; ((0 0) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1) (0 0) (0 0) (1 1) (0 0) (0 0))
(defconstant +octets-per-double+ 8)
(defconstant +octets-per-complex-double+ (* 2 +octets-per-double+))
;;; Corresponds to
(defun wavefunction (program &optional (addresses '()))
"Get the wavefunctions for the program PROGRAM. Optionally, provide
a list of addresses of bits that should be returned as a second value.
Return two values:
1. The wavefunction as an array of complex numbers.
2. The requested memory addresses."
(labels ((round-to-next (n m)
(if (zerop (mod n m))
(- (+ n m)
(mod n m))))
(octet-bits (octet)
(loop :for i :below 8 :collect (ldb (byte 1 i) octet)))
(decode-double (octets)
(reduce (lambda (bits octet)
(logior octet (ash bits 8)))
:initial-value 0)))
(recover-complexes (octets num-octets)
(let* ((num-addresses (length addresses))
(num-mem-octets (floor (round-to-next num-addresses 8) 8))
(num-wf-octets (- num-octets num-mem-octets))
;; Variables we calculate:
(wf (make-array (/ num-wf-octets +octets-per-complex-double+))))
;; Get the classical memory.
(loop :for i :below num-mem-octets
:append (octet-bits (aref octets i)) :into all-bits
:finally (setf mem (subseq all-bits 0 num-addresses)))
;; Get the wavefunction
(loop :for i :from 0
:for p :from num-mem-octets :below num-octets :by +octets-per-complex-double+
:for re := (decode-double
(subseq octets p (+ p +octets-per-double+)))
:for im := (decode-double
(subseq octets
(+ p +octets-per-double+)
(+ p +octets-per-complex-double+)))
:do (setf (aref wf i) (complex re im)))
;; Return the wavefunction and memory..
(values wf mem))))
(multiple-value-bind (octets num-octets)
(dict "type" "wavefunction"
"quil-instructions" program
"addresses" addresses))
;; Have to do a bit of decoding, since we got binary data
;; back. Wavefunctions can be huge!
(recover-complexes octets num-octets))))
;;; Example: Bell State Wavefunction
;;; CL-USER> (wavefunction (quil "H 0" "CNOT 0 1"))
;;; #(#C(0.7071067811865475d0 0.0d0) #C(0.0d0 0.0d0) #C(0.0d0 0.0d0)
;;; #C(0.7071067811865475d0 0.0d0))
;;; This corresponds to (|00> + |11>) / sqrt(2).
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