- metalrobot Металлический конструктор
- inkdatatable An Inkscape extension for creating tables with text fields
- textext Inkscape LaTeX plugin originally from http://pav.iki.fi/software/textext/
- inkscape-gs An inkscape's extension to create guides with offset, useful to create a grid system.
- NiceCharts An Inkscape-extension to draw charts
- gdadin GUI to Draw Algorithms Designed with Inkscape
- inkscape-extensions A set of Inkscape extensions for making accurate and configurable gear and sprocket profiles.
- Cubify Cubify is a free Inkscape plugin to create Cheat Cubes
- Yappi Yet an Awesome Paper PI
- inkscape-multiscale Inkscape extension to resize multiple objects with increasing or decreasing scale factors.
- svg-embed-and-crop Inkscape Extension: Embed and Crop Images
- inkscape_merge Merge SVG files with CSV file using Inkscape
- inkscape_kerf_correction Kerf correction extension for inkscape
- inkscape Scale render extension
- elliptical-box-maker Inkscape plugin that generates drawings for an elliptical box which can be made using a laser cutter.
- shelves Inkscape extension that parametrically generates plans for shelves. These can be made with a CNC router.
- inkscape-grids Triangular and perspective grid creation extensions for inkscape
- NiceCharts An Inkscape-extension to draw charts
- inkscape-ungroup-deep Extension for Inkscape to do a deep ungroup. source: http://luther.ceplovi.cz/git/inkscape-ungroup-deep.git
- inkscape-label Inkscape extension to let you create label annotations to your drawings.
- Android-SVG-Asset-Generator Create Android assets from SVG files quickly and easily. SVG -> drawable-xhdpi, drawable-hdpi, drawable-mdpi, drawable-ldpi
- ProtoReady Prototyping extension for Inkscape
- Inkscape_LivingHinge An Inkscape extension for automating the process of adding cut lines to create a living hinge.
- InkscapeExtensions Inkscape Extensions, possibly to help with CNC/Laser cutting
- inkscape-scripts Various scripts for enhancing InkScape, e.g. for 3D printing
- clonealongpath Inkscape extension to clone a pattern along a path
- inkscape-connectthedots Inkscape ""Connect the Dots"" picture extension - tweaks
- inkscape-gridstripcreator Creates grid strip for the qlocktwo
- delete_above Inkscape plugin: delete the selected object(s) and any objects on top of them
- inkscape-boxmaker Unofficial repository for the boxmaker inkscape extension (http://www.keppel.demon.co.uk/111000/111000.html)
- Inkscape-Slider-Electrode-Generator
- inkscape-connectthedots An extension for Inkscape to create a ""Connect the Dots"" picture
- inkscape-remove-duplicates Inkscape plugin to remove duplicate lines from a vector drawing
- Inkscape-rotary-encoder-disk-generator Inkscape extension for creating optical rotary encoder discs
- inkscape-checkerboard Inkscape extension to create a checkerboard
- inkscape-cardboard-box An inkscape extension featuring parametric design of cardboard boxes. Faltschachtel in German. And yes, parametric!
- inkscape-gears-dev Enhanced version of the well known gears extension, allows spokes, center cross, metric module, best evolute shape ...
- inkscape-batch-effect Perform batch execution of Inkscape extensions
- eqtexsvg Convert an inline LATEX equation into SVG path using Python for Inkscape
- frustifier Inkscape plugin warps a shape to fit on the surface of a conical frustum
- inkscape-applytransforms An Inkscape extension which removes all matrix transforms by applying them recursively to shapes
- CreateSketchLayerINX Inkscape extension which makes it easy to make bitmap sketches while within Inkscape.
- pdf2pub An Inkscape extension to format pdfs for publication
- dvd_menu_animator tool to aid in the creation of menus for DVD-Video discs
- Bezier-Envelope-for-Inkscape The Bezier Envelope Extension for Inkscape
- countersheetsextension Inkscape extension for the layout of sheets of cards, tiles, or counters for boardgames.
- hexmapextension Inkscape extension for creating hex grids suitable for boardgame maps.
- inkscape_onionskin Several plugins for Inkscape to ease creation of animations. The main plugin allows for an onionskin view of Inkscape's layers
- dopplemaker An Inkscape extension for clothing design. Helps to create graded or custom fit patterns and comes with blocks and patterns ready to try.
- livelink-inkscape-extensions
- inkscape-chord-box-maker Extensión para inkscape que te permite generar cajas para usar como diagramas de instrumentos de cuerda. Elige el nº de trastes y de cuerdas.
- inkscape-uke-chord-maker Generador de diagramas de acordes para ukelele.
- com.crocro.inkscape.center 「Inkscape」用のエクステンションです。選択したオブジェクトの中心を、X軸の座標0位置に移動します。
- com.crocro.inkscape.mirror 「Inkscape」用のエクステンションです。X座標0位置を基準にして、選択オブジェクトの鏡像コピーを作成します。
- inkscape-underlinetext Underline text extension for inkscape
- inkscape-mtphr-extensions Bunch of custom Inkscape extensions that I wrote to my needs
- inkscape_glue_extension Extension for Inkscape that allows to place multiple objects next to each other vertically or horizontally
- inkscape-animation-extension An Inkscape extension to import a pencil test for inking
- inkscape-jigsaw An extension for Inkscape that creates jigsaw shaped pieces. Options for back, and single cut pieces.
- inkscape-LasercutBox Creates a tabbed box with kerf adjustments. Set inside or outside dimensions, independent tab counts for each axis, corner option. Have a tight fit with kerf adjustment, or use the least amount of material and have a sloppy fit.
- inkscape_extensions sympathetic modifications to existing inkscape plugins
- render_axis An Inkscape extension to generate axes for graphs
- triangulate An Inkscape extension to convert an image into ""triangle art""
- Inkscape Inkscape distributive
- Inkex_svgGuitarChord Inkscape extension for drawing custom guitar chords
- Kinross Fast Python scripts for Inkscape
- tileset-tools Tools for extracting tilesets from screenshots using Inkscape
- InkscapeExtensions
- TabbedBoxMaker Inkscape tabbed box generator plugin - quickly design complex ""finger jointed"" boxes
- inkscape-animation Another inkscape extension to help animators to created animated SVG. This extension makes each layer a distinct frame. Still in a very early development stage.
- sptk_inkscape Shulin Peng's ToolKit for inkscape
- inkslides Making Slides with Inkscape
- psawsvg A simple python script to help the user add photonsaw attributes to SVG layers created in inkscape
- InkImpress Fork of the JessyInk extension for Inkscape, with new effects, SMIL animations, order defined by layer, automatic TOC...
- inkscape-extension-multiple-difference An inkscape extension to apply a difference boolean op on multiple shapes at once
- inkscape-grid-maker (not maintained anymore)
- inkscape-guide-tools Inkscape extensions related to guides : add grids, centered guides, margin guides
- scott-inkscape Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/scott-inkscape
- NiceCharts An Inkscape-extension to draw charts
- precut An Inkscape extension to check files destined for cutting plotters
- inkscape-centroid Centroids for Inkscape paths and shapes
- Eurorack-Panel-Designer Eurorack panel design extension for Inkscape
- inkscape-extensions My Inkscape extensions
- inkscape-extension-set Set of inkscape extensions (from around, customized ones or custom ones)
- inskcape_extensions Personal repository for inkscape extensions
- WriteTeX An Inkscape extension: Latex/Tex editor for Inkscape
- PFInkscapePlugin PFInkscapePlugin is a plugin for Inkscape for creating objects with special tags, suitable for Prince framework. Than you can parse SVG's and read levels data from them.
- Inkscape Extensions for Inkscape
- inkscape_laserplugin An inkscape plugin that creates gcode for the laser cutter in the attraktor makerspace.
- eggbot_extensions Modifications of official EggBot Inkscape extension to support EggDuino
- inkmerge Mailmerge extension for Inkscape
- armature Armature allows you to easily create wireframes from a single Inkscape document.
- fablab-inkscape-plugins Collection de plugin inkscape utiles dans un fablab
- gcodetools CAM extension for Inkscape to export paths to Gcode
- EggBot Software for the Original EggBot Kit
- wcb-ink WaterColorBot extensions for Inkscape
- inkscape-silhouette An extension to drive a Silhoutte Cameo from within inkscape.
- laserengraver Inkscape插件,用作激光雕刻机。把svg文件转换成gcode文件。
- paths2openscad SVG paths to OpenSCAD converter
- hotwire Inkscape plug in for http://www.cnc-hotwire.de/ styropor cutter
- export_layer_combinations Inkscape extension that saves multiple PNG files containing different combinations of layers.
- inkscape_generator Generate output files from a template SVG file
- inkflex Inkscape Flash Exporter extension
- Inkscape-JPEG-export-extension This is a small extension that allows to export a selection directly in jpeg format from inkscape. Actually this simply create a tmp png and then convert it to jpeg using imagemagick.
- Inkscape-JPEG-export-extension This is a small extension that allows to export a selection directly in jpeg format from inkscape. Actually this simply create a tmp png and then convert it to jpeg using imagemagick.
- inkscape-navigator Inkscape files navigation generator
- InkscapeSpineExporter Inkscape extension to aid in the development of Spine animations.
- InkscapeMockupMachine Automatically export Inkscape layer constellations as images in batch.
- android4inkscape inkscape extension to export correctly proportioned png files to res folders of android project
- svg2tikz An Inkscape extension for exporting SVG paths as TikZ/PGF paths
- KM-Laser Inkscape extension for Knox Makers Laser Cutter
- paths2openscad No longer maintained SVG paths to OpenSCAD converter
- bansai Inkscape to BonsaiJS extension
- ExtractElements Inkscape extension for extracting and exporting elements from a drawing.
- p2p2json Inkscape extension to create json describing a point-2-point map.
- Inkscape-Slicer-Extension Helper to ""slice"" inkscape images to pngs, by drawing boxes around what you want sliced
- inkscape-roland-cutstudio Inkscape Windows Plugin for Roland CutStudio
- mrbeam-inkscape-ext Our g-code generation scripts, wrapped into an inkscape extension. Forked from Nick Drobchenko's sources ([email protected]), released under GPLv2
- thlaser Inkscape plugin for exporting paths as gcode
- ink2fxl ink2fxl converts Inkscape SVG files to XHTML+(SVG)+CSS, XHTML+raster (layer-wise), or raster-only (layer-wise).
- laserengraverInkscapeplugin A laser engraver GCODE generator for Marlin firmware (RepRap) to control a laser or mill. Generated GCODE Out of inkscape files.
- InkCutter Fork of the Inkscape Extension InkCut
- inkscape-embroidery embroidery Inkscape Extension by Jon Howell http://www.jonh.net/~jonh/inkscape-embroidery/
- Inkcut
- tcnc Inkscape extension that generates G-code suitable for a four axis CNC cutter (XYZ plus tangent A)
- inkscape-grace-import Inkscape extension to import Grace (.agr) files via EPS (PDF)
- inklingreader A GNU/Linux-friendly version of the Wacom Inkling SketchManager.
- inkscape-speleo Inkscape extensions for cave surveying
- inkscape-pybounds Module to calculate bounding boxes of SVG objects in Inkscape extensions.
- Inkscape_helper Split out a lot of common stuff for my Inkscape extensions
- Inkscape-OpenSCAD-DXF-Export Inkscape plugin that exports DXF files usable by OpenSCAD
- inkscape-android-export This Inkscape extension exports all selected items in different densities. The exported PNGs will be named by their ID in the SVG.
- inkscape-unicorn Inkscape extension for outputting G-Code for the MakerBot Unicorn Pen Plotter
- rePresent A SVG presentation tool: started as revamped version of JessyInk. Based on Inkscape export filters and a bit of JavaScript for the browser part.
- gimp_psd inkscape extension. create a psd file.
- inkscape-openscad-poly Inkscape extension for exporting drawings as OpenSCAD modules of polygon() calls.
- inkscape-unicorn Inkscape extension for outputting G-Code for the MakerBot Unicorn Pen Plotter
- inkscape-svg2jpg Inkscape output plugin for saving SVG files in JPG format.
- svg2css An Inkscape Plugin which converts SVG to HTML+CSS.
- csv_output An extension for Inkscape useful for extracting plottable data from SVG scatterplots.
- inkscape-addons Inkscape add-ons
- inkmacs experimental emacs/inkscape bridge
- pyink-lite
- yai
- Inkscape-Mockup-Toolkit SVG UI elements for web design in Inkscape
- inkscape-bootstrap-templates Twitter Bootstrap templates for Inkscape
- ionic-ui SVG (Vector) UI elements for ionic framework in inkscape
- svg-pixel-art Pixel art as SVG vectors
- brightandshiny Inkscape color palette that doesn't suck
- inkscape-scad-lsystems Using the L-Systems generator in Inkscape to create SVGs
- inkscape-schematic-symbols Collection of Inkscape svg files for drawing schematics and RF/microwave block diagrams
- inkscape-artpack Easily set up Inkscape with saner defaults for creating icons & mockups
- inkscape-mockups
- playground A SparkleShared repo for example artwork, such as interesting doodles in Inkscape
- Bootstrap-SVG-Grid 1070 Inkscape grid, edited up to lastest version of Boostrap (3.3.2).
- fruga-brand Fruga brand scripts, svg, png
- color-blindness-emulation SVG filter collection that emulate 8 types of color blindness.
- svg-sets
- swatcheroo A tool to create Inkscape / GIMP color swatches
- papercraft Hand-coded SVG lettering
- involute-gear-collection involute gear collection – dxf and stl files
- svg_drawings I like to use Inkscape to draw things in SVG
- colourlovers-to-gpl Dirty scripts to get palettes from colourlovers api and transform 'em into inkscape/gimp gpl palettes
- inkscape_extension_template An explicit inkscape template to be modified to make new extensions.
- CookieCutters Cookie Cutters + Script to make them from SVG files.
- rethinkscape A new UX/UI proposal for inkscape
- inkscape-open-symbols Open source icon sets to use as Inkscape symbols
- inkscape-osx-builder Tools for building Inkscape on OSX
- create-dmg A shell script to build fancy DMGs
- svg2cairo SVG to Cairo code converter.
- svg2imagemap.py Converts basic SVG paths to coordinate based values for HTML Area tags
- wpi2svg Pyhton script for converting WACOM Inkling files to SVG
- svgtopng Nice script for converting SVG image sequence to PNG using Inkscape CLI
- svgToQuartz A first attempt at a script that converts svg paths to Apple Quartz2D commands
- svg-objects-export Export multiple SVG elements to other formats (png, pdf, ps, eps, svg), selecting them based on their ID with regular expressions, or XPath expression.
- InkScape_layers_export Short bash script to use InkScape to create powerpoint-like presentations.
- svg2font Basic files to prepare a font within inkscape and render a ttf
- inkexport Batch export script for iOS developer who uses Inkscape
- montai multi-threaded inkscape renderer
- SVGExport Scripts for exporting SVG to png files
- SVG2PNG Simple Nautilus script to convert SVG to PNG based on DPI or resolution.
- svg2gcode an svg-file to gcode converter using optimized paths. Written in C and nanosvg.h by Mikko Mononen. Compiles on OS X, Linux, Windows or maybe on every platform having C-compiler.
- SVGlayers2pdf Converting SVG Inkscape layers to PDF
- svggvs Ruby application for using Inkscape files as templates for board game cards
- invites generate printable invite postcards from inkscape templates and csv address data
- export_icons Inkscape Icon Export Script for Mobile Apps
- svg2imap Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/svg2imap
- AutoExport Automatically export groups of an inkscape file as multiple formats (png, eps, svg)
- svg2tikz Convert SVG figures to TiKZ
- inkscape-survex-export Inkscape extension to export a survex (.svx) file""
- svg2sdf converts mol and sdf files to svg
- SavageFlask XFL to SVG conversion utility written in Ruby.
- icons2font This utility takes vector icons in svg format and convert them to icon fonts (svg,ttf,waff,eot) to be display in all browsers.
- svgpages Split a multilayer svg into multiple single pages, based on layer names
- inkmake Makefile inspired export from SVG files using Inkscape as backend with some added smartness.
- svgToDxf Shell script that uses inkscape and pstoedit to convert svgToDxf
- SvgReplaceColors All in the name
- check_svg Check SVG for conformance with draft-brownlee-svg
- sozi-tools Helpers for Inkscape / Sozi presentations
- polylinize.py Python script to convert connected SVG line elements into polylines
- python_svg_batch_tools Python scripts for SVG : style, raster, compose.
- scour Scour - an SVG scrubber
- node-svgfilter A readable/writable stream that manipulates SVG files
- SVG-Optimiser A python module to clear up SVG files, especially those created in Inkscape
- Ez-Inkscape
- svgtune Simple helper to tune SVGs (Inkscape oriented): useful for generation of incremental slides out of single .svg
- scruffy Makes SVG shapes look hand-drawn and creates UML diagrams using yUML (http://yuml.me) syntax
- png2svg pixel by pixel png -> svg
- pyrspective Python code to generate SVG for perspective drafting/drawing
- svg_stack concatenate SVG files
- identicon Shell script for creating identicons with direct SVG rendering or ImageMagick based rendering
- ep2svg Tool to convert .ep files (http://pencil.evolus.vn/) to SVG
- sharpvg Converts bitmaps to beautifully pixelated SVGs
- PNG2SGV Converts PNG images into a beautiful SVG vector graphic. Specially suited for small bitmaps / sprite images.
- utils.layer2svg extract layers from an inkscape svg into separate svg files
- pyTartan Convert tartan setts to SVG
- pisa Cartesian plots in SVG
- QuartzSVG A Mac program that draws with Quartz to the screen, while writing an equivalent SVG file to the console.
- pdf2svg A simple PDF to SVG converter using the Poppler and Cairo libraries
- dh_inkscape_tools null
- font_to_svg Render characters from font files into an SVG path
- svgCombiner shell script that combines separate svg files into a single one that can be used via references. Standardizes fill=currentColor. Generates a test/example html file.
- stipplegen Software that can create stipple drawings and “TSP art,” from image files
- png2svg Convert PNG to SVG.
- inkscape-centerline-trace A bitmap vectorizer that can trace along the centerline of a stroke. The builtin inkscape 'trace bitmap' can only trace edges, thus resulting in double lines for most basic use cases. It uses 'autotrace -centerline' and an optimal threshold to vectorize a pixel image
- svg-generator An online SVG Graphics Generator with the ability to export to SVG.
- boxes Python module for generationg SVG plots for laser cutting boxes
- ggears Software for creating both internal and external gears in SVG and DXF formats
- boardgame-tools Generates printable sheets of cards from SVG/CSV templates.
- wpi2svg Command-line Wacom WPI to SVG converter written in GOLANG
- freqpy Frequent chinese characters - Wallpapers
- png2svg Convert PNG images to SVG.
- spiral-calendar Python code to generate a spiral-shaped calendar in SVG.
- freestylesvg SVG output for Blender Freestyle
- gencards A bash file that generates SVG playing cards
- svgsplit Utility to split Inkscape SVG files into layers
- libemf2svg EMF to SVG conversion library
- vss2svg Visio stencils converter to svg
- pixel2svg
- FontAwesomeSVG Automatically create an SVG from the FontAwesome Cheatsheet page for use with Inkscape and Adobe Illustrator
- noirinator Python scripts to process individual Blender output images into a vectorized high-contrast single-file starting point for a comic book scene in SVG
- story-notes A simple tool to get user stories written in a text file into notes that you can put on the wall. Currently depends on PyYAML, Inkscape and Pritt Glue Roller...
- svg-group-files A command-line application that takes an SVG with multiple elements and splits them into their own files.
- FontToSvgsToFont Script for extracting svgs from icon font and script for reversing this process so edited svgs get slurped back into the font. Tested on Ubuntu. Requires FontForge.
- sbc Simple Bar Charter - CLI to easily generate simple bar charts in SVG
- spc Simple Pie Charter - CLI to easily generate simple pie charts in SVG
- svg-meme SVG meme / image macro generator
- acorn2svg Convert .acorn files to SVG
- clipartcam clipartcam
- hama-pixels Code to create an SVG file from image pixels, but move the colors into a limited range
- StendigCalendar Use python, pysvg to make Stendig calendars in SVG and PDF
- symbol_creator Symbol Library Creator for Inkscape
- docstamp A SVG template renderer from table data based on Inkscape and Jinja2.
- PNG2SVG NPM module to convert PNG files to blocky SVG images to be used with retro sprites.
- graffle2svg Mirror of BSD https://code.google.com/p/graffle2svg/
- inkscape-layers Splits Inkscape SVG layers into individual SVG documents
- svgclip Clip SVG files to the size of actual drawing. Uses Inkscape to get bounding box.
- inklingreader A GNU/Linux-friendly version of the Wacom Inkling SketchManager.
- inkscape-export-layers Export selected layers from Inkscape SVG.
- svg-resizer Basic cli utility to batch resize svg files
- SVG_Python_Tools SVG Python tools
- ShapeDetector A program that detects shapes in an image and converts them into svg
- dot-matrix creates a SVG version of the image, in which the pixels are circles
- svg-resize Resizes and frames an SVG image
- polygonization library to convert SVG into a set of straight line polygons
- easy-embroidery
- svgsize A simple library that reads size (dimensions) from a SVG image
- svglib An experimental library for reading and converting SVG
- svg_utils Python tools to create and manipulate SVG files
- svgplot
- svg A Python SVG parser and drawing module
- svgcuts SVG with an eye to laser cutting
- simple_svg_parser A small library for getting geometry out of an svg file
- pysvg simple svg parser and editor
- diffsvg A diff tool for SVG files
- play-svg play-SVG is a set of libraries for the generation of geometric imagery in SVG format
- svglue Create templates using Inkscape, then fill them in (and render them to PDF, if you like).
- svg_plot Plot data in SVG format using C++ library.
- text2path Convert text to svg paths
- chalk Chalk is a Python module for vizualizing various Python data structures in SVG format.
- svg.path SVG path objects and parser
- svgplease Command line tool for manipulating svg files.
- svg-position-optimizer Take a set of SVGs and Optimally Position to Minimize Wasted Space on a Given Surface Area, for use with laser cutter projects
Could you please add https://github.com/Fab-Lab-Fabulous-St-Pauli-Hamburg-DE/InkscapeExtension_BetterBetterDXFOutput2021