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UniRx入門 ~ データバインディングとUnityイベント関数の購読 ~ ref:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UniRx;
public class DataBindingSample1 : MonoBehaviour
// NOTE: newするときに初期値を与えることが可能
public ReactiveProperty<int> _intProperty = new ReactiveProperty<int>(1);
public ReactiveProperty<float> _floatProperty = new ReactiveProperty<float>(0.1f);
public ReactiveProperty<bool> _boolProperty = new ReactiveProperty<bool>(true);
public ReactiveProperty<string> _stringProperty = new ReactiveProperty<string>("ABC");
private Text[] _texts;
void Start()
// バインド(購読)する
void Update()
// それぞれの値を適当に更新してみる
_floatProperty.Value += 0.1f;
_boolProperty.Value = !_boolProperty.Value;
_stringProperty.Value += "a";
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UniRx;
public class DataBindingSample2 : MonoBehaviour
// NOTE: ジェネリックを使っていないので値をInspectorからセットできる
public IntReactiveProperty _intProperty = new IntReactiveProperty();
public FloatReactiveProperty _floatProperty = new FloatReactiveProperty();
public BoolReactiveProperty _boolProperty = new BoolReactiveProperty();
public StringReactiveProperty _stringProperty = new StringReactiveProperty();
private Text[] _texts;
private Button _button;
void Start()
// バインド(購読)する
_intProperty.Subscribe(value => _texts[0].text = value.ToString("D5"));
_floatProperty.Subscribe(value => _texts[1].text = (value * 10).ToString("F1"));
// NOTE: ButtonのInteractableにもバインドできる!
_stringProperty.Subscribe(value => _texts[3].text = value.Replace('a', 'z'));
void Update()
// それぞれの値を適当に更新してみる
_floatProperty.Value += 0.1f;
_boolProperty.Value = !_boolProperty.Value;
_stringProperty.Value += "a";
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UniRx;
public class DataBindingSample3 : MonoBehaviour
#region private ReactiveProperty
private IntReactiveProperty _intProperty = new IntReactiveProperty();
private FloatReactiveProperty _floatProperty = new FloatReactiveProperty();
private BoolReactiveProperty _boolProperty = new BoolReactiveProperty();
private StringReactiveProperty _stringProperty = new StringReactiveProperty();
#region public IReadOnlyReactiveProperty
public IReadOnlyReactiveProperty<int> IntProperty {
get { return _intProperty; }
public IReadOnlyReactiveProperty<float> FloatProperty {
get { return _floatProperty; }
public IReadOnlyReactiveProperty<bool> BoolProperty {
get { return _boolProperty; }
public IReadOnlyReactiveProperty<string> StringProperty {
get { return _stringProperty; }
private Text[] _texts;
private Button _button;
void Update()
// それぞれの値を適当に更新してみる
_floatProperty.Value += 0.1f;
_boolProperty.Value = !_boolProperty.Value;
_stringProperty.Value += "a";
using UniRx;
.Subscribe(pause => Debug.Log("pause:" + pause))
.AddTo(this) // MonoBehaviourで使う時はこれを書いておくと良い
public interface IReadOnlyReactiveProperty<T> : IObservable<T>
T Value { get; }
bool HasValue { get; }
public interface IReactiveProperty<T> : IReadOnlyReactiveProperty<T>
new T Value { get; set; }
public class ReactiveProperty<T> : IReactiveProperty<T>, IDisposable, IOptimizedObservable<T>
// 実装
var trigger = gameObject.AddComponent<ObservableEventTrigger>();
.Subscribe(e => Debug.Log("OnPointerClick"));
var trigger = gameObject.AddComponent<ObservableEventTrigger>();
.Subscribe(e => Debug.Log("OnPointerClick"));
using UniRx;
// AsObservable()での変換だと初期値は購読時に送られてこない
// 初期値が購読時に送られてくるver.
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UniRx;
using UniRx.Triggers;
public class Player : MonoBehaviour
public BoolReactiveProperty IsPoisoned = new BoolReactiveProperty();
public IntReactiveProperty Hp = new IntReactiveProperty();
public ReadOnlyReactiveProperty<bool> IsDead;
void Awake()
Hp.Value = 100;
// getterを作るような感じで新しいReactivePropertyを作れる
IsDead = Hp.Select(x => x <= 0).ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty();
void Start()
.Where(value => value) // trueに変化したときだけ通知
.SelectMany(_ => Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))) // 1秒ごとのタイマーに差し替え
.Take(10) // 10個来たら終わり
.TakeWhile(_ => IsPoisoned.Value && !IsDead.Value) // どちらかがtrueで終わり
.DoOnCompleted(() => IsPoisoned.Value = false)
.RepeatUntilDestroy(this) // 1回の毒が終わったら最初から購読し直し
.Subscribe(_ => Hp.Value -= 1);
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;
namespace UniRx
public static partial class UnityUIComponentExtensions
public static IDisposable SubscribeToText(this IObservable<string> source, TextMeshProUGUI text)
return source.SubscribeWithState(text, (x, t) => t.text = x);
public static IDisposable SubscribeToText<T>(this IObservable<T> source, TextMeshProUGUI text)
return source.SubscribeWithState(text, (x, t) => t.text = x.ToString());
public static IDisposable SubscribeToText<T>(this IObservable<T> source, TextMeshProUGUI text, Func<T, string> selector)
return source.SubscribeWithState2(text, selector, (x, t, s) => t.text = s(x));
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