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Last active April 19, 2017 18:05
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LPG Usage by SimplyGuest Tenants

SimplyGuest houses come with a fully functional kitchen. As part of it, we provide a gas stove and provide unlimited LPG.

We have one LPG connection per house. Over the last one year we have replaced 77 cylinders. That's 3.3 cylinders per house. A cylinder purchased every 5 days. Some houses have never exhausted their very first cylinder, while one particular house consumes one complete cylinder every month.

Are exits linked anyway to LPG usage?

LPG usage is an indication of how close the flatmates have become. Its difficult to cook for just oneself. So most people, even the ones who love cooking, often eat outside or get food delivered home. The following chart shows house-wise usage of LPG and their exits. Bars in the chart are rarely balanced, they are heavier one one side most of the time. Houses that use up more LPG have fewer exits. The opposite is also true. That's good news for us. Customer acquisition cost is a lot higher than LPG cylinder cost.

We see many flatmates hire an external cook. This is more common than we thought. Obviously, wherever there is a cook, LPG usage is also higher.

Some houses use so little LPG, they still have the same cylinder we provided them in the beginning.

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<title>LPG Usage</title>
<meta name="description" content="SimplyGuest houses come with a fully functional kitchen. As part of it, we provide a gas stove and provide unlimited LPG. Our guests just have to call us whe...">
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House 1 2 tcount sex
Sumukha Greenville 210 3 3 3 women
Sumukha Elegance 300 4 2 3 women
Oudumbara Studio 1BHK 0 2 2 men
Natasha Villa 4 2 4 women
Oudumbara Third Floor 2 12 5 men
Sumukha Greenville 206(Duplex) 9 6 5 women
SPP 202 1 1 2 men
Royal Palace 105 4 1 3 men
Royal Palace 205 5 1 2 men
Kiran 1 2 4 5 men
Sumukha Greenville 402 0 3 0 women
Royal Palace 110 1 1 3 men
Royal Palace 101 3 1 3 men
SPP 201 3 2 1 men
Pruthvi Paradise 302 4 3 4 men
Sumukha Greenville 407 (Duplex) 3 1 5 women
Kiran 4 5 3 4 women
Kiran 2 6 2 5 women
Aishwarya Splendour 201 2 7 6 women
Oudumbara First Floor 10 2 4 men
Oudumbara Second Floor 7 5 2 men
Srinivasa A2 0 3 4 men
Sumukha Greenville 406 0 3 5 women
Aditi 2 2 7 women
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