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Created July 26, 2011 00:04
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#!/usr/bin/env python
#coding: utf8
#################################### IMPORTS ###################################
# Std Libs
import re
from re import sre_parse, sre_compile
from itertools import izip, islice
#################################### README ####################################
""" Horrible, horrible implementation of sorting, by selector bestmatch """
def memoize(func):
"Implementation taken from python test suite"
saved = {}
def call(*args):
return saved[args]
except KeyError:
res = func(*args)
saved[args] = res
return res
except TypeError:
# Unhashable argument
return func(*args)
call.func_name = func.func_name
return call
def normalize_scope(scope):
""" Sublime returns scopes that are not sane!
>>> for pt in xrange(0, view.size()):
>>> scope = view.syntaxName(pt)
>>> assert view.matchSelector(pt, normalize_scope(scope))
return ' '.join(reversed(map(unicode.strip, scope.split())))
def simple_specificity(selector, scope):
if re.match(re.escape(selector) + '(\.|$)', scope):
# scope.startswith(selector):
return selector.count('.') + 1
def single_selector_specificity(selector, scope):
all_selectors, all_scopes = [s.split() for s in (selector, scope)]
specificity = []
level = len(all_scopes)
for n, simple_selector in enumerate(reversed(all_selectors)):
for i, simple_scope in enumerate(reversed(all_scopes[:level])):
spec = simple_specificity(simple_selector, simple_scope)
if spec:
specificity.insert(0, (level-i, spec))
level -= (i+1)
if n+1 != len(specificity):
return []
return specificity
################################# SCOPE PARSER #################################
class operator(unicode): pass
def scanner():
def s_ident(scanner, token): return token.strip()
def s_operator(scanner, token): return operator(token)
def s_expression(scanner, token): return scanner.scan(token[1:-1])[0]
return re.Scanner ([
( r"\(.*?\)", s_expression),
( r"(([a-z][a-z-]*[a-z]?\.?)+ ?)+", s_ident),
( r"(,|\|\||-)", s_operator),
( r"\s+", None)
############################# SELECTOR SPECIFICITY #############################
def compare_candidates(c1, c2):
for t1, t2 in izip(reversed(c1), reversed(c2)):
either_is_greater = cmp(t1, t2)
if either_is_greater: return either_is_greater
return cmp(len(c1), len(c2))
def sort_candidates(candidates, key=lambda i: i[0], reverse=True):
return sorted(candidates, cmp=compare_candidates, key=key, reverse=reverse )
def selector_specificity(selector, scope):
if not isinstance(selector, list):
selector, jibberish = scanner.scan(selector)
if jibberish: print repr(jibberish)
prev_operation = operation = None
candidates = []
for token in selector:
if not isinstance(token, operator):
if isinstance(token, list):
specificity = selector_specificity(token, scope)
elif not (operation == '-' and not candidates):
specificity = single_selector_specificity(token, scope)
if operation == '-':
if candidates and specificity and prev_operation != '-':
elif specificity:
prev_operation = operation
operation = token
return sorted(candidates, cmp=compare_candidates)[-1] if candidates else []
def sort_by_scope ( scope,
keep_non_matches=True ):
candidates =[]
for i, item in enumerate(to_sort):
selector = item[scope_index]
specificity = selector_specificity( selector, scope )
if specificity or keep_non_matches:
candidates.append((specificity, i ))
return [to_sort[i[1]] for i in sort_candidates(candidates)]
class selector_map(dict):
def all(self, scope):
return sort_by_scope(scope, self.items(), keep_non_matches=False)
def __getitem__(self, item):
candidates = self.all(item)
if candidates: return candidates[0][1]
##################################### TESTS ####################################
if 1:
assert selector_specificity('a, a.b.c -d -z', 'a.b.c d') == [(1, 1)]
assert selector_specificity('a -d, a.b.c -d -z', 'a.b.c d') == []
assert selector_specificity('a || a.b.c -d -z', 'a.b.c d') == [(1, 1)]
assert ( scanner.scan('punctuation string - meta.monkey-balls') ==
(['punctuation string', '-', 'meta.monkey-balls'], '') )
assert simple_specificity('selector', 'selector.rules') == 1
assert simple_specificity('selector.rules.monkey', 'selector.rules') is None
assert single_selector_specificity (
'string punctuation',
'text.xml meta.tag.xml string.quoted.double.xml '
'punctuation.definition.string.begin.xml' ) == [(3, 1), (4, 1)]
assert single_selector_specificity (
u'text.xml meta.tag.xml string.quoted.double.xml punctuation.definition.string.begin.xml'
) == [(3, 1)]
assert simple_specificity('', '') == 3
assert selector_specificity('', 'source.python meta.function.python') == [(3, 3)]
a_scope = 'text.html.basic meta.tag.block.any.html'
c1 = selector_specificity('meta.tag entity', a_scope)
c2 = selector_specificity('', a_scope)
assert sorted([c1, c2], cmp=compare_candidates)[1] == c2
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