不論是大學畢業想要找工作、或是正在抉擇碩班的領域,抑或是回心轉意回到資訊領域的懷抱,都可以參考這一篇分享。 前提是,你確定目前的你在未來打算在資訊領域打滾一陣(輩)子。 那這篇會非常非常適合你參考看看。
這篇分享是依據自己的經驗,給自己下的一些小結論,希望分享給大家,讓大家可以少走一點坎坷路。 至於自己的坎坷嘛!就只會在 2018/12/08 這天有機會分享給大家拉!
加入代码审计小密圈: https://wx.xiaomiquan.com/mweb/views/joingroup/join_group.html?group_id=2212251881
--- | |
apiVersion: v1 | |
kind: ServiceAccount | |
metadata: | |
name: multus | |
namespace: kube-system | |
--- | |
kind: ConfigMap | |
apiVersion: v1 | |
metadata: |
!function () { | |
var global = this; | |
var old_eval = global.eval; | |
var old_const = global.Function.prototype.constructor; | |
global.Function.prototype.constructor = function (code) { | |
console.log('Function Constructor: ' + code); | |
return old_const(code); | |
}; | |
global.eval = function (code) { | |
console.log('EVIL: ' + code); |
In this article, I will share some of my experience on installing NVIDIA driver and CUDA on Linux OS. Here I mainly use Ubuntu as example. Comments for CentOS/Fedora are also provided as much as I can.
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