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My git alias list. Running 'git alias' will pretty-print these commands to the terminal.
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# Some options that may or may not be applicable to you | |
[user] | |
name = Zach Olivare | |
email = [email protected] | |
[push] | |
default = upstream | |
[core] | |
autocrlf = input # Force replacing CRLF line endings with LF | |
ignorecase = false | |
[merge] | |
ff = no # Never fast forward merge (I would have just moved the branch pointer manually) | |
tool = code # Use VS Code to merge | |
[mergetool "code"] | |
cmd = code --wait --merge $REMOTE $LOCAL $BASE $MERGED # Use VS Code as merge tool | |
[credential] | |
helper = store # Auto-store git credentials to avoid having to enter them every time | |
# A great syntax highlighter for diffs: https://github.com/dandavison/delta | |
[pager] | |
diff = delta | |
log = delta | |
reflog = delta | |
show = delta | |
[pull] | |
ff = only | |
[init] | |
# When running `git init` create main as the default branch instead of master | |
defaultBranch = main | |
# A long list of useful git aliases | |
[alias] | |
# === Common Commands === | |
s = status # Shortcut for status | |
b = branch # Shortcut for branch | |
a = add . # Shortcut for "add ." | |
d = difftool # Shortcut for difftool | |
m = mergetool # Shortcut for mergetool | |
f = fetch --all --prune # Fetch and prune all remotes | |
po = push origin # Shortcut for push origin | |
pu = push upstream # Shortcut for push upstream | |
cp = cherry-pick # Shortcut for cherry-pick | |
cpcont = cherry-pick --continue # Shortcut for cherry-pick --continue | |
rh = reset --hard # Shortcut for reset hard | |
r = rebase # Shortcut for rebase | |
rcont = rebase --continue # Shortcut for rebase --continue | |
ra = rebase --abort # Shortcut for rebase --abort | |
rem = remote # Shortcut for remote | |
pr = remote prune # Shortcut for remote prune | |
prune = remote prune # Shortcut for remote prune | |
rd = range-diff # Shortcut for range-diff | |
pushf = push --force-with-lease # Force push, but only so long as nothing has been updated on the remote that I haven't fetched | |
# === Assorted === | |
stu = !git stash show -p | git apply -R # Stash un-apply | |
alias = "!grep -E '( =|^$)' ~/.gitconfig | sed -E -e 's/=.+#//' | less" # List formatted aliases and descriptions | |
al2 = "!git config -l" | grep alias | cut -c 7- # List aliases with expanded commands | |
mff = merge --ff-only # Shortcut for merge ff only | |
mnf = merge --no-ff # Shortcut for merge no ff | |
rmh = remote set-head origin -d # Remove origin/HEAD | |
ignore = !git rm -r --cached . && git add . # Fix untracked files, commit all changes first | |
orig = !find -name "*.orig" -delete # Delete all files ending in ".orig" | |
hide = update-index --skip-worktree # Keep a certain file from appearing in diffs | |
unhide = update-index --no-skip-worktree # Allow a hidden file to again appear in diffs | |
# === File Management === | |
un = reset HEAD # More logical name for reset HEAD | |
disc = checkout -- # Reverts a path to the last committed state | |
co = checkout # Shortcut for checkout | |
cob = checkout -b # Create a new branch and then switch to the newly created branch | |
# === Commit Commands === | |
cm = commit -n # Shortcut for commit | |
com = commit -nm # Commit with in-line message | |
cam = commit -nam # Stage all tracked and untracked files and then commit with in-line message | |
amend = commit -n --amend # Add staged files to the previous commit. Changes the SHA-1 of the previous commit | |
fix = commit -n --amend --no-edit # Amend the previous commit with all currently staged changes, keeps the previous commit message | |
afix = !git add . && git fix # Amend the previous commit with all changes, keeps the previous commit message | |
fixup = !git add . && git fix && git push up --force-with-lease # Amend all current changes into the previous commit and force update the remote branch | |
tmp = commit -nm 'WIP - incremental commit' # Quick command for saving work progress which will be modified later | |
atmp = !git add . && git tmp # Make a temporary commit out of all current changes | |
# === Working with Previous Commit Commands === | |
r1 = reset HEAD^ # Move HEAD pointer back one commit and keep all changes in the working directory | |
r2 = reset HEAD^^ # Move HEAD pointer back two commits and keep all changes in the working directory | |
f1 = reset HEAD@{1} # Move HEAD pointer forward one commit | |
d1 = difftool HEAD^ HEAD # Diff a file with itself from the previous commit | |
d2 = difftool HEAD^^ HEAD # Diff a file with itself from two commits ago | |
doc = ! /c/batch/diffOneCommit.bat # Get the diff of a single commit ("diff one commit") | |
dh = remote set-head origin -d | |
dname = diff --name-only # Show the names of all files changed between two commits. Usage: "git dname SHA1 SHA2" | |
# === Branch management === | |
dbr = push origin --delete # Delete branch remote | |
parseBranchName = !git branch | grep '*' | sed 's/* //' # Get the current branch name | |
publish = !git parseBranchName | xargs git po -u # Create a copy of the current branch on origin | |
pushup = !git branch | grep '*' | sed 's/* /head:zp\\//' | xargs git push up -u # Create current branch on remote 'up' with prefix 'zp/' | |
delup = !git branch | grep '*' | sed 's/* /zp\\//' | xargs git push up --delete # Delete the remote branch matching 'zp/<current-branch>' | |
del = branch -D # Delete local branch | |
master = !git move master up/master | |
main = !git move main up/main | |
dev = !git move dev up/dev | |
move = branch -f | |
# === Logging === | |
last = log -1 --decorate # Show the last commit on the current branch | |
# Possible colors: normal, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white | |
# Possible modifiers: bold (neon), dim, ul, blink, reverse | |
# Common placeholders: %C()-change color, %h-short commit hash, %d-ref names, %cn-committer name, %ar-relative date | |
pretty = log --pretty=format:"%C(auto)%h%d\\ %s\\ %C(cyan)[%aN]" | |
lsb = !git pretty --graph # List commits on this branch, formatted | |
lsd = log --pretty=format:"%C(auto)%h%d\\ %s\\ %C(cyan)[%aN]\\ %C(magenta)[%ad]" --graph --all -20 # List commits including date | |
lsa = !git lsb --all # List all commits | |
ls = !git lsa -20 # List last 20 commits | |
lsfa = !git lsa --numstat # List all commits and their changed files | |
lsf = !git lsfa -10 # List last 10 commits and their changed files | |
local-branch-dates = !git for-each-ref --sort=committerdate refs/heads/ --format='%(HEAD) %(color:yellow)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(authorname) (%(color:green)%(committerdate:relative)%(color:reset))' # Get the activity date for each local branch | |
remote-branch-dates = !git branch -r --sort=-committerdate --format='%(HEAD)%(color:yellow)%(refname:short)|%(color:bold green)%(committerdate:relative)|%(color:blue)|%(color:magenta)%(authorname)%(color:reset)' --color=always | column -ts'|' | |
lm = log --pretty=%B -1 # Print out the entirety of the previous log message, pipe to pbcopy for copying to clipboard. | |
search = !git pretty --all -S # Search for text within a commit | |
# === Windows helpers === | |
xp = !explorer . # Opens Windows Explorer to the current directory | |
op = !start # Starts the default editor for the specified file | |
cmd = !sh -c 'start' # Starts Windows Command Prompt to the current directory | |
# === URL generation === | |
rrl = !sh -c 'echo $(git config remote.${1:-origin}.url | sed -E s/[a-z]+@\\(.+?\\):\\(.+\\)\\.git$/\\\\\\1\\\\\\/\\\\\\2/)' - # Get the URL of a repository (origin by default) | |
crl = !sh -c 'echo $(git rrl)"/commit/"$(echo $(git rev-parse $([ "$0" = "sh" ] && echo HEAD || echo $0)))' # Get the GitHub URL of the revision (HEAD by default) | |
brl = !sh -c 'BRANCH=${1:-$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)} && echo $(git rrl $(git config branch.$BRANCH.remote))"/tree/"$(git config branch.$BRANCH.merge | sed -E s/refs.heads.//)' - # Get the GitHub URL of a branch (HEAD by default) | |
# == Web launching === | |
hb = !sh -c 'git web--browse $(git rrl ${1})' - # Launches a web browser for a remote repository (origin by default) | |
chb = !sh -c 'git web--browse $(git crl ${1})' - # Launches a web browser for a specific commit (HEAD by default) | |
bhb = !sh -c 'git web--browse $(git brl ${1})' - # Launches a web browser for a specific branch (HEAD by default) | |
# == Proxy === | |
setproxy = !git config --global http.proxy && git config --global https.proxy && npm config set proxy && npm config set https-proxy | |
rmvproxy = !git config --global --unset http.proxy && git config --global --unset https.proxy && npm config rm proxy && npm config rm https-proxy |
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