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Created July 6, 2018 07:35
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List of Fred's ImageMagick Scripts (
2colorthresh - Automatically thresholds an image to binary (b/w) format using an adaptive spatial subdivision color reduction technique
3Dbox - Generates a perspective view of a 3D box at any orientation with pictures pasted on each of its sides
3Dcover - Wraps an image around the front and left or right side of box viewed in rotated perspective
3Dreflection - Adds a fading reflection below an image and views it in perspective
3Drotate - Applies a perspective distortion to an image by providing three rotation angles, zoom, offsets, background color, perspective exaggeration and auto zoom/centering 3Dtext - Converts text into an image with a 3D extrusion effect accentedges - Applies accented edges to an image
adaptivegamma - Enhances the contrast/brightness in an image using a locally adaptive gamma method
anglegradient - Creates a gradient effect at a specific orientation angle
aspect - Resizes an image to a specific size allowing either cropping or padding to deal with the aspect ratio change
aspectcrop - Crops an image to a specified aspect ratio
aspectpad - Pads an image with a color to a specified aspect ratio and orientation
autocaption - Places text automatically in a specified square size region that has the least color variation
autocolor - Automatically color balances an image
autogamma - Modifies an image to automatically apply a gamma correction
autolabel - Places text automatically in a specified size region that best matches a reference color
autolevel - Modifies an image to automatically stretch the dynamic range between full black and white and automatically apply a gamma correction
autotone - Automatically tone balances an image
autotone2 - Automatically tone balances an image
autotrim - Automatically trims the background border around a normally oriented or rotated image
autowhite - Automatically adjusts the white balance of an image
balance - Transforms the image to enhance the shadows, midtones and highlight regions of the image
bcimage - Changes the brightness, contrast and/or saturation of an image
bcmatch - Modifies one image to try to match its brightness, contrast and optionally saturation to that of another image
bevel - Applies an inner bevel or outer bevel or emboss effect to an image
bevelborder - Applies a bevel effect to border of an image
bilinearwarp - bilinearwarp --- Generates a proper four-point bilinear warp of the input image
binomial - Generates high pass or low pass filtered images based upon convolution kernels whose weights are derived from the binomial coefficients
binomialedge - Sharpens (or blurs) an image near edges using a Binomial shaped filter.
bordereffects - Creates various dispersion-like effects in the border of an image
bordergrid - Creates various grid effects in the border of an image
bubblewarp - Applies or reverses a warp of an image onto a bubble
bump - Applies a hemispherical-like bump distortion to an image
bumptext - Applies a raised text effect onto an image.
camerablur - Blurs an image in the frequency domain using an ideal blurring filter for either motion blur or lens defocus
cameradeblur - Deblurs an image in the frequency domain using an ideal deblurring filter for either motion blur or lens defocus
captcha - Creates a six-alphanumeric-character image for use as a challenge response test
cartoon - Creates a cartoon-like appearance to an image
centertrim - Trims an image so as to preserve the image center
cepstrum - Creates the cepstrum to depict the type, amount and orientation of camera type blurring in an image
chrome - Applies a chrome effect to a binary image
clip - Stretches the channels of an image to full black and white according to a clip amount on each end of the histogram
collage - Creates a multi-variant collage of the input image</a></li>
color2alpha - Creates a ramped alpha channel from the input image according to the specified color.
color2gray - Mixes the color channels from an image into a single grayscale image using a weighted combination
coloration - Mixes the color channels from an image into a grayscale image and then tints it
colorbalance - Manually color balances an image
colorbalance2 - Manually color balances an image
colorboost - Enhances the color in an under saturated image
colorcells - Randomly modifies the color of rectangular cells of an image
colorconverter - To convert any valid ImageMagick color specification to the other ImageMagick color representations
colorcoords - Locates in the image the first location and/or last location for the closest pixel within the fuzz value to the color specified
colorfilter - Applies a photographic color filter to an image
colorfulness - Computes a metric that represents the colorfulness of an image
colorglow - Applies a color glow effect to an image
colorspectrum - Generates a spectrum-like image from the colors in an image
colortemp - Transforms an image's overall color balance according to a desired color temperature change
colortoning - Color tones an image in highlights and/or shadows and/or overall
cone - Draws a cone-shaped object on an image
conformal - Applies a conformal mapping to an image
contour - Applies a contour outline to the image content
corners - Detects corner structures in an image
cosinebell - Creates a cosine-bell-shaped tapered alpha channel in an image and optionally blends the image into a background image.
crosshatch - Applies a crosshatch effect to an image
crossprocess - Applies a color crossprocessing effect to an image
cube2sphericalpano - Transforms 6 cube face images into a spherical panorama image
cumhist - Creates the combined grayscale cumulative histogram of one or more images
curves - Generate a smoothly interpolated, curved mapping look up table from a set of break points and applies it to an image
cylinderize - Applies a cylinder distortion to an image so that the image is wrapped about the cylinder
cylinderwarp - Applies a cylinder distortion to an image using a displacement map and arguments provided by the script cylinderize
davehilleffect - Applies a DaveHill-like effect to an image
defisheye - Corrects for fisheye distortion in an image
denoise - Reduces the noise in an image
derivative - Applies a first directional derivative filter to an image
diagcollage - Collages three images in a diagonal orientation
dice - Randomly rotates each successive square-sized patch in the image
disperse - Applies a dispersion effect to an image
dog - Create an edge extracted image using the difference of two Gaussian blurs
dominantcolor - Finds the dominant color in an image
dotproductcorr - Computes the dot product correlation surface to find where a small image best matches within a larger image
downsize - Downsizes (reduces) an image to a specified file size
draganeffect - Applies a Dragan-like effect to an image to enhance wrinkles creating a 'gritty' effect
dualtonemap - Enhances the shadows and/or highlight regions in an image
duotonemap - Enhances the shadows and/or highlight regions in an image
edgefx - Extracts the edges in an image and optionally composes them with the image to create interesting effects
edges - Applies edge extraction to image
emboss - Applies an emboss effect to an image
embroidery - Applies an embroidery effect to each color in an image
endpoints - Applies a Photoshop-like curves operation on an image that only adjusts the linear endpoints
enhancelab - Applies brightness/contrast/colorization enhancement on an image via LAB colorspace
enrich - Enhances an image by high pass filtering and composition
entropy - Computes the normalized entropy of an image channel-by-channel
exposure - Changes the exposure level of an image
feather - Feathers (smoothes) the white-to-black transition in a binary mask image
fftconvol - Performs convolution on an image in the frequency domain
fftdeconvol - Performs deconvolution on an image in the frequency domain
fftfilter - Performs filtering on an image in the frequency domain
filmgrain - Applies film grain noise to an image
fisheye - Applies a fisheye distortion to an image
fisheye2pano - Generates a strip panoramic image from a linear type fisheye image with optional vertical perspective correction
fisheye2rect - Generates a perspective (rectilinear) image from a region of a vertically viewed fisheye image
flicker - Displays and optionally save an animation of the input images
flickerchannel - Displays and optionally save an animation of the channels in an image
frosted - Applies a frosted glass effect to an image
furrowed - Applies a furrowed-looking effect to an image to enhance wrinkles creating a "gritty" look
fuzzythresh - Automatically thresholds an image to binary (b/w) format using the fuzzy c-means technique
fxtransitions - Creates an animated transition between two images using a special effect distortion
gaussian - Generates high pass or low pass filtered images based upon a Gaussian shaped convolution
gaussianedge - Sharpens (or blurs) an image near edges using a Gaussian shaped filter.
glasseffects - Modifies an image so that it appears to be viewed through textured and/or tiled glass
glow - Creates a glowing effect in an image
gradient - Applies a gradient filter to an image.
graytoning - Mixes color channels from an image into a grayscale image and optionally tints it.
grid - Superimposes a set of horizontal and/or vertical grid lines on an image
halo - Applies a circular halo to an image
hamming - Computes the percent hamming distance between two binary string perceptual hashes
hexagons - Creates a hexagonal grid of the randomly rotated input image
histcompare - Computes one of several metrics characterizing the difference between the histograms of two images
histmatch - Modifies one image to try to match its histogram and optionally saturation to that of another image
histog - Generates an output image which is composed of the histogramsfrom each channel of the input image
houghlines - Uses the Hough Transform technique to compute and display straight lines from a binary edge image
huemap - Transforms the hues in an image from one range to another
imageborder - Appends an image border by extending the outer regions of the image
innercrop - Crops an image to a rectangle that will just trim any irregularly shaped outer boundary color
interleave - Interleaves the channels of a single image or each image of a set of multiple images
interweave - Interleaves two images together in swaths
isodatathresh - Automatically thresholds an image to binary (b/w) format using the isodata technique
isolatecolor - Isolates a particular color in an image
isonoise - Reduces isolated noise in an image
juliaset - Creates a julia set fractal image
kaleidoscope - Applies a kaleidoscope effect to an image
kaleidoscopic - Applies a kaleidoscope effect to an image
kapurthresh - Automatically thresholds an image to binary (b/w) format using Kapur's entropy technique
kmeans - Applies k-means color reduction to an image
kmeansthresh - Automatically thresholds an image to binary (b/w) format using the k-means technique
kneemap - Creates a symmetric soft knee-shaped curved mapping look up table and applies it to an image
kuwahara - Applies a Kuwahara type edge preserving noise reduction filter to an image
laplacian - Applies a laplacian filter to an image
levelcolors - Applies a color level transformation to an image channel-by-channel
levels - Applies a Photoshop-like levels operation on an image
lichtenstein - Applies a Roy Lichtenstein newspaper cartoon effect to an image
limitedtrim - Trims an image on all sides by a maximum amount specified by the user
localthresh - Automatically thresholds an image to binary (b/w) format using a moving window adaptive thresholding approach
locatecolors - Modifies an image showing only those pixels which are within the specified color range
lucisarteffect - Applies a LucisArt-like effect to an image
lupe - Applies a magnifying glass effect in a local area of an image
magicwand - Isolates a contiguous region of an image based upon a color determined from a user specified image coordinate
mandala - Creates a Mandala type image from simple graphic figures
mandalascope - Converts an image into a mandala-like kaleidoscope image
mandelbrot - Creates a mandelbrot set fractal image
mapcolors - Maps or translates one set of colors in an image to another set of colors
matchimage - Matches the brightness and contrast of one image to another image
maxima - Locate one or more local maxima in a grayscale image
maxrgb - Converts an RGB image to keep only the channel with the maximum value at each pixel
median - Computes the median value of an image
melt - Creates a melting-like blur effect in an image
meshwarp - Warps an image according to a user supplied triangular mesh
mesmerize - Creates a mesmerizing animation from an image
midtonebalance - Color balances an image in the midtones in a manner similar to Photoshop
mirrorize - Creates a mirror effect in an image
mode - Computes the mode value of an image.
modulatecolor1 - Changes brightness, saturation and/or hue for any primary or secondary color in an image.
modulatecolor2 - Changes brightness, saturation and/or hue for any primary or secondary color in an image.
moments - Computes shift, scale and rotation invariant image moments as well as elliptical shape descriptors
morphology - Performs binary or grayscale morphologic operations on an image, including dilate, erode, open and close
mosaictiles - Applies a mosaic tiles effect to image
mottle - Applies various mottle effects to an image
multicrop - Crops and unrotates multiple images from a scanned image
multicrop2 - Crops and unrotates multiple images from a scanned image
multigradient - Creates either a linear or radial gradient image with two or more color stops
nearestcolor - Finds the nearest color value in an image to a reference color
neg2pos - Converts from a (scanned film) negative image to a positive image
negative2positive - Converts from a (scanned film) negative image to a positive image
nightvision - Simulates a picture as viewed through night vision goggles
noisecleaner - Iteratively cleans noise from an image
normcrosscorr - Computes the normalized cross correlation surface to find where a small image best matches within a larger image
notch - Creates and applies a notch filter to an image in the frequency domain to remove dither patterns and other regular noise patterns
omnistretch - Enhances the dynamic range of brightness values and optionally saturation values in an image
ortoneffect - Applies an Orton effect to an image
otsuthresh - Automatically thresholds an image to binary (b/w) format using Otsu's between class variance technique
outfit - Transforms a pattern image to place it over an image of some piece of clothing or outfit
outfitwarper - Transforms a pattern image to place it over an image of some piece of clothing or outfit using a lighting file, a displacement map a mask and arguments provided by the script outfit
overlapcrop - Creates a sequence of cropped subsections permitting optional overlap of the subsections
pagecurl - Applies a pagecurl effect to the lower right corner of an image
pagepeel - Applies a pagepeel effect to the lower right corner of an image
painteffect - Applies a paint type effect to an image
pano2fisheye - Transforms a spherical panorama to a fisheye view
pano2rect - Applies vertical perspective correction to an angular panoramic image
peelingpaint - Applies a peeling paint effect to an image
perforations - Applies film-like perforations to two opposite edges of an image
perlin - Creates an image composed of Perlin type noise
phasecorr - Computes the phase correlation surface to find where a small image best matches within a larger image
phashcompare - Compares two 168 digit phash strings to compute a phash metric
phashconvert - Converts the 42 phash float values for an image to a string of 168 digits
phashes - Computes and stores one or more perceptual hashes for all provided images
picframe - Adds a picture frame around an image
picturefold - Applies a map-like folded appearance to an image
pinbarrel - Applies or corrects pincushion and/or barrel lens distortion to an image
pip - Creates a picture-in-picture effect
pixelize - Creates a pixelized or blocky effect in an image
plm - Generates a piece-wise linear mapping grayscale look up table and applies it to an image
plmlut - Generates a piece-wise linear mapping grayscale look up table
plot - Generates a profile of an image row or column or an image histogram.
plot3D - Generates a 3D plot of a single channel or grayscale image
polar - Applies either a rectangular (cartesian) to polar transformation or a polar to rectangular (cartesian) transformation on an image
polarblur - Applies a polar blur to an image
polyring - Creates a polygon ring image from one or more images
popart - Creates a pop art style image
postagestamp - Applies a perforated postage stamp like border around an image
posteredges - Applies posterized edges to an image
profile - Generates a profile of an image row or column
pseudocolor - Generates a pseudocolored image or pseudocolored animation from grayscale image using a rainbow colored transformation
ptilethresh - Automatically thresholds an image to binary (b/w) format at a specified percentile on the cumulative histogram
puzzle - Applies a puzzle like effect to an image
radialgradient - Creates a radial gradient image
radialgrid - Superimposes circular grid lines on an image
randomblob - Creates an image composed of a moderate sized black random blob shape on a white background
randomclipart - Randomly distributes clip art over the image
recursion - Creates a recursive affine composite effect in an image
redeye - Removes redeye from an image
redist - Modifies an image so that its (grayscale) histogram has a either Gaussian, distribution or a Uniform Distribution
reflect - Splits an image, reflects each side and appends them to form horizontally symmetric images
remap - Remaps the colors in an image using a 3D color distance metric relative to a color table map image
removecolorcast - Removes a color cast from an image
replacecolor - Changes one color to another color in an image
retinex - Enhances detail and color in an image using the multiscale retinex algorithm
rgbdots - Transforms an image into dots in primary and secondary colors
ripples - Applies various circular ripple effects to an image
rmsecorr - Computes the root mean squared correlation surface to find where a small image best matches within a larger image
rotate3D - Applies a perspective distortion to an image by providing three rotation angles and an optional perspective exaggeration
sahoothresh - Automatically thresholds an image to binary (b/w) format using Sahoo's entropy technique
saturation - Changes the color saturation in an image
scatter - Generates a channel-by-channel scatter diagram between two images
scatterchannels - Generates a scatter diagram between channels of an image
screeneffects - Applies screen-like effects to an image
separate - Identifies each separate white shape in a binary image
shadowhighlight - Adjusts the tone in shadow and highlight areas of an image
shadows - Applies drop shadows to an image that has an alpha channel
shapecluster - Creates a division of the image into 5 separated rectangular regions
shapemorph - Create a shape morphing animation sequence between two images
shapemorph2 - Create a shape morphing animation sequence between two images
sharp - Adaptively sharpens an image or extract edges
sharpedge - Adaptively sharpens (or blurs) an image near edges
shuffle - Randomly shuffles positions of square sized tiles in an image
sigmoidal - Applies a sigmoidal brightness and/or contrast adjustment to an image
similar - Computes the normalized cross correlation similarity metric between two equal dimensioned images
sketch - Applies a sketch effect to an image
sketcher - Applies a sketch effect to an image
sketchetch - Creates an etch-like sketch from an image
sketching - Applies a sketch effect to an image
skew - Applies a skew distortion to an image
slantedlight - Applies slanted lighting to an image
slice - Thresholds an image (inclusively) between a range of graylevels and optionally colorizes inside and/or outside the threshold range
smartcrop - Automatically crops an image to a given size around the hightest detail region
smarttrim - Automatically trims an image around the region of highest detail in the image
softfocus - Applies a softfocus effect to an image
softlight - Applies soft light to an image
space - Applies a spatially adaptive contrast (and brightness) enhancement filter to an image
space2 - Applies a spatially adaptive contrast (and brightness) enhancement filter to an image
spectrum - Computes the spectrum image from the magnitude of the Fourier Transform of an image.
spectrumhist - Creates either a color spectrum or histogram of the colors in an image.
sphere - Creates a colored sphere with a combination of diffuse and specular illumination
sphericalpano2cube - Transforms a spherical panorama into a cubical representation
sphericalpano2rect - Generate a perspective (rectilinear) image from a region of a spherical panorama image
spherize - Warps an image onto a (hemi-)sphere
splice - Applies a jagged cut and splice effect to an image
spline - Draws a spline curve on an image based upon supplied points
splitcrop - Crops an image into two or four sections according to the given x,y coordinates
splitimage - Generates a side-by-side append of two partial images with an option to animate the amount of each image used in the append
splittone1 - Applies a color splittone effect to an image
splittone2 - Applies a color splittone effect to an image
splittone3 - Applies a color splittone effect to an image
spots - Converts the image into a series or uniform-colored spots
squareup - Resizes an image and squares it up either by padding or cropping
ssim - Computes the structural similarity metric between two equal sized images.
stainedglass - Applies a stained glass cell effect to an image
starburst - Applies a starburst pattern to an image
statsfilt - Computes various localized (neighborhood) statistical filters on an image
stdimage - Computes a pixel-by-pixel standard deviation or variance image from multiple input images
stretch - Modifies an image to automatically stretch the dynamic range between full black and white
striations - Applies radial or circular striations to image
stutter - Creates a 'stuttered' offset-like effect in an image
textcleaner - Processes a scanned document of text to clean the text background
textdeskew - Unrotates (deskews) an image containing text
texteffect - Convert text to an image after applying various effects, styling and color
texteffect2 - Converts large size text to an image with color, effects and styling
textdistort - Distorts repeated text to warp it to the shape of the image content
texturize - Creates a texture pattern and optionally applies it to the background of an input image
thermography - Simulates a picture taken with a thermal imaging camera
thresholds - Applies one or two thresholds to an image
tileimage - Tiles an image to a given size with various tile arrangements
tiler - Converts an image into a tilable texture
tiltshift - Applies a tiltshift effect to an image
tintilize - Applies a color tint to the mid-range of a grayscale image
tinyplanet - Transforms a spherical panorama to a linear fisheye view
tonemap1 - Enhances the shadows and/or highlight regions in an image using a non-linear log or gamma function
tonemap2 - Enhances the shadows and/or highlight regions in an image using a non-linear log or gamma function plus another extra processing function
tonemap3 - Enhances the shadows and/or highlight regions in an image using a non-linear log or gamma function plus another extra processing function
tonemap4 - Enhances the shadows and/or highlight regions in an image using a dual gamma function plus an extra processing function
toon - Applies a cartoon effect to an image
toonify - Applies a cartoon effect to an image
toonizarro - Applies a Superman Bizarro-like cartoon effect to an image
toycamera - Simulates pictures taken by lomographic or holga type toy cameras
transfercolor - Transfers the coloring from one image to another image
transitions - Applies an animated transition between two images
trianglethresh - Automatically thresholds an image to binary (b/w) format using the triangle technique
tricolorize - Smoothly colorizes a grayscale image with either one, two or three different colors
trimcorners - Automatically crops the image to removed rounded corners
trimmer - Trims the background from any number of specified sides of an image
tshirt - Transforms an image to place it in a region of a tshirt image.
tshirtwarp - Transforms an image to place it in a region of a tshirt image using a lighting file, a displacement map and arguments provided by the script tshirt
tshirtwarper - Transforms an image to place it in a region of a tshirt image using a lighting file, a displacement map and arguments provided by the script tshirt
tunnelize - Creates a tunnel-like effect on an image
turbulence - Applies a turbulence-like warping of the image
turn - Simultaneously rotates and crops an image to eliminate any background
unperspective - Automatically removes pespective distortion from an image
unrotate - Automatically unrotates a rotated image and trims the surrounding border
uwcorrect - Corrects the color balance for red light attenuation in pictures taken underwater
variableblur - Applies a variable blur to an image based upon a mask image
vibrance - Applies a non-linear change to the saturation of an image
vibrance2 - Applies a non-linear change to the chroma channel of an image
vignette - Applies a vignette effect to a picture
vignette2 - Applies a vignette effect to a picture
vignette3 - Applies a vignette effect to a picture
vintage1 - Applies a classic blue-green vintage effect to an image
vintage2 - Applies a colorful vintage effect to an image
vintage3 - Applies an old, heritage style vintage effect to an image
warholeffect - Creates an Andy Warhol style colorization image
watercolor - Applies a watercolor effect to an image
wavemap - Transforms the graylevels in each RGB channel according to a sinusoidal wave function
whitebalance - Transform an image's overall color balance according to a desired change in a specified white point color
whiteboard - Processes a picture of a whiteboard to clean up the background and correct the perspective
woodcut - Applies a woodcut effect to an image
woodgrain - Simulates a woodgrain texture
xposure - Changes the exposure level of an image by photographic stops
zerocrossing - Applies a zero crossing edge detector to an image
zoomblur - Applies a radial or zoom blur to an image
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