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Last active October 30, 2020 02:57
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Linkit One Corrected GPS
#include <LGPS.h>
gpsSentenceInfoStruct info;
char buff[256];
char gmaps_buff[50];
static unsigned char getComma(unsigned char num,const char *str)
unsigned char i,j = 0;
int len=strlen(str);
for(i = 0;i < len;i ++)
if(str[i] == ',')
if(j == num)
return i + 1;
return 0;
static double getDoubleNumber(const char *s)
char buf[10];
unsigned char i;
double rev;
i=getComma(1, s);
i = i - 1;
strncpy(buf, s, i);
buf[i] = 0;
return rev;
static double getIntNumber(const char *s)
char buf[10];
unsigned char i;
double rev;
i=getComma(1, s);
i = i - 1;
strncpy(buf, s, i);
buf[i] = 0;
return rev;
void parseGPGGA(const char* GPGGAstr)
/* Refer to
* Sample data: $GPGGA,123519,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,1,08,0.9,545.4,M,46.9,M,,*47
* Where:
* GGA Global Positioning System Fix Data
* 123519 Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC
* 4807.038,N Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N
* 01131.000,E Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E
* 1 Fix quality: 0 = invalid
* 1 = GPS fix (SPS)
* 2 = DGPS fix
* 3 = PPS fix
* 4 = Real Time Kinematic
* 5 = Float RTK
* 6 = estimated (dead reckoning) (2.3 feature)
* 7 = Manual input mode
* 8 = Simulation mode
* 08 Number of satellites being tracked
* 0.9 Horizontal dilution of position
* 545.4,M Altitude, Meters, above mean sea level
* 46.9,M Height of geoid (mean sea level) above WGS84
* ellipsoid
* (empty field) time in seconds since last DGPS update
* (empty field) DGPS station ID number
* *47 the checksum data, always begins with *
double latitude, latitude_g;
double longitude, longitude_g;
char latitude_dir, longitude_dir;
int tmp, hour, minute, second, num ;
if(GPGGAstr[0] == '$')
tmp = getComma(1, GPGGAstr);
hour = (GPGGAstr[tmp + 0] - '0') * 10 + (GPGGAstr[tmp + 1] - '0');
minute = (GPGGAstr[tmp + 2] - '0') * 10 + (GPGGAstr[tmp + 3] - '0');
second = (GPGGAstr[tmp + 4] - '0') * 10 + (GPGGAstr[tmp + 5] - '0');
sprintf(buff, "UTC timer %2d-%2d-%2d", hour, minute, second);
tmp = getComma(2, GPGGAstr);
latitude = getDoubleNumber(&GPGGAstr[tmp]);
tmp = getComma(4, GPGGAstr);
longitude = getDoubleNumber(&GPGGAstr[tmp]);
//get lat/lon direction
tmp = getComma(3, GPGGAstr);
latitude_dir = (GPGGAstr[tmp]);
tmp = getComma(5, GPGGAstr);
longitude_dir = (GPGGAstr[tmp]);
convertCoords(latitude, longitude, latitude_g, longitude_g);
sprintf(buff, "latitude = %10.4f, longitude = %10.4f", latitude, longitude);
tmp = getComma(7, GPGGAstr);
num = getIntNumber(&GPGGAstr[tmp]);
sprintf(buff, "satellites number = %d", num);
Serial.println("Not get data");
//!\brief Convert GPGGA coordinates (degrees-mins-secs) to true decimal-degrees
//!\return -
void convertCoords(double latitude, double longitude, double &lat_return, double &lon_return){
int lat_deg_int = int(latitude/100); //extract the first 2 chars to get the latitudinal degrees
int lon_deg_int = int(longitude/100); //extract first 3 chars to get the longitudinal degrees
// must now take remainder/60
//this is to convert from degrees-mins-secs to decimal degrees
// so the coordinates are "google mappable"
float latitude_float = latitude - lat_deg_int * 100; //remove the degrees part of the coordinates - so we are left with only minutes-seconds part of the coordinates
float longitude_float = longitude - lon_deg_int * 100;
lat_return = lat_deg_int + latitude_float / 60 ; //add back on the degrees part, so it is decimal degrees
lon_return = lon_deg_int + longitude_float / 60 ;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.println("LGPS Power on, and waiting ...");
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Serial.println("LGPS loop");
parseGPGGA((const char*)info.GPGGA);
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i am not getting the output.what may be the prblm?
i hav copied the exact code.
i am not understanding where i am wrong.
plz help me.

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