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Last active July 1, 2021 05:38
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This python script will open a SPSS fileSPSS is a software platform that offers advanced statistical analysis. In this exercise given a dataset in a SPSS file (.sav), need to find the mean,median, minimum,and maximum values for students and allstudents in the Teaching Ratings data. The purpose is to show basic familiarity of Python to calculate …
"""This python script will open a SPSS fileSPSS is a software platform that offers
advanced statistical analysis. In this exercise given a dataset in a SPSS file (.sav),
need to find the mean,median, minimum,and maximum values for students and allstudents
in the Teaching Ratings data. The purpose is to show basic familiarity of Python
to calculate central tendency.
# Author: Soraya Ruiz
# Creation Date: 2021-07-01
# Import some required libraries
import pandas as pd
import os
__location__ = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
file_path = os.path.join(__location__, "datasets", "teachingratings.sav")
cols = ['students', 'allstudents']
def read_file(file, columns):
Read an SPSS file in Python Using Pandas
:param file:
:param columns:
:return: data
data = pd.read_spss(file, usecols=columns)
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
# First Step: Read the File by columns
df = read_file(file_path, cols)
# Number of rows by column
total_students = df.count()[0]
total_allstudents = df.count()[1]
# Second Step Calculate the Central Tendencies
mean = df.mean() # the sum of all observations.
median = df.median() # defined as the middle most value.
minimum = df.min()
maximum = df.max()
# Bonus: Plot
print(mean.to_string(index=True, header=False))
print(median.to_string(index=True, header=False))
print(minimum.to_string(index=True, header=False))
print(maximum.to_string(index=True, header=False))
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