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Created April 5, 2014 17:10
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JPCSPTrace log
JpcspTrace - module_start
Config file:
> #
> # This file is the configuration file for the plugin JpcspTrace.
> # See the file README.txt for a description of the format of this file.
> #
> #sceGeListEnQueue 0xAB49E76A 4
> # sceKernelCreateThread(@StringInfo(maxLength = 32) String name, int entry_addr, int initPriority, int stackSize, int attr, int option_addr)
> sceKernelCreateThread 0x446D8DE6 6 sxdxxx
Patching syscall from 0x80414F8 to 0x9FFFF80
> # sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(TPointer paramsAddr)
> sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle 0xF5478233 1 x
> sceMp3NotifyAddStreamData 0x0DB149F4 2 xx
> sceMp3GetInfoToAddStreamData 0xA703FE0F 4 xxxx
> sceMp3ReserveMp3Handle 0x07EC321A 1 x
> sceMp3Decode 0xD021C0FB 2 xx
> sceMp3Init 0x44E07129 1 x
01:07:25 SceModmgrStart - sceKernelCreateThread 0x0893BC54('user_main'), 0x8804114, 32, 0x40000, 0x80004000, 0x0 = 0x3E07B19
01:07:25 user_main - sceKernelCreateThread 0x089420BC('ThreadCtrl'), 0x892F0CC, 32, 0x10000, 0x0, 0x0 = 0x3E0362B
01:07:25 user_main - sceKernelCreateThread 0x089420BC('ThreadCtrl'), 0x892F16C, 29, 0x10000, 0x0, 0x0 = 0x3E0C139
Patching module sample: sceMp3Init
Patching module sample: sceMp3Decode
Patching module sample: sceMp3ReserveMp3Handle
Patching module sample: sceMp3GetInfoToAddStreamData
Patching module sample: sceMp3NotifyAddStreamData
Patching module sample: sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle
01:07:25 user_main - sceKernelCreateThread 0x0893CCB8('Sound Thread SE'), 0x884C628, 16, 0x10000, 0x0, 0x0 = 0x4146C31
01:07:25 user_main - sceKernelCreateThread 0x0893CCC8('Sound Thread VOI'), 0x884D380, 111, 0x10000, 0x0, 0x0 = 0x414263F
01:07:25 user_main - sceKernelCreateThread 0x0893CCDC('Sound Thread BGM'), 0x884D95C, 16, 0x10000, 0x0, 0x0 = 0x413DF4D
01:07:26 SceModmgrStart - sceKernelCreateThread 0x08414D70('SceDialogmainGraphics'), 0x8405758, 17, 0x10000, 0x100000, 0x87FFE70 = 0x4121741
01:07:26 SceDialogmainGraphics - sceKernelCreateThread 0x08415538('ScePafJob'), 0x840F2F8, 19, 0x4000, 0x100000, 0x87FEE10 = 0x411CE51
01:07:26 SceDialogmainGraphics - sceKernelCreateThread 0x08415538('ScePafJob'), 0x840F2F8, 19, 0x4000, 0x100000, 0x87FEE20 = 0x411CE5F
01:07:26 SceModmgrStart - sceKernelCreateThread 0x08414D70('SceDialogmainGraphics'), 0x8405758, 17, 0x10000, 0x100000, 0x87FFE70 = 0x4121761
01:07:26 SceDialogmainGraphics - sceKernelCreateThread 0x08415538('ScePafJob'), 0x840F2F8, 19, 0x4000, 0x100000, 0x87FEE10 = 0x411CE71
01:07:26 SceDialogmainGraphics - sceKernelCreateThread 0x08415538('ScePafJob'), 0x840F2F8, 19, 0x4000, 0x100000, 0x87FEE20 = 0x411CE7F
01:07:27 user_main - sceKernelCreateThread 0x0893D518('soundThread_movie'), 0x885FB70, 61, 0x800, 0x0, 0x0 = 0x4127615
01:07:27 user_main - sceKernelCreateThread 0x0893D52C('readThread_movie'), 0x885E89C, 60, 0x800, 0x0, 0x0 = 0x4122E23
01:07:28 user_main - sceKernelCreateThread 0x0893D518('soundThread_movie'), 0x885FB70, 61, 0x800, 0x0, 0x0 = 0x412762B
01:07:28 user_main - sceKernelCreateThread 0x0893D52C('readThread_movie'), 0x885E89C, 60, 0x800, 0x0, 0x0 = 0x4122E39
01:07:31 user_main - sceKernelCreateThread 0x0893D518('soundThread_movie'), 0x885FB70, 61, 0x800, 0x0, 0x0 = 0x412761D
01:07:31 user_main - sceKernelCreateThread 0x0893D52C('readThread_movie'), 0x885E89C, 60, 0x800, 0x0, 0x0 = 0x4122E2B
01:07:34 user_main - sceKernelCreateThread 0x0893D518('soundThread_movie'), 0x885FB70, 61, 0x800, 0x0, 0x0 = 0x4127615
01:07:34 user_main - sceKernelCreateThread 0x0893D52C('readThread_movie'), 0x885E89C, 60, 0x800, 0x0, 0x0 = 0x4122E23
01:07:56 user_main - sceKernelCreateThread 0x0893CA10('NowLoading'), 0x8844540, 16, 0x800, 0x200000, 0x0 = 0x4130409
01:08:00 user_main - sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:01 user_main - sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:03 user_main - sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:04 user_main - sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:05 user_main - sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:07 user_main - sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:07 user_main - sceMp3ReserveMp3Handle 0x9FFD2B8 = 0x0
01:08:07 user_main - sceMp3GetInfoToAddStreamData 0x0, 0x8A615C4, 0x9FFD2DC, 0x9FFD2D8 = 0x0
01:08:07 user_main - sceMp3NotifyAddStreamData 0x0, 0x7230 = 0x0
01:08:07 user_main - sceMp3Init 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:07 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:07 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:07 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:07 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:07 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:07 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:07 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:07 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:07 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:07 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:07 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:07 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:07 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:07 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:08 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:09 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:10 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:11 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x807F00FD
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:12 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:13 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:13 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:13 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:13 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:13 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:13 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:13 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:13 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:13 user_main - sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:14 user_main - sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:16 user_main - sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:16 user_main - sceMp3ReserveMp3Handle 0x9FFD2B8 = 0x0
01:08:16 user_main - sceMp3GetInfoToAddStreamData 0x0, 0x8A615C4, 0x9FFD2DC, 0x9FFD2D8 = 0x0
01:08:16 user_main - sceMp3NotifyAddStreamData 0x0, 0x9090 = 0x0
01:08:16 user_main - sceMp3Init 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:16 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:16 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:16 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:16 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:16 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:16 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:17 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:18 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:19 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:20 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:21 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x807F00FD
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:22 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:22 user_main - sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:24 user_main - sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:24 user_main - sceMp3ReserveMp3Handle 0x9FFD2B8 = 0x0
01:08:24 user_main - sceMp3GetInfoToAddStreamData 0x0, 0x8A615C4, 0x9FFD2DC, 0x9FFD2D8 = 0x0
01:08:24 user_main - sceMp3NotifyAddStreamData 0x0, 0xA248 = 0x0
01:08:24 user_main - sceMp3Init 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:24 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:25 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:26 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:27 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:28 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:29 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:30 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:31 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:31 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:31 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:31 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:31 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:31 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x807F00FD
01:08:31 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:31 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:31 user_main - sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:31 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x80671103
01:08:32 user_main - sceMp3ReleaseMp3Handle 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:32 user_main - sceMp3ReserveMp3Handle 0x9FFD2B8 = 0x0
01:08:32 user_main - sceMp3GetInfoToAddStreamData 0x0, 0x8A615C4, 0x9FFD2DC, 0x9FFD2D8 = 0x0
01:08:32 user_main - sceMp3NotifyAddStreamData 0x0, 0xD260 = 0x0
01:08:32 user_main - sceMp3Init 0x0 = 0x0
01:08:32 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:32 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:32 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:32 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:32 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:32 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:32 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:32 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:32 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:32 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:33 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:34 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:35 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:36 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:37 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:38 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:39 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:40 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x807F00FD
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:41 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:42 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A4 = 0x1200
01:08:43 Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode 0x0, 0x9F8D7A8 = 0x1200
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