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Forked from mpkuse/ImuDeadReckon.cpp
Created July 30, 2018 01:56
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IMU Dead Reckoning

Dead Reckoning IMU Chp6 of Shaojie Shen's thesis

Do not attempt to run this directly, code is just for reference.

#include <ImuDeadReckon.h>
/// default constructor. Init the subscribers
sub = nh.subscribe( "imu_3dm_gx4/imu", 2, &ImuDeadReckon::imuDataRcvd, this );
pub_dr_pose = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>( "/imu/pose", 1 );
// Global Constants
rviz_frame_id = "denseVO";
//init nominal state variables
nsv_p = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
nsv_v = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
nsv_q.vec() = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
nsv_q.w() = 1.0f;
delT = 1/100.0f; //100 hz
gravity(0) = 0.0f;
gravity(1) = 9.7874f;
gravity(2) = 0.0;
isIMUIntrinsicsReady = false;
isIMUDataReady = false;
void ImuDeadReckon::ImuSetIntrinsics(float accelerometer_noise_var, float accelerometer_bias, float gyroscope_noise_var, float gyroscope_bias)
this->a_var = accelerometer_noise_var;
this->a_b = accelerometer_bias;
this->g_b = gyroscope_bias;
this->g_var = gyroscope_noise_var;
aBias = a_b*Eigen::Vector3f::Ones();
gBias = g_b*Eigen::Vector3f::Ones();
isIMUIntrinsicsReady = true;
/// @brief Callback for IMU data received. Better be very fast. data arrive at 100Hz
void ImuDeadReckon::imuDataRcvd( const sensor_msgs::Imu& msg )
isIMUDataReady = false;
//ROS_INFO( "Linear acc : %f %f %f", msg.linear_acceleration.x, msg.linear_acceleration.y, msg.linear_acceleration.z );
lin_acc(0) = msg.linear_acceleration.x;
lin_acc(1) = msg.linear_acceleration.y;
lin_acc(2) = msg.linear_acceleration.z;
ang_vel(0) = msg.angular_velocity.x;
ang_vel(1) = msg.angular_velocity.y;
ang_vel(2) = msg.angular_velocity.z;
isIMUDataReady = true;
void ImuDeadReckon::updateNominalStateWithCurrentMeasurements()
assert( isIMUIntrinsicsReady && isIMUDataReady );
Eigen::Matrix3f R = nsv_q.toRotationMatrix();
Eigen::Vector3f aBiasCorrected = lin_acc - aBias ;
Eigen::Vector3f gBiasCorrected = (ang_vel - gBias)*delT ;
nsv_p += nsv_v*delT + 0.5*( R*aBiasCorrected + gravity )*delT*delT;
nsv_v += (R*aBiasCorrected + gravity) * delT;
Eigen::Quaternionf Q;
makeQuaternionFromVector( gBiasCorrected, Q );
nsv_q = nsv_q * ( Q ); //quaternion multiply
void ImuDeadReckon::makeQuaternionFromVector( Eigen::Vector3f& inVec, Eigen::Quaternionf& outQuat )
float phi = inVec.norm();
Eigen::Vector3f u = inVec / phi; // u is a unit vector
outQuat.vec() = u * sin( phi / 2.0 );
outQuat.w() = cos( phi / 2.0 );
//outQuat = Eigen::Quaternionf( 1.0, 0., 0., 0. );
/// @brief The event loop. Basically an ever running while with ros::spinOnce()
/// This is a re-implementation taking into care the memory scopes and also processing only points with higher image gradients
void ImuDeadReckon::eventLoop()
ros::Rate rate(100); //100Hz
while( ros::ok() )
if( !(this->isIMUDataReady) )
ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE( 5, "(every5 sec) Lin Acc : "<< lin_acc.transpose() );
ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE( 5, "Ang Vel : "<< ang_vel.transpose() );
/// @brief Publishes the current nominal-state-pose
void ImuDeadReckon::publishPose()
geometry_msgs::Pose rospose;
rospose.position.x = nsv_p(0);
rospose.position.y = nsv_p(1);
rospose.position.z = nsv_p(2);
rospose.orientation.w = nsv_q.w();
rospose.orientation.x = nsv_q.x();
rospose.orientation.y = nsv_q.y();
rospose.orientation.z = nsv_q.z();
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped poseS;
poseS.header.frame_id = rviz_frame_id;
poseS.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
poseS.pose = rospose;
pub_dr_pose.publish( poseS );
#ifndef ___IMU_DEAD_RECKON___
#define ___IMU_DEAD_RECKON___
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/Imu.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
/// Defines the class to receive IMU data and perform dead-reckoning navigation from IMU
class ImuDeadReckon
void ImuSetIntrinsics(float accelerometer_noise_var, float accelerometer_bias, float gyroscope_noise_var, float gyroscope_bias);
void eventLoop();
// Publishers and Subscribers
ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::Subscriber sub;
ros::Publisher pub_dr_pose; ///< Dead reckoning pose
char const * rviz_frame_id;
// IMU Intrinsics
float a_b, a_var; ///< accelerometer bias and variance
Eigen::Vector3f aBias;
float g_b, g_var; ///< gyroscope bias and variance
Eigen::Vector3f gBias;
Eigen::Vector3f gravity;
bool isIMUIntrinsicsReady;
// Current IMU Data
Eigen::Vector3f lin_acc; ///< Linear Accleration
Eigen::Vector3f ang_vel; ///< Angular velocity
bool isIMUDataReady;
// Callback
void imuDataRcvd( const sensor_msgs::Imu& msg );
// Nominal State Variables
Eigen::Vector3f nsv_p; ///< Position
Eigen::Vector3f nsv_v; ///< Velocity
Eigen::Quaternionf nsv_q; ///< Quaternion
float delT;
// updates
void updateNominalStateWithCurrentMeasurements();
void makeQuaternionFromVector(Eigen::Vector3f &inVec, Eigen::Quaternionf &outQuat );
// Pusblishers routines
void publishPose();
#endif //___IMU_DEAD_RECKON___
#include <ImuDeadReckon.h>
int main( int argc, char ** argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "ImuDeadReckon_node");
ImuDeadReckon dr;
dr.ImuSetIntrinsics( 1.0e-03, 0.039e-02, 8.73e-05, 4.8e-05 );
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