In this chapter
- Learn how to tackle the impossible NP-complete problem
- Learn to indetify such problem
- To find an approximate solution to an NP-complete problem quickly
- You learn about the greedy strategy, a very simple problem-solving strategy
Class Start End
art 9am 10am
eng 9:30am 10:0am
math 10am 11am
cs 10:30am 11:30am
music 11am 12pm
you want hold many classes as possible, hwo do ypu pcik what set claases to hold, you get bigest set of class possible
- First, pick the class that finishes the earliest.
- Then, pick the next class that starts after the first one ends and also finishes the earliest.
Keep doing this, and you’ll end up with the answer!
- Art ends the soonest, at 10:00 a.m.
Class Start End
art 9am 10am ✔
eng 9:30am 10:0am
math 10am 11am
cs 10:30am 11:30am
music 11am 12pm
- the next class that starts after 10:00 a.m. and ends the soonest. Math works
Class Start End
art 9am 10am ✔
eng 9:30am 10:0am
math 10am 11am. ✔
cs 10:30am 11:30am
music 11am 12pm
- English conflicts with arts. but Math works, finally CS conflicts with math, Music works
Class Start End
art 9am 10am ✔
eng 9:30am 10:0am
math 10am 11am. ✔
cs 10:30am 11:30am
music 11am 12pm ✔
Suppose you’re a greedy thief.
there are all these items you can steal.
you can only take what you can fit in your knapsack.
The knapsack can hold 35 pounds.
to maximize the value of the items you put in your knapsack.
- Pick the most expensive thing that will fit in your knapsack.
- Pick the next most expensive thing that will fit in your knapsack. And so on.
$3000 $2000 $1500
30lbs 20lbs 15lbs
Your knapsack can hold 35 pounds of items.
The stereo system (35lbs) is the most expensive, so you steal that. Now you don’t have space for anything else. VALUE $3000
If you’d picked the laptop andthe guitar instead, you could have had $3,500 worth of loot!
15 lbs -----
20lbs _____
VALUE $3500
aims to cover all required elements with the fewest possible sets from a given collection.
you starting radion show
you want to reach all 50 states
ou have to decide what station to play on yo reach those all listeners
we are trying to minmize number of station
there is overlap
- List every possible subset of stations. This is called the power set. There are 2^n possible subsets.
etc... etc... etc...
- From these, pick the set with the smallest number of stations that covers all 50 states.
to calculate every possible subset of stations. It takes O(2^n) time, because there are 2^n stations
NO. of station TIME TAKEN
5 3.2 sec
10 1024 sec
32 13.6 years
100 4*10(^21) years
Greedy algorithms to the rescue!
- Pick the station that covers the most states that haven’t been covered yet. It’s OK if the station covers some states that have been covered already.
- Repeat until all the states are covered.
This is called an approximation algorithm
Approximation algorithms are judged by
- How fast they are
- How close they are to the optimal solution
keys are station names, and the values are the states they cover.
kone station covers Idaho, Nevada, and Utah
const fruits = new Set(["avocado", "tomato", "banana"]);
const vegetables = new Set(["beets", "carrots", "tomato"]);
// Set union joining two or more things into one
const union = new Set([...fruits, ...vegetables]);
console.log(union); // Set { 'avocado', 'tomato', 'banana', 'beets', 'carrots' }
// Set intersection a set that contains the items that exist in both set x (fruits), and set y (vegetables)
const intersection = new Set([...fruits].filter(item => vegetables.has(item)));
console.log(intersection); // Set { 'tomato' }
// Set difference
const difference = new Set([...fruits].filter(item => !vegetables.has(item)));
console.log(difference); // Set { 'avocado', 'banana'
Code for setup
let statesNeeded = new Set(['mt', 'wa', 'or', 'id', 'nv', 'ut', 'ca', 'az']);
const stations = {
kone: new Set(['id', 'nv', 'ut']),
ktwo: new Set(['wa', 'id', 'mt']),
kthree: new Set(['or', 'nv', 'ca']),
kfour: new Set(['nv', 'ut']),
kfive: new Set(['ca', 'az']),
const finalStations = new Set();
while (statesNeeded.size > 0) {
let bestStation = null;
let statesCovered = new Set();
for (const [station, statesForStation] of Object.entries(stations)) {
// Find states covered by this station
const covered = new Set([...statesNeeded].filter(state => statesForStation.has(state)));
// If this station covers more states than the current best station, select it
if (covered.size > statesCovered.size) {
bestStation = station;
statesCovered = covered;
// Add the best station to the list of final stations
if (bestStation) {
// Remove the covered states from the list of needed states
statesNeeded = new Set([...statesNeeded].filter(state => !statesCovered.has(state)));
console.log(finalStations); // Output: Set { 'ktwo', 'kthree', 'kone', 'kfive' }
you calculate every possible solution and pick the smallest/shortest one.
e.g The traveling-salesperson problem and the set-covering problem
Traveling Salesperson
1 start city _ 1 route = 1 total route 2 start cities _ 1 route = 2 total routes 3 start cities _ 2 route = 6 total routes 4 start cities _ 6 route = 24 total routes 5 start cities _ 24 route = 120 total routes 6 start cities _ 120 route = 720 total routes
10 start cities * 362,880 route = 3,628,800 total routes
A good approximation algorithm would be to pick an arbitrary starting city and pick the closest non-visited city next.
NP-complete characteristics
- Your algorithm runs quickly with a handful of items but really slows down with more items
- All combinations of X usually point to an NP-complete problem
- Do you have to calculate “every possible version of X because you can’t break it down into smaller sub-problems? Might be NP-complete.
- If your problem involves a sequence
- If your problem involves a set
- Can you restate your problem as the set-covering problem
In this chapter
dynamic programming, a technique to solve a hard problem by breaking it up into subproblems and solving those subproblems first.
you learn to how to come up with a dynamic programming solution to a new problem.
You're a thief with Knapsack capacity of 4lbs. There are 3 items to steal:
- Stereo $3000 4lbs
- Laptop $2000 3lbs
- Guitar $1500 1lbs
The simplest algorithm would be to calculate every possible set of goods. However this doesn't scale, O(2n). The optimal solution can be calculated using dynamic programming.
Dynamic programming starts by solving subproblems and builds up to solving the big problem.
Every dynamic-programming algorithm starts with a grid. Here’s a grid for the knapsack problem.
1 2 3 4
GUITAR | | | |
STEREO | | | |
LAPTOP | | | |
The rows of the grid are the items, and the columns are knapsack weights from 1 lb to 4 lb.
You need all of those columns because they will help you calculate the values of the sub-knapsacks.
The grid starts out empty. You’re going to fill in each cell of the grid. Once the grid is filled in, you’ll have your answer to this problem!
The first cell has a knapsack of capacity 1 lb. The guitar is also 1 lb, which means it fits into the knapsack!
a knapsack of capacity 2 lb. Well, the guitar will definitely fit in there!
this is the firstrow, so you have only the guitar to choose from. You’re pretending that the other two items aren’t available to steal right now
1lbs 2lbs 3lbs 4lbs
Guitar $1500 lb $1500 $1500 $1500 $1500
Stereo $3000 4lbs
Laptop $2000 3lbs
our best guess for thife should steal guitar
Let’s start with the first cell, a knapsack of capacity 1 lb. The current max value you can fit into a knapsack of 1 lb is $1,500.
1lbs 2lbs 3lbs 4lbs
Guitar $1500 lb $1500 $1500 $1500 $1500
Stereo $3000 4lbs $1500 $1500 $1500 $3000
Laptop $2000 3lbs
You just updated your estimate! If you have a 4 lb knapsack,
you can
fit at least $3,000 worth of goods in it. You can see from the grid that
you’re incrementally updating your estimate.
The laptop weighs 3 lb, won’t fit into a 1 lb or a 2 lb knapsack.
1lbs 2lbs 3lbs 4lbs
Guitar $1500 lb $1500 $1500 $1500 $1500
Stereo $3000 4lbs $1500 $1500 $1500 $3000
Laptop $1500 $1500 $2000 $
At 3 lb, the old estimate was $1,500. But you can choose the laptop instead, and that’s worth $2,000. So the new max estimate is $2,000!
you can fit the guitar into that 1 lb space, and that’s worth $1,500.
1lbs 2lbs 3lbs 4lbs
Guitar $1500 lb $1500 $1500 $1500 $1500
Stereo $3000 4lbs $1500 $1500 $1500 $3000
Laptop $1500 $1500 $2000 $1500
$3000 vs ($2000 + $1500)
It’s better to take the laptop + the guitar for $3,500.
formula for calculating call value
CELL[i][j] = max of 1. the previous max value
2. value of current item + value of remaining space
You can use this formula with every cell in this grid, and you should end up with the same grid I did. Remember how I talked about solving subproblems? You combined the solutions to two subproblems to solve the bigger problem.
Do you have to recalculate everything to account for this new item? Nope.
dynamic programming keeps progressively building on your estimate.
Question: Would the value of a column ever go down? Is this possible? NO
The answer doesn’t change. The order of the rows doesn’t matter
For this problem, it doesn’t make a difference. It could make a difference for other problems.
Suppose you can steal a necklace. It weighs 0.5 lb, and it’s worth $1,000.
Because of the necklace, you have to account for finer granularity, so the grid has to change.
Answer: You can’t. With the dynamic-programming solution, you either take the item or not.
1/2 1 1.5 2
GLOBAL THEATER 7w 13wg 13wg 13wg
NATIONAL GALLERY 7w 13w 16wn 22wgn
BRITISH MUSEUM 7w 13wg 16wn 22wgn
ST PAUL'S CATHEDRAL 8s 15ws 21wgs 24wgs
Dynamic programming only works when each subproblem is discrete—when it doesn’t depend on other subproblems.
That means there’s no way to account for Paris using the dynamic-programming algorithm.
- you’ll never have more than two sub-knapsacks.
- sub-knapsacks to have their own sub-knapsacks.
Yes. Suppose you could also steal a diamond This is a big diamond: it weighs 3.5 pounds. It’s worth a million dollars,
formula looks in pseudocode:
if word_a[i] == word_b[j] // The letters match.
cell[i][j] = cell[i-1][j-1] + 1
else // The letters don’t match.
cell[i][j] = 0
F 0 0 0 0
I 0 1 0 0
S 0 0 2 0
H 0 0 0 3
Computer scientist sometimes joke about using the Feynman algorithm.
The Feynman algorithm is named after the famous physicist Richard Feynman, and
it works like this:
1. Write down the problem.
2. Think real hard.
3. Write down the solution.
Code example
// Example usage:
function longestCommonSubstring(str1, str2) {
let str1Len = str1.length;
let str2Len = str2.length;
// Making the grid
const grid = Array.from({ length: str1Len + 1 }, () =>
Array(str2Len + 1).fill(0),
let maxLen = 0;
let endIndex = 0;
for (let i = 1; i <= str1Len; i++) {
for (let j = 1; j <= str2Len; j++) {
if (str1[i - 1] == str2[j - 1]) {
// Filling in the grid
grid[i][j] = grid[i - 1][j - 1] + 1;
if (grid[i][j] > maxLen) {
maxLen = grid[i][j];
endIndex = i;
return str1.slice(endIndex - maxLen, endIndex);
const str1 = "hish";
const str2 = "fish";
console.log(longestCommonSubstring(str1, str2)); // Output: "ish
dynamic programming ever really used? Yes:
Biologists use the longest common subsequence to find similarities in DNA strands.
git diff
string similarity. Levenshtein distance measures how similar two strings are, and it uses dynamic programming.