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Created April 5, 2010 14:57
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sunlight congress api example responses
"email":"[email protected]",
"congress_office":"235 Cannon House Office Building",
<email>[email protected]</email>
<congress_office>436 Cannon House Office Building</congress_office>
<congress_office>1711 Longworth House Office Building</congress_office>
<district>Junior Seat</district>
<congress_office>506 Hart Senate Office Building</congress_office>
{"district":"Senior Seat",
"congress_office":"728 Hart Senate Office Building",
{"district":"Senior Seat",
"congress_office":"522 Hart Senate Office Building",
"congress_office":"2433 Rayburn House Office Building",
"congress_office":"2162 Rayburn House Office Building",
{"district":"Junior Seat",
"congress_office":"521 Dirksen Senate Office Building",
{"district":"Senior Seat",
"congress_office":"217 Russell Senate Office Building",
"congress_office":"1722 Longworth House Office Building",
"name":"Joint Committee on Printing",
{"district":"Junior Seat",
"congress_office":"431 Dirksen Senate Office Building",
{"district":"Senior Seat",
"firstname":"C. Saxby",
"congress_office":"416 Russell Senate Office Building",
{"district":"Senior Seat",
"congress_office":"173 Russell Senate Office Building",
{"district":"Senior Seat",
"congress_office":"313 Hart Senate Office Building",
{"district":"Junior Seat",
"congress_office":"B40d Dirksen Senate Office Building",
<name>Subcommittee on Green Jobs and the New Economy</name>
<district>Senior Seat</district>
<congress_office>274 Russell Senate Office Building</congress_office>
<district>Junior Seat</district>
<congress_office>112 Hart Senate Office Building</congress_office>
<district>Senior Seat</district>
<congress_office>513 Hart Senate Office Building</congress_office>
<district>Junior Seat</district>
<congress_office>478 Russell Senate Office Building</congress_office>
<district>Senior Seat</district>
<congress_office>453 Russell Senate Office Building</congress_office>
<district>Junior Seat</district>
<congress_office>332 Dirksen Senate Office Building</congress_office>
<district>Senior Seat</district>
<congress_office>524 Hart Senate Office Building</congress_office>
{"district":"Senior Seat",
"congress_office":"217 Russell Senate Office Building",
{"district":"Junior Seat",
"congress_office":"521 Dirksen Senate Office Building",
"congress_office":"2162 Rayburn House Office Building",
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