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Forked from ronaldvanvugt/Deploy-VM.ps1
Created March 30, 2022 09:33
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Deploy and customize a VM in vCenter with PowerCLI
# Deploy Windows Server 2008 or higher in vCenter
#### USER DEFINED VARIABLES ############################################################################################
$Domain = "" #AD Domain to join
$vCenterInstance = "" #vCenter to deploy VM
$Cluster = "" #vCenter cluster to deploy VM
$VMTemplate = "" #vCenter template to deploy VM
$CustomSpec = "" #vCenter customization to use for VM
$Location = "" #Folderlocation in vCenter for VM
$DataStore = "" #Datastore in vCenter to use for VM
$DiskStorageFormat = "" #Diskformtat to use (Thin / Thick) for VM
$NetworkName = "" #Portgroup to use for VM
$Memory = #Memory of VM In GB
$CPU = #number of vCPUs of VM
$DiskCapacity = #Disksize of VM in GB
$SubnetLength = #Subnetlength IP address to use (24 means /24 or for VM
$GW = "" #Gateway to use for VM
$IP_DNS = "" #IP address DNS server to use
### FUNCTION DEFINITIONS ################################################################################################
Function Check-CustomizationStarted([string] $VM)
Write-Host "Verifying that Customization for VM $VM has started"
$i=60 #time-out of 5 min
while($i -gt 0)
$vmEvents = Get-VIEvent -Entity $VM
$startedEvent = $vmEvents | Where { $_.GetType().Name -eq "CustomizationStartedEvent" }
if ($startedEvent)
Write-Host "Customization for VM $VM has started"
return $true
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Write-Warning "Customization for VM $VM has failed"
return $false
Function Check-CustomizatonFinished([string] $VM)
Write-Host "Verifying that Customization for VM $VM has finished"
$i = 60 #time-out of 5 min
$vmEvents = Get-VIEvent -Entity $VM
$SucceededEvent = $vmEvents | Where { $_.GetType().Name -eq "CustomizationSucceeded" }
$FailureEvent = $vmEvents | Where { $_.GetType().Name -eq "CustomizationFailed" }
if ($FailureEvent -or ($i -eq 0))
Write-Warning "Customization of VM $VM failed"
return $False
if ($SucceededEvent)
Write-Host "Customization of VM $VM Completed Successfully"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
Write-Host "Waiting for VM $VM to complete post-customization reboot"
Wait-Tools -VM $VM -TimeoutSeconds 300
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
return $true
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Function Restart-VM([string] $VM)
Restart-VMGuest -VM $VM -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
Write-Host "Reboot VM $VM"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
Wait-Tools -VM $VM -TimeoutSeconds 300 | Out-Null
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
function Add-Script([string] $script,$parameters=@(),[bool] $reboot=$false){
foreach ($parameter in $parameters)
if ($parameter.GetType().Name -eq "String") {$script=$script.replace("%"+[string] $i,'"'+$parameter+'"')}
else {$script=$script.replace("%"+[string] $i,[string] $parameter)}
$script:scripts += ,@($script,$reboot)
Function Test-IP([string] $IP)
if (-not ($IP) -or (([bool]($IP -as [IPADDRESS])))) { return $true} else {return $false}
#### USER INTERACTIONS ##############################################################################################
Write-host "Deploy Windows server" -foregroundcolor red
$Hostname = Read-Host -Prompt "Hostname"
If ($Hostname.Length -gt 15) {write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "$Hostname is an invalid hostname"; break}
$IP = Read-Host -Prompt "IP Address (press ENTER for DHCP)"
If (-not (Test-IP $IP)) {write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "$IP is an invalid address"; break}
$JoinDomainYN = Read-Host "Join Domain $Domain (Y/N)"
### READ CREDENTIALS ########################################################################################################
Get-Content credentials.txt | Foreach-Object{
$var = $_.Split('=')
Set-Variable -Name $var[0].trim('" ') -Value $var[1].trim('" ')
$VMLocalUser = "$Hostname\$LocalUser"
$VMLocalPWord = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $LocalPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$VMLocalCredential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $VMLocalUser, $VMLocalPWord
### CONNECT TO VCENTER ##############################################################################################
Get-Module -ListAvailable VMware* | Import-Module | Out-Null
Connect-VIServer -Server $vCenterInstance -User $vCenterUser -Password $vCenterPass -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
$SourceVMTemplate = Get-Template -Name $VMTemplate
$SourceCustomSpec = Get-OSCustomizationSpec -Name $CustomSpec
### DEFINE POWERSHELL SCRIPTS TO RUN IN VM AFTER DEPLOYMENT ############################################################################################################
if ($IP) {
Add-Script "New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex 2 -IPAddress %1 -PrefixLength %2 -DefaultGateway %3" @($IP, $SubnetLength, $GW)
Add-Script "Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex 2 -ServerAddresses %1" @($IP_DNS) }
if ($JoinDomainYN.ToUpper() -eq "Y") {
Add-Script '$DomainUser = %1;
$DomainPWord = ConvertTo-SecureString -String %2 -AsPlainText -Force;
$DomainCredential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $DomainUser, $DomainPWord;
Add-Computer -DomainName %3 -Credential $DomainCredential' @("$Domain\$DomainAdmin",$DomainAdminPassword, $Domain) $true }
Add-Script 'Import-Module NetSecurity; Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "File and Printer Sharing" -enabled True'
Add-Script 'Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" -name fDenyTSConnections -Value 0;
Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "Remote Desktop";
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" -name UserAuthentication -Value 0'
### DEPLOY VM ###############################################################################################################################################################
Write-Host "Deploying Virtual Machine with Name: [$Hostname] using Template: [$SourceVMTemplate] and Customization Specification: [$SourceCustomSpec] on cluster: [$cluster]"
New-VM -Name $Hostname -Template $SourceVMTemplate -ResourcePool $cluster -OSCustomizationSpec $SourceCustomSpec -Location $Location `
-Datastore $Datastore -DiskStorageFormat $DiskStorageFormat | Out-Null
Get-VM $Hostname | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup $NetworkName -confirm:$false | Out-Null
Set-VM -VM $Hostname -NumCpu $CPU -MemoryGB $Memory -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
Get-VM $Hostname | Get-HardDisk | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Hard Disk 1"} | Set-HardDisk -CapacityGB $DiskCapacity -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
Write-Host "Virtual Machine $Hostname Deployed. Powering On"
Start-VM -VM $Hostname | Out-Null
if (-not (Check-CustomizationStarted $Hostname)) { break }; if (-not (Check-CustomizatonFinished $Hostname)) { break }
foreach ($script in $scripts)
Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $script[0] -VM $Hostname -GuestCredential $VMLocalCredential | Out-Null
if ($script[1]) {Restart-VM $Hostname}
### End of Script ##############################
Write-Host "Deployment of VM $Hostname finished"
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