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Created January 6, 2024 06:35
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import requests
import pandas as pd
GITHUB_USERNAME = 'your-username'
GITHUB_TOKEN = 'your-github-token'
def fetch_repos(url, headers):
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(f"GitHub API Error: {response.status_code} {response.json()}")
search_results = response.json()
repos = search_results['items']
# Check if pagination 'next' link is present
if 'next' in response.links.keys():
repos.extend(fetch_repos(response.links['next']['url'], headers))
return repos
headers = {'Authorization': f'token {GITHUB_TOKEN}'}
search_url = f"{GITHUB_USERNAME}&per_page=100" # Adjust per_page as needed
repos = fetch_repos(search_url, headers)
repo_list = []
for repo in repos:
'Name': repo['name'],
'URL': repo['html_url'],
'Private': repo['private'],
'Description': repo.get('description', 'No description'),
'Language': repo.get('language', 'Not specified')
df = pd.DataFrame(repo_list)
df.to_excel('github_repos.xlsx', index=False)
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