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Last active September 5, 2018 15:44
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Binary integer programming using bintprog in Matlab
clear all; clc; home;
f = -[1 1.3 1.7 2];
A = [1 1 1 1; % sum of all parameters
1 1.3 1.7 2] % weight of all parameters
b = [1; % sum of all parameters not larger than 1
1.5]; % the target grade
x = bintprog(f, A, b)
% your already known grades
have = [1 1 1.3 1];
% the number of exams still to write
N = 9;
% your worst-case mean grade
worst_case = 1.49;
% the grades you expect to write
grades = [1 1.3 1.7 2 2.3 2.7 3];
% build the objective function
n = repmat(grades, 1, N);
g = [have n];
f = -g;
% constraints: mean grade
M = N + length(have);
A = g * (1/M);
b = worst_case;
% constraints: number of grades selected
Aeq = [[ones(size(have)) zeros(size(n))]; % all the known graded
[zeros(size(have)) ones(size(n))]]; % all but the known grades
beq = [length(have);
% solve the problem -- may take ages
x = bintprog(f, A, b, Aeq, beq);
% select solutions from objective function
grades = g(x ~= 0);
% remove known grades without duplicates
while ~isempty(have)
grades(find(grades == have(1), 1, 'first')) = [];
have(1) = [];
% print your worst-case scenario grades
there_you_go = sort(grades, 'descend')
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