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Last active March 5, 2019 09:12
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Open-source-ing my development goals!

I decided to open-source my development goals for the upcoming year(s). Here are my reasons why:

  1. Accountability. When I bring other people in my goal picture - my overall involvement is considerably higher
  2. Clarity. When I tell the world about some of my goals - I modify them. I take something from a discussion, something from another one, until my goal emerges in a new form - a much clearer one.
  3. Progress Measurement. Sharing my goals makes the progress measurement easier. Sometimes I use my friends as guides or supervisors. This helps me achieve more.
  4. Motivation. When I tell people about my goal something interesting happens. The mere facts that I tell to somebody else, acts like an incentive to me. It's not about accountability, but about being pumped up and ready to act.
  5. Connection. Sharing my goals with like-minded people helps me grow my social circle. Goals aside, the mere fact that you take the time to share something, to give details, to bring updates and keep in touch with other people, all these tiny actions create a connection. And connection, as opposed to competition, is always a better way to advance.

So, let's start! 🚀

2017 Development Focus (Goals):

2018 Development Focus (Goals):

  • Speak on a big international web-dev conference.

    • I led a lecture on the Bulgaria Web Summit 2018 in Sofia (800 attendees from 16 countries): "React Native App: Expectations vs Reality".
    • I led a lecture on the We Are Developers World Congress 2018 in Vienna (8000 attendees from 70 countries): "Journey to Highly Effective and Maintainable CSS Media Queries".
  • Learn Node.js and then build a back-end feature in a project.

  • Write at least 12 articles (1 article per month).

    I had a great start: 1 (featured in JavaScript Weekly), 2, however, later on my focus shifted and I couldn't complete this one.

  • [DEPRECATED] Build and launch 5 small side projects (or tools), like Crypto Tab. [REPLACED BY] Build and launch 1 HUGE side project.

    Launched Dora the Octopus - a project which helps coworkers share more about the projects they are working on and the goals they have set.

  • Complete the 10-week-idea-design-challenge. It is a challenge between Ani and me. Every Monday I come up with an idea. Every Friday she makes a design.

2019 Development Focus (Goals):

  • Make Dora the Octopus project available for external teams.
  • Create a complete course about a top front-end technology (framework) like React or Angular 2.
  • Continue to share knowledge by doing 3 internal workshops.
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