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Created February 15, 2012 20:08
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Basic Rose Trees in OCaml
open StdLabels
type 'a tree = Node of ('a * 'a tree list)
let rec make ~f init =
let (label, forest) = f init in
Node (label, ( ~f:(make ~f) forest))
and draw ~f (Node (label, forest)) =
let rec inner = function
| [] -> []
| t :: ts ->
let (start, other) = match ts with
| [] -> ("`- ", " ")
| _ -> ("+- ", "| ")
let lines = draw ~f t in
"|" :: shift start other lines @ inner ts
in f label :: inner forest
and shift start other =
let rec inner acc = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
| l :: lines ->
let markup = if acc = [] then start else other in
inner (String.concat ~sep:"" [markup; l] :: acc) lines
in inner []
and flatten t =
let rec inner (Node (label, forest)) acc =
label :: List.fold_right ~f:inner ~init:acc forest
in inner t []
and map ~f (Node (label, forest)) =
Node (f label, ~f:(map ~f) forest)
(** Simple implementation of multi-way trees aka Rose Trees. *)
type 'a tree = Node of ('a * 'a tree list)
val make : f:('a -> ('b * 'a list)) -> 'a -> 'b tree
(** [make ~f seeds] builds a tree from the projection function and a
list of seed values. *)
val draw : f:('a -> string) -> 'a tree -> string list
(** [draw ~f tree] returns a neat two dimentional drawing of tree;
shamelessly ripped of from Haskell 'containers' package. *)
val map : f:('a -> 'b) -> 'a tree -> 'b tree
(** [map ~f tree] map a function over each node of the [tree] and return
a new tree with the results, returned by [f]. *)
val flatten : 'a tree -> 'a list
(** [flatten tree] returns a list of elements of a tree in a pre-order. *)
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