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Academic Java by example
* ChromHMM - automating chromatin state discovery and characterization
* Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import org.tc33.jheatchart.HeatChart;
* The main class of ChromHMM implements command line parsing and core algorithms
* The ChromHMM code was written by Jason Ernst
public class ChromHMM
* True if should print out debug information
static boolean BVERBOSE = false;
static String SZSEGMENTEXTENSION = "_segments.bed";
static String SZPOSTERIOREXTENSION = "_posterior.txt";
static String SZSTATEBYLINEEXTENSION = "_statebyline.txt";
* The default number of base pairs in a bin
static String COORDDIR = "COORDS";
static String SZNEIGHBORHOODEXTENSION = "_neighborhood";
static String SZOVERLAPEXTENSION = "_overlap";
static String SZBROWSERDENSEEXTENSION ="_dense";
static String SZBROWSEREXPANDEDEXTENSION ="_expanded";
* This is a parameter just to improve efficiency of the model learn does not impact results
* in terms of when to try to exploit transition sparsity for improved effeciency
private static double SPARSECUTOFFRATIO = 0.7;
* This is a parameter just to improve efficiency of the model learning does not impact results
* in terms of when to try to exploit transition sparsity for improved effeciency
private static double SPARSECUTOFFLOOSERRATIO = 0.8;
* Default Red value for heatmaps on 0 to 255 scale
static int DEFAULTCOLOR_R = 0;
* Default Green value for heatmaps on 0 to 255 scale
static int DEFAULTCOLOR_G = 0;
* Default Blue value for heatmaps on 0 to 255 scale
static int DEFAULTCOLOR_B = 255;
static String[] ORDERSTRINGS = {"User","Emission","Transition","Fixed"};
static char[] ORDERCHARS = {'U','E','T','F'};
* Constant for user supplied state ordering
static int STATEORDER_USER = 0;
* Constant for state ordering being based on the emission paraemters
* Constant for state ordering being based on the transition parameters
* Constant for state ordering being fixed
static int STATEORDER_FIXED = 3;
* Constant for parameter initialization based on information measure
* Constant for parameter initialization being randomly selected
static int INITMETHOD_RANDOM = 1;
* Constant for parameter initialization to be based on loading a model file
static int INITMETHOD_LOAD = 2;
* The log likelihood of the model
double dloglike;
* Parameter used in the information based smoothing to smooth away from 0
double dinformationsmooth;
* The directory where the model should be output
String szoutputdir = "";
* The directory with the binarized input that should be used
String szinputdir = "";
* Initial probability of each state
double[] probinit;
* transitionprobs[ni][nj] contains the probability of transitioning from state i to state j
double[][] transitionprobs;
* transitionprobs[ni] has the number of transitions from state i that have not been eliminated
* because of low probability.
int[] transitionprobsnum;
* transitionprobs[ni] from 0 to transitionprobsnum[ni]-1 has the indicies of the
* states from state ni which have a non-eliminated transition
int[][] transitionprobsindex;
* True if the transition between states has been eliminated, false otherwise.
boolean[][] elim;
* Terminates if the estimated likelihood change after a full iteration is less than the value
* If the value is negative this value is not used. The estimated likelihood is computed by adding
* the likelihood of each sequence from its most recent pass through the genome.
double dconvergediff;
* HashSet with all the file prefixes
HashSet hsprefix;
* The maximum number of training iterations
int nmaxiterations;
* The number of non-eliminated states into state i
int[] transitionprobsnumCol;
* trainsitionprobsindexCol[ni] from 0 to transitionprobsindexCol[ni]-1 has the indicies of the
* states which have a non-eliminated transition
int[][] transitionprobsindexCol;
* For each state, each feature we have an emission probability for each bucket
double[][][] emissionprobs;
* The number of buckets for the emission parameter.
* The assumed data is binary but this is kept as a parameter for flexibility
private int numbuckets = 2;
* The number of hidden states in the model
int numstates;
* traindingdataObservedIndex[ni][nj] indicates for the i^th sequence and j^th position
* the combination which was observed.
int[][] traindataObservedIndex;
* trainingdataObservedValues[ni][nj] indicates if for the i^th combination of marks the value
* of the j^th mark
boolean[][] traindataObservedValues;
* traindataNotMissing[ni][j] indicates if for the i^th combination of marks and missing values
* the j^th mark is not missing
boolean[][] traindataNotMissing;
* traindataObservedSeqFlags[ni][nj] contains whether on the i^th sequence the j^th combination of
* marks were observed
boolean[][] traindataObservedSeqFlags;
* The names of the data sets for which a joint model will be learned
String[] datasets;
* The number of data sets that for which a joint model will be learned this is datasets.length
int numdatasets;
* Stores the random number generator
Random theRandom;
* Name of the file from which to base parameter initialization off of
* If null then randomly initialize parameters
String szInitFile;
* Determines how much weight is given to uniform vs. is the pre-loaded setting used to smooth around 0
double dloadsmoothtransition;
* Determines how much weight is given to uniform vs. is the pre-loaded setting used to smooth around 0
double dloadsmoothemission;
* Stores the cell associated with each sequence
String[] cellSeq;
* Stores the chromosome associated with each sequence
String[] chromSeq;
* File containing a list of 1-based state mapping
String szstateorderingfile;
* File containing the desired order of columns listed sequentially
String szcolumnorderingfile;
* The set of chromosome sequence files from which to learn the model
String[] chromfiles;
* Maps the internal state ordering to an actual ordering. This
* is reflect in the emission, transition, and model files.
int[] stateordering;
* Maps the column ordering to the ordering used in viewing the emission table
* Note the columns are not reordered in the model file. They are the same as
* the inital input files
int[] colordering;
* Stores the selected parameter initialization method
int ninitmethod;
* Stores the selected state ordering method
int nstateorder;
* If true reorders columns in the emission matrix
boolean bordercols;
* File with list of input files to learn
String szinputfilelist;
* If true prints to files the posterior distributions
boolean bprintposterior;
* If true prints a four column segmentation file
boolean bprintsegment;
* If true prints the maximum state assignment one per line
boolean bprintstatebyline;
* The number of base pairs in a bin
int nbinsize;
* Transitions below 10^ntransitionpower will be eliminated for efficiency
int nzerotransitionpower;
* Stores the Color to be used for the heatmap
Color theColor;
* Character storing ordering method E-emission, T-transition, U-user
char chorder;
* Descriptive string on the state ordering
String szorder;
* An ID or name that will be included in some output files
String szoutfileID;
* This parameter specifies the maximum number of seconds in learning and terminates
* after a full iteration in which this is exceeded
int nmaxseconds;
* Contains the maximum coordinate for each chromosome
String szchromlengthfile;
* The header line of a loaded model
private String szLoadHeader;
* Stores a mapping from states to labels
HashMap hmlabelExtend;
//code for confusion matrix
* True iff EvalSubset should read input from posterior files
boolean breadposterior;
* True iff EvalSubset should read input from standard segment files
boolean breadsegment;
* True iff EvalSubset should read input from segmentation file with one position per line
boolean breadstatebyline;
* A bit string specifying for each mark whether each mark is included '1' or not included '0'
String szincludemarks;
* True if the confusion matrix should be appended to the confusion output file
boolean bappend;
* The directory containing the segmentations
String szsegmentdir;
* The file to output confusion matrix
String szconfusionfileprefix;
* Variable which determines whether to do incremental or normal EM
boolean bnormalEM;
* Maximum number of threads to try launching also constrained by what is available
* If less than one then set to maximum available
int nmaxprocessors;
* Stores an integer index and array of boolean flags
static class ObservedRec
int nobserved;
boolean[] flagA;
ObservedRec(int nobserved, boolean[] flagA)
this.nobserved = nobserved;
this.flagA = flagA;
* Record stores an integer and random values, with reccompare can be used to
* randomly sort a set of indicies
static class RecIntDouble
int nindex;
double dval;
RecIntDouble(int nindex, double dval)
this.nindex = nindex;
this.dval = dval;
* Sorts the records based on the value of dval
public static class RecIntDoubleCompare implements Comparator, Serializable
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
RecIntDouble r1 = (RecIntDouble) o1;
RecIntDouble r2 = (RecIntDouble) o2;
if (r1.dval< r2.dval)
return -1;
else if (r1.dval > r2.dval)
return 1;
return 0;
* Record stores an integer and random values, with reccompare can be used to
* randomly sort a set of indicies
static class RecIntString
int nindex;
String sz;
RecIntString(int nindex, String sz)
this.nindex = nindex; = sz;
* Sorts the records based on the value of dval
public static class RecIntStringCompare implements Comparator, Serializable
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
RecIntString r1 = (RecIntString) o1;
RecIntString r2 = (RecIntString) o2;
* Constructor initializes the variable and loads the data used for learning the model
public ChromHMM(String szinputdir, String szoutputdir, String szinputfilelist,String szchromlengthfile, int numstates,int nseed, int ninitmethod,
String szInitFile, double dloadsmoothemission,double dloadsmoothtransition,double dinformationsmooth,
int nmaxiterations,double dcovergediff,int nmaxseconds,boolean bprintposterior,
boolean bprintsegment,boolean bprintstatebyline, int nbinsize,String szoutfileID,int nstateorder,boolean bordercols,int nzerotransitionpower,
Color theColor, boolean bnormalEM, int nmaxprocessors) throws IOException
this.szinputdir = szinputdir;
this.szoutputdir = szoutputdir;
this.szinputfilelist = szinputfilelist;
this.szchromlengthfile = szchromlengthfile;
this.numstates = numstates;
this.ninitmethod = ninitmethod;
this.szInitFile = szInitFile;
this.dloadsmoothemission = dloadsmoothemission;
this.dloadsmoothtransition = dloadsmoothtransition;
this.dinformationsmooth = dinformationsmooth;
this.nmaxiterations = nmaxiterations;
this.nmaxseconds = nmaxseconds;
this.dconvergediff = dcovergediff;
this.bprintposterior = bprintposterior;
this.bprintsegment = bprintsegment;
this.bprintstatebyline = bprintstatebyline;
this.nbinsize = nbinsize;
this.szoutfileID = szoutfileID;
this.nstateorder = nstateorder;
this.chorder = ChromHMM.ORDERCHARS[nstateorder];
this.szorder = ChromHMM.ORDERSTRINGS[nstateorder];
this.bordercols = bordercols;
this.nzerotransitionpower = nzerotransitionpower;
this.theColor = theColor;
this.bnormalEM = bnormalEM;
this.nmaxprocessors = nmaxprocessors;
hmlabelExtend = new HashMap();
theRandom = new Random(nseed);
stateordering = new int[numstates];
colordering = new int[numdatasets];
for (int ni = 0; ni < stateordering.length; ni++)
stateordering[ni] = ni;
for (int ni = 0; ni < colordering.length; ni++)
colordering[ni] = ni;
* Loads contents of szlabelmapping into a HashMap
private void makeLabelMapping(String szlabelmapping) throws IOException
if (szlabelmapping != null)
BufferedReader bridlabel = Util.getBufferedReader(szlabelmapping);
String szLine;
//Loading in a mapping from state ID to a label description
while ((szLine = bridlabel.readLine())!=null)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(szLine,"\t");
String szID = st.nextToken();
String szLabelExtend = st.nextToken();
* Constructor involved in reordering the data
public ChromHMM(String szInitFile, String szoutputdir, String szstateorderingfile, String szcolumnorderingfile,
String szoutfileID,int nstateorder,boolean bordercols,Color theColor,String szlabelmapping) throws IOException
this.szcolumnorderingfile = szcolumnorderingfile;
this.szInitFile = szInitFile;
this.szoutputdir = szoutputdir;
this.szstateorderingfile = szstateorderingfile;
this.szoutfileID = szoutfileID;
this.nstateorder = nstateorder;
this.chorder = ChromHMM.ORDERCHARS[nstateorder];
this.szorder = ChromHMM.ORDERSTRINGS[nstateorder];
this.bordercols = bordercols;
this.theColor = theColor;
hmlabelExtend = new HashMap();
stateordering = new int[numstates];
colordering = new int[numdatasets];
for (int ni = 0; ni < stateordering.length; ni++)
stateordering[ni] = ni;
for (int ni = 0; ni < colordering.length; ni++)
colordering[ni] = ni;
* Constructor initializes the variable and loads the data used for making segmentation from a model
public ChromHMM(String szinputdir, String szinputfilelist, String szchromlengthfile, String szoutputdir, String szInitFile, String szoutfileID,
int nbinsize, boolean bprintposterior, boolean bprintsegment,boolean bprintstatebyline) throws IOException
this.szinputdir = szinputdir;
this.szinputfilelist = szinputfilelist;
this.szchromlengthfile = szchromlengthfile;
this.bprintposterior = bprintposterior;
this.bprintsegment = bprintsegment;
this.bprintstatebyline = bprintstatebyline;
this.szoutfileID = szoutfileID;
this.szoutputdir = szoutputdir;
this.szInitFile = szInitFile;
this.nbinsize = nbinsize;
hmlabelExtend = new HashMap();
stateordering = new int[numstates];
colordering = new int[numdatasets];
for (int ni = 0; ni < stateordering.length; ni++)
stateordering[ni] = ni;
for (int ni = 0; ni < colordering.length; ni++)
colordering[ni] = ni;
* Constructor used for computing confusion results using a subset of marks for the EvalSubset command
public ChromHMM(String szinputdir, String szsegmentdir, String szinputfilelist, String szconfusionfileprefix,
String szInitFile, String szoutfileID,
int nbinsize, boolean breadposterior, boolean breadsegment,boolean breadstatebyline,
String szincludemarks, boolean bappend, Color theColor) throws IOException
this.bappend = bappend;
this.szinputdir = szinputdir;
this.szsegmentdir = szsegmentdir;
this.szinputfilelist = szinputfilelist;
this.szchromlengthfile = szchromlengthfile;
this.breadposterior = breadposterior;
this.breadsegment = breadsegment;
this.breadstatebyline = breadstatebyline;
this.szoutfileID = szoutfileID;
this.szconfusionfileprefix = szconfusionfileprefix;
this.szInitFile = szInitFile;
this.nbinsize = nbinsize;
this.szincludemarks = szincludemarks;
this.theColor = theColor;
hmlabelExtend = new HashMap();
stateordering = new int[numstates];
colordering = new int[numdatasets];
for (int ni = 0; ni < stateordering.length; ni++)
stateordering[ni] = ni;
for (int ni = 0; ni < colordering.length; ni++)
colordering[ni] = ni;
* Converts order abbreviation character to string
static String convertCharOrderToStringOrder(char ch)
for (int ni = 1; ni < ChromHMM.ORDERCHARS.length; ni++)
if (ChromHMM.ORDERCHARS[ni] == ch)
return ChromHMM.ORDERSTRINGS[ni];
return ChromHMM.ORDERSTRINGS[0];
* Initializes the parameters based on the method determined by ninitmethod
* then calls trainParameters
public void buildModel() throws IOException
if (ninitmethod ==ChromHMM.INITMETHOD_LOAD)
//loads parameters of the initial model
else if (ninitmethod == ChromHMM.INITMETHOD_INFORMATION)
else if (ninitmethod == ChromHMM.INITMETHOD_RANDOM)
//trains the model
if (bnormalEM)
private void reorderModel() throws IOException
if (szstateorderingfile !=null)
BufferedReader brstate = Util.getBufferedReader(szstateorderingfile);
String szLine;
while ((szLine = brstate.readLine())!=null)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(szLine,"\t");
int nold = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())-1;
int nnew = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())-1;
stateordering[nnew] = nold;
if (szcolumnorderingfile !=null)
int ncol = 0;
BufferedReader brcol = Util.getBufferedReader(szcolumnorderingfile);
String szLine;
HashMap hm = new HashMap();
while ((szLine = brcol.readLine())!=null)
for (int ni = 0; ni < datasets.length; ni++)
Integer obj = ((Integer) hm.get(datasets[ni]));
if (obj == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(datasets[ni]+" not found!");
colordering[obj.intValue()] = ni;
else if (bordercols)
//updates after each iteration the current status of the search
* If nstateorder is ChromHMM.STATEORDER_EMISSION orders emission parameters based on emission parameters and stores in stateordering
* If nstateorder is ChromHMM.STATEORDER_TRANSITION orders emission parameters based on transition parameters and stores in stateordering
private void makeStateOrdering()
if (nstateorder == ChromHMM.STATEORDER_EMISSION)
double[][] emissionprobspos = new double[numstates][numdatasets];
//just gets out the emissionprobability in index 1 of the third index
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double[] emissionprobspos_ni = emissionprobspos[ni];
double[][] emissionprobs_ni = emissionprobs[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < numdatasets; nj++)
emissionprobspos_ni[nj] = emissionprobs_ni[nj][1];
makeOrderingCorrelation(emissionprobspos, stateordering);
else if (nstateorder == ChromHMM.STATEORDER_TRANSITION)
* Stores in colordering an ordering of the columns of the emission parameter matrix based on parameter correlaton
public void makeColOrdering()
double[][] emissionprobspostranspose = new double[numdatasets][numstates];
for (int ni = 0; ni < numdatasets; ni++)
double[] emissionprobspostranspose_ni = emissionprobspostranspose[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
emissionprobspostranspose_ni[nj] = emissionprobs[nj][ni][1];
* Returns an ordering of states using an approximation algorithm to minimize the total distance between neighboring states
* where distance between neighboring states (i,j) is defined as 2- (t_i,j +t_j,i)
* The ordering is the best greedy ordering considering each state as the initial state
private void makeOrderingTransition(int[] ordering)
boolean[] assignedrow = new boolean[ordering.length];
int[] temproworder = new int[ordering.length];
double dmintotsum = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int ninitrow = 0; ninitrow < ordering.length; ninitrow++)
//tries ordering starting from each possible initial location
temproworder[0] = ninitrow;
for (int ni = 0; ni < assignedrow.length; ni++)
assignedrow[ni] = false;
assignedrow[ninitrow] = true;
double dtotsum = 0;
int nminrow;
int nprevminrow=ninitrow;
for (int ncurrow = 1; ncurrow < ordering.length; ncurrow++)
//finding the next state for the ordering
double dmindist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
nminrow = 0;
//considering all not already assigned states
for (int nrow = 0; nrow < ordering.length; nrow++)
if (!assignedrow[nrow])
double ddist = 2-(transitionprobs[nrow][nprevminrow]+transitionprobs[nprevminrow][nrow]);
//checks if distance is less than minimum distance found so far, if so uses it
if (ddist < dmindist)
dmindist= ddist;
nminrow = nrow;
dtotsum += dmindist; //increment total sum
temproworder[ncurrow] = nminrow;
assignedrow[nminrow] = true;
nprevminrow = nminrow; //this is now the best previous row
if (dtotsum < dmintotsum)
//best one found so far updating totalsum and storing roworder
dmintotsum = dtotsum;
for (int ni = 0; ni < ordering.length; ni++)
ordering[ni] = temproworder[ni];
* Returns an ordering of states using an approximation algorithm to minimize the total distance between neighboring states
* where distance between neighboring states (i,j) is defined as the sqrt of 1-minus the correlation coefficient
* The ordering is the best greedy ordering considering each state as the initial state
private void makeOrderingCorrelation(double[][] data, int[] ordering)
boolean[] assignedrow = new boolean[ordering.length];
int[] temproworder = new int[ordering.length];
double dmintotsum = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double[][] correlationdistance = new double[ordering.length][ordering.length];
for (int ni = 0; ni < ordering.length; ni++)
for (int nj = 0; nj < ordering.length; nj++)
correlationdistance[ni][nj] = Math.sqrt(1-Util.correlation(data[ni],data[nj]));
for (int ninitrow = 0; ninitrow < ordering.length; ninitrow++)
temproworder[0] = ninitrow;
for (int ni = 0; ni < assignedrow.length; ni++)
assignedrow[ni] = false;
assignedrow[ninitrow] = true;
double dtotsum = 0;
int nminrow;
int nprevminrow = ninitrow;
for (int ncurrow = 1; ncurrow < ordering.length; ncurrow++)
//finding the next state for the ordering
double dmindist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
nminrow = 0;
//considering all not already assigned states
for (int nrow = 0; nrow < ordering.length; nrow++)
if (!assignedrow[nrow])
double ddist = correlationdistance[nrow][nprevminrow];
//checks if distance is less than minimum distance found so far, if so uses it
if (ddist < dmindist)
dmindist= ddist;
nminrow = nrow;
dtotsum += dmindist; //increment total sum
temproworder[ncurrow] = nminrow;
assignedrow[nminrow] = true;
nprevminrow = nminrow; //this is now the best previous row
if (dtotsum < dmintotsum)
//best one found so far updating totalsum and storing roworder
dmintotsum = dtotsum;
for (int ni = 0; ni < ordering.length; ni++)
ordering[ni] = temproworder[ni];
* Outputs the transition parameters as a '.png' and 'svg' heatmap in the szoutputdir directory
* the file name startswith 'transitions_numstates' and if szoutfileID is non-empty that is
* included as well.
public void printTransitionImage(int niteration) throws IOException
//stores in sorteddata the contents of transitionprobs with the states
//reordered based on stateordering
double[][] sorteddata = new double[numstates][numstates];
String[] statelabels = new String[numstates];
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double[] sorteddata_ni = sorteddata[ni];
double[] transitionprobs_stateordering_ni = transitionprobs[stateordering[ni]];
for (int nj =0; nj < numstates; nj++)
sorteddata_ni[nj] = transitionprobs_stateordering_ni[stateordering[nj]];
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
statelabels[ni] = ""+(ni+1);
String szsuffix;
if ((szsuffix = (String) hmlabelExtend.get(""+chorder+(stateordering[ni]+1)))!=null)
statelabels[ni]+= "_"+szsuffix;
HeatChart map = new HeatChart(sorteddata);
map.setTitle("Transition Parameters");
map.setXAxisLabel("State To ("+szorder+" order)");
map.setYAxisLabel("State From ("+szorder+" order)");
map.setAxisValuesFont(new Font("SansSerif",0,20));
map.setAxisLabelsFont(new Font("SansSerif",0,22));
map.setTitleFont(new Font("SansSerif",0,24));
if (sorteddata.length <=5)
map.setXValues(statelabels); //sets the state labels to be the state IDs
String szfileprefix;
if (szoutfileID.equals(""))
szfileprefix = szoutputdir+"/transitions_"+numstates;
szfileprefix = szoutputdir+"/transitions_"+numstates+"_"+szoutfileID;
map.saveToFile(new File(szfileprefix+".png"));
Util.printImageToSVG(map, szfileprefix+".svg");
if (niteration <= 1)
System.out.println("Writing to file "+szfileprefix+".png");
System.out.println("Writing to file "+szfileprefix+".svg");
* Outputs the emission parameters as a '.png' and '.svg' heatmap in the szoutputdir directory
* the file name startswith 'emissions_numstates' and if szoutfileID is non-empty that is
* included as well.
public void printEmissionImage(int niteration) throws IOException
double[][] sorteddata =new double[numstates][numdatasets];
String[] sortedcollabels = new String[numdatasets];
String[] rowlabels = new String[numstates];
//copying in the emission parameters for the positive on bucket
for (int ni = 0; ni < sorteddata.length; ni++)
for (int nj =0; nj < sorteddata[ni].length; nj++)
sorteddata[ni][nj] = emissionprobs[stateordering[ni]][colordering[nj]][1];
for (int ni = 0; ni < numdatasets; ni++)
//column labels also need to be reordered
sortedcollabels[ni] = datasets[colordering[ni]];
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
rowlabels[ni] = ""+(ni+1);
String szsuffix;
if ((szsuffix = (String) hmlabelExtend.get(""+chorder+(stateordering[ni]+1)))!=null)
rowlabels[ni]+= "_"+szsuffix;
HeatChart map = new HeatChart(sorteddata);
map.setTitle("Emission Parameters");
map.setAxisValuesFont(new Font("SansSerif",0,20));
map.setAxisLabelsFont(new Font("SansSerif",0,22));
map.setTitleFont(new Font("SansSerif",0,24));
map.setYAxisLabel("State ("+szorder+" order)");
if (sorteddata.length <=5)
String szfileprefix;
if (szoutfileID.equals(""))
szfileprefix = szoutputdir+"/emissions_"+numstates;
szfileprefix = szoutputdir+"/emissions_"+numstates+"_"+szoutfileID;
Util.printImageToSVG(map, szfileprefix+".svg");
map.saveToFile(new File(szfileprefix+".png"));
if (niteration <= 1)
System.out.println("Writing to file "+szfileprefix+".svg");
System.out.println("Writing to file "+szfileprefix+".png");
* Prints the contents of the mark present emission parameters out to a text file with the
* states and marks ordered based on stateordering and colordering
public void printEmissionTable(int niteration) throws IOException
PrintWriter pw;
String szfile;
if (szoutfileID.equals(""))
szfile = szoutputdir+"/emissions_"+numstates+".txt";
pw = new PrintWriter(szfile);
szfile = szoutputdir+"/emissions_"+numstates+"_"+szoutfileID+".txt";
pw = new PrintWriter(szfile);
if (niteration <= 1)
System.out.println("Writing to file "+szfile);
pw.print("state ("+szorder+" order)");
for (int ni = 0; ni < datasets.length; ni++)
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
String szsuffix;
if ((szsuffix = (String) hmlabelExtend.get(""+chorder+(stateordering[ni]+1)))!=null)
for (int nj = 0; nj < emissionprobs[ni].length; nj++)
* Prints the contents of the transition parameters out to a text file with the states ordered
public void printTransitionTable(int niteration) throws IOException
PrintWriter pw;
String szfile;
if (szoutfileID.equals(""))
szfile = szoutputdir+"/transitions_"+numstates+".txt";
pw = new PrintWriter(szfile);
szfile = szoutputdir+"/transitions_"+numstates+"_"+szoutfileID+".txt";
pw = new PrintWriter(szfile);
if (niteration <= 1)
System.out.println("Writing to file "+szfile);
pw.print("state (from\\to) ("+szorder+" order)");
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
String szsuffix;
if ((szsuffix = (String) hmlabelExtend.get(""+chorder+(stateordering[ni]+1)))!=null)
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
String szsuffix;
if ((szsuffix = (String) hmlabelExtend.get(""+chorder+(stateordering[ni]+1)))!=null)
double[] transitionprobs_stateordering_ni = transitionprobs[stateordering[ni]];
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
* Prints to a file the contents of the model. States are printed based on state-ordering
* but columns are not reordered and are consistent as in the original data file
* szoutputdir+"/model_"+numstates+"_"+szoutfileID+".txt"
* if -1 then uses model header
private void printParametersToFile(int niteration) throws IOException
PrintWriter pw;
String szfile;
if (szoutfileID.equals(""))
szfile = szoutputdir+"/model_"+numstates+".txt";
pw = new PrintWriter(szfile);
szfile = szoutputdir+"/model_"+numstates+"_"+szoutfileID+".txt";
pw = new PrintWriter(szfile);
if (niteration <= 1)
System.out.println("Writing to file "+szfile);
if (niteration == -1)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(szLoadHeader);
st.nextToken(); //might be changing the order type
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
for (int ni = 0; ni < transitionprobs.length; ni++)
double[] transitionprobs_stateordering_ni = transitionprobs[stateordering[ni]];
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobs_stateordering_ni.length; nj++)
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double[][] emissionprobs_stateordering_ni = emissionprobs[stateordering[ni]];
for (int nj = 0; nj < emissionprobs_stateordering_ni.length; nj++)
double[] emissionprobs_stateordering_ni_nj = emissionprobs_stateordering_ni[nj];
for (int nk = 0; nk < emissionprobs_stateordering_ni_nj.length; nk++)
public void informationInitializeNested()
//inital probability vector
probinit = new double[numstates];
//creates the emission probability matrix
emissionprobs = new double[numstates][numdatasets][numbuckets];
//set to true if a transition has been eliminated
elim = new boolean[numstates][numstates];
//initalize the transition matrix
transitionprobs = new double[numstates][numstates];
//initialize index of the next non-zero transition
transitionprobsindex = new int[numstates][numstates];
//initalize number of non-zero transitions
transitionprobsnum = new int[numstates];
//initalize column-wise index of non-zero transitions
transitionprobsindexCol = new int[numstates][numstates];
//number of non-zero column transitions
transitionprobsnumCol = new int[numstates];
int[][] traindataObservedIndexPair = new int[traindataObservedIndex.length][];
ArrayList alobservedpairflags = new ArrayList(); //is an index from the element combination to the associated flags
HashMap hmObserved= new HashMap(); //is an index from the associated flags to the element index
int nobserved= 0; //index on the unique observation combination we are observing
//generates all vectors of combinations of consecutive of '1' calls
for (int nseq = 0; nseq <traindataObservedIndex.length; nseq++)
//going through each sequence
int[] traindataObservedIndex_nseq = traindataObservedIndex[nseq];
int traindataObservedIndex_nseq_m1 = traindataObservedIndex_nseq.length -1;
traindataObservedIndexPair[nseq] = new int[traindataObservedIndex_nseq_m1];
int[] traindataObservedIndexPair_nseq = traindataObservedIndexPair[nseq];
boolean[] currvals = traindataObservedValues[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[0]];
for (int nindex = 0; nindex < traindataObservedIndex_nseq_m1; nindex++)
boolean[] nextvals = traindataObservedValues[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[nindex+1]];
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int nmark = 0; nmark < numdatasets;nmark++)
if (currvals[nmark]&&nextvals[nmark])
BigInteger theBigInteger = new BigInteger(sb.toString(),2);
Object obj = hmObserved.get(theBigInteger);
int ncurrobserved;
if (obj == null)
//first time we saw the combination storing index
ncurrobserved = nobserved;
boolean[] pairflags = new boolean[numdatasets];
for (int nmark = 0; nmark < numdatasets;nmark++)
pairflags[nmark] = (currvals[nmark]&&nextvals[nmark]);
//we already have seen this
ncurrobserved= ((Integer) hmObserved.get(theBigInteger)).intValue();
//storing which element pair the observation corresponds to
traindataObservedIndexPair_nseq[nindex] = ncurrobserved;
currvals = nextvals;
int numels = alobservedpairflags.size();
//computes a tally for each flag combination observed of how frequently observed
int[] tallys = new int[numels];
//stores the total number of flag combinations observed
int ntotaltally = 0;
for (int nseq = 0; nseq < traindataObservedIndexPair.length; nseq++)
int[] traindataObservedIndexPair_nseq = traindataObservedIndexPair[nseq];
//updating element counts
for (int nindex = 0; nindex < traindataObservedIndexPair_nseq.length; nindex++)
//updates the total element counts
ntotaltally += traindataObservedIndexPair_nseq.length;
//first state always smoothed zero
for (int nj = 0; nj < numdatasets; nj++)
emissionprobs[0][nj][1] = dinformationsmooth*1.0/numbuckets;
emissionprobs[0][nj][0] = 1- emissionprobs[0][nj][1];
//stores how many elements are currently assigned to the split node
int[] partitionTally = new int[numstates];
//initally everything gets assigned to split node 0
partitionTally[0] = ntotaltally;
//stores the partition assignment of each split node
// initially everything is assigned to split node 0
int[] initStateAssign = new int[numels];
//stores back pointers to the parent split nodes
int[] backptr = new int[numstates];
//stores for all prior splits how many elements would be split off
//if partitioning on that mark
int[][] nextpartitionTally = new int[numstates-1][numdatasets];
for (int niteration = 1; niteration < numstates; niteration++)
//need to the same number of assignments as we have states
for (int ni = 0; ni < niteration-1; ni++)
//initializes the nextpartitionTally to 0
int[] nextpartitionTally_ni = nextpartitionTally[ni];
for (int nmark = 0; nmark < numdatasets; nmark++)
nextpartitionTally_ni[nmark] = 0;
for (int nel = 0; nel < tallys.length; nel++)
//considering each mark to partition on
boolean[] pairflags = (boolean[]) alobservedpairflags.get(nel);
//gets the current assignment of the element type
int initStateAssign_nel = initStateAssign[nel];
//counting how many from current partition would be split
for (int nsplitmark = 0; nsplitmark <numdatasets; nsplitmark++)
if (pairflags[nsplitmark])
//if element is positive for the mark then increments the count
nextpartitionTally[initStateAssign_nel][nsplitmark] += tallys[nel];
//finding the split that results in the greatest information change
double dbestinformationchange = 0;
//stores the best split
int nbestsplit = -1;
//stores the best split mark
int nbestsplitmark = -1;
for (int nsplit = 0; nsplit < niteration; nsplit++)
//considering all previous splits to split again
//fraction of total weighted elements in this node about to be split
int partitionTally_nsplit = partitionTally[nsplit];
double dprobfull = partitionTally_nsplit/(double) ntotaltally;
double dprobfullterm;
if (dprobfull> 0)
//the information term for this node about to be split
dprobfullterm = dprobfull*Math.log(dprobfull);
dprobfullterm = 0;
int[] nextpartitionTally_nsplit = nextpartitionTally[nsplit];
for (int nsplitmark = 0; nsplitmark < numdatasets; nsplitmark++)
//considering each mark to split on
//numerator is how many weighted elements would remain in the partition after splitting on the mark
double dprob1 = (partitionTally_nsplit-nextpartitionTally_nsplit[nsplitmark])/(double) ntotaltally;
//numerator is how many weighted elements would go to the new partition
double dprob2 = nextpartitionTally_nsplit[nsplitmark]/(double) ntotaltally;
double dinformationchange = dprobfullterm;
if (dprob1 > 0)
dinformationchange -= dprob1*Math.log(dprob1);
if (dprob2 > 0)
dinformationchange -= dprob2*Math.log(dprob2);
//-p_1*log(p_1)-p_2*log(p_2)- -(p1+p2)*log(p1+p2)
if (dinformationchange > dbestinformationchange)
dbestinformationchange = dinformationchange;
nbestsplit = nsplit;
nbestsplitmark = nsplitmark;
if (nbestsplit == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("On this data the INFORMATION initialization strategy can only support "+niteration+" states "+
"use the RANDOM or LOAD options for more states");
//the number of elements in the new split
int numnewsplit =nextpartitionTally[nbestsplit][nbestsplitmark];
partitionTally[niteration] = numnewsplit;
//removes from the node we splitting from those we just split;
partitionTally[nbestsplit] -= numnewsplit;
//stores a back pointer to the node split to generate this one
backptr[niteration] = nbestsplit;
for (int nel = 0; nel < tallys.length; nel++)
//goes through all elements and if recorded as being part of this split and positive for the split mark
//then updates its initial state
boolean[] pairflags = (boolean[]) alobservedpairflags.get(nel);
if ((initStateAssign[nel]==nbestsplit)&& (pairflags[nbestsplitmark]))
initStateAssign[nel]= niteration;
int[][] postally = new int[numstates][numdatasets];
for (int nel = 0; nel < tallys.length; nel++)
boolean[] pairflags = (boolean[]) alobservedpairflags.get(nel);
for (int nmark = 0; nmark < numdatasets; nmark++)
//this have a positive assignment for this flag
//walking to all ancestors and incrementing tally for this mark
int ncurrstate = initStateAssign[nel];
postally[ncurrstate][nmark] += tallys[nel];
ncurrstate = backptr[ncurrstate];
while (ncurrstate != 0);
int[] partitionTallySum = new int[partitionTally.length];
for (int nstate = 1; nstate < numstates; nstate++)
//figures out how many descendants there are of each split
int ncurrstate = nstate;
int ntotsum = 0;
int ncurrval = partitionTally[ncurrstate];
//incrementing counts for the parents
partitionTallySum[ncurrstate] += ncurrval;
ncurrstate = backptr[ncurrstate];
while (ncurrstate != 0);
for (int nstate = 1; nstate < numstates; nstate++)
for (int nj = 0; nj < numdatasets; nj++)
emissionprobs[nstate][nj][1] = dinformationsmooth*1.0/numbuckets
+(1-dinformationsmooth)*(postally[nstate][nj]/(double) partitionTallySum[nstate]);
emissionprobs[nstate][nj][0] = 1- emissionprobs[nstate][nj][1];
//initialize the inital probability based on the partition of the first vector
int[] numstarts = new int[numstates];
for (int nseq = 0; nseq < traindataObservedIndexPair.length; nseq++)
for (int ni = 0; ni < probinit.length; ni++)
//weighted probability of uniform and the fraction of starts from that partition
probinit[ni] = dinformationsmooth*1.0/numstates+(1-dinformationsmooth)*numstarts[ni]/(double)traindataObservedIndexPair.length;
//determining initial settings for the transition probability
int[][] transitiontally = new int[numstates][numstates];
int nnextstate;
for (int nseq = 0; nseq < traindataObservedIndexPair.length; nseq++)
//going through each sequence
int[] traindataObservedIndexPair_nseq = traindataObservedIndexPair[nseq];
int nprevstate = initStateAssign[traindataObservedIndexPair_nseq[0]];
for (int nindex = 1; nindex < traindataObservedIndexPair_nseq.length; nindex++)
//going through all the elements of the sequence computing a tallly of each bigram
nnextstate = initStateAssign[traindataObservedIndexPair_nseq[nindex]];
nprevstate = nnextstate;
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double[] transitionprobs_ni = transitionprobs[ni];
double dnumfromi = 0;
int[] transitiontally_ni = transitiontally[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
dnumfromi += transitiontally_ni[nj];
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
elim[ni][nj] = false;
//computes a weighted average of a uniform transition probability and the empirical frequency
transitionprobs_ni[nj] = dinformationsmooth*1.0/numstates
+(1-dinformationsmooth)*(transitiontally_ni[nj]/(double) dnumfromi);
transitionprobsindex[ni][nj] = nj;
transitionprobsindexCol[ni][nj] = nj;
transitionprobsnum[ni] = numstates;
transitionprobsnumCol[ni] = numstates;
* Randomly initializes parameters of the HMM based on a uniform distribution
public void randomlyInitializeParams()
//initializes the initial state parameters
double dsum = 0;
probinit = new double[numstates];
for (int ni = 0; ni < probinit.length; ni++)
probinit[ni] = theRandom.nextDouble();
dsum += probinit[ni];
for (int ni = 0; ni < probinit.length; ni++)
probinit[ni] /= dsum;
//set to true if a transition has been eliminated
elim = new boolean[numstates][numstates];
//initalize the transition matrix
transitionprobs = new double[numstates][numstates];
//initialize index of the next non-zero transition
transitionprobsindex = new int[numstates][numstates];
//initalize number of non-zero transitions
transitionprobsnum = new int[numstates];
//initalize column-wise index of non-zero transitions
transitionprobsindexCol = new int[numstates][numstates];
//number of non-zero column transitions
transitionprobsnumCol = new int[numstates];
//uniformly randomly assigns transition probability values
//also initializes transition indicies
for (int ni = 0; ni < transitionprobs.length; ni++)
dsum = 0;
double[] transitionprobs_ni = transitionprobs[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobs_ni.length; nj++)
elim[ni][nj] = false;
double dval = theRandom.nextDouble();
transitionprobs_ni[nj] = dval;
dsum += transitionprobs_ni[nj];
transitionprobsindex[ni][nj] = nj;
transitionprobsindexCol[ni][nj] = nj;
transitionprobsnum[ni] = numstates;
transitionprobsnumCol[ni] = numstates;
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobs_ni.length; nj++)
transitionprobs_ni[nj] /= dsum;
//uniformly randomly assigns emission probability values
//also initializes emission indicies
emissionprobs = new double[numstates][numdatasets][numbuckets];
for (int ni = 0; ni < emissionprobs.length; ni++)
double[][] emissionprobs_ni = emissionprobs[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < emissionprobs_ni.length; nj++)
double[] emissionprobs_ni_nj = emissionprobs_ni[nj];
dsum = 0;
for (int nk = 0; nk < emissionprobs_ni_nj.length; nk++)
double dval = theRandom.nextDouble();
dsum += dval;
emissionprobs_ni_nj[nk] = dval;
for (int nk = 0; nk < emissionprobs_ni_nj.length; nk++)
emissionprobs_ni_nj[nk] /= dsum;
* loadModel loads a model directly by calling loadModelSmooth with emission parameters set to 0
public void loadModel() throws IOException
* Loads the model contained in szInitFile with the smoothing specified
* based on the dsmoothtransition and dsmoothemission parameters
public void loadModelSmooth(double dproceduresmoothemission, double dproceduresmoothtransition) throws IOException
BufferedReader br = Util.getBufferedReader(szInitFile);
String szLine;
szLoadHeader = br.readLine();
if (szLoadHeader == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szLoadHeader+" is empty!");
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(szLoadHeader,"\t");
//first token of the first line of the model file is assume to give the number of states
numstates = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
numdatasets = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
if (datasets ==null)
datasets = new String[numdatasets];
chorder = st.nextToken().charAt(0);
if ((nstateorder != ChromHMM.STATEORDER_TRANSITION)&&(nstateorder != ChromHMM.STATEORDER_EMISSION))
nstateorder = -1;
for (int ni = 0; ni < ChromHMM.ORDERCHARS.length; ni++)
if (chorder == ChromHMM.ORDERCHARS[ni])
nstateorder = ni;
if (nstateorder == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(chorder+" is an invalid order type");
szorder = ChromHMM.ORDERSTRINGS[nstateorder];
probinit = new double[numstates];
//transitions that are strictly 0 are elminated
elim = new boolean[numstates][numstates];
transitionprobs = new double[numstates][numstates];
//contains the indicies of non-0 transitions
transitionprobsindex = new int[numstates][numstates];
transitionprobsnum = new int[numstates];
transitionprobsindexCol = new int[numstates][numstates];
transitionprobsnumCol = new int[numstates];
//initialize the transition structure without any parameter elimination
for (int ni = 0; ni < transitionprobs.length; ni++)
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobs[ni].length; nj++)
elim[ni][nj] = false;
transitionprobsindex[ni][nj] = nj;
transitionprobsindexCol[ni][nj] = nj;
transitionprobsnum[ni] = numstates;
transitionprobsnumCol[ni] = numstates;
emissionprobs = new double[numstates][numdatasets][numbuckets];
boolean btransition0 = false;
while ((szLine = br.readLine())!=null)
st = new StringTokenizer(szLine,"\t");
String szvartype = st.nextToken();
if (szvartype.equalsIgnoreCase("probinit"))
//reading an inital probability
int nstate = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())-1;
double dprob = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken());
probinit[nstate] = dprob;
else if (szvartype.equalsIgnoreCase("transitionprobs"))
int nfrom = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())-1;
int nto = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())-1;
double dprob = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken());
//this smooths the transition probability if dproceduresmmothtransition>0 using a weighted average with uniform
transitionprobs[nfrom][nto] = dproceduresmoothtransition/((double) transitionprobs.length)+(1-dproceduresmoothtransition)*dprob;
if (transitionprobs[nfrom][nto] == 0)
//we have a 0 transition
btransition0 = true;
elim[nfrom][nto] = true;
else if (szvartype.equalsIgnoreCase("emissionprobs"))
int nstate = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())-1;
int nmod = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
if (datasets[nmod]==null)
datasets[nmod] = st.nextToken();
int nval = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
double dprob = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken());
//smooths the emission probability if dproceduresmoothemission>0 using a weighted average with uniform
emissionprobs[nstate][nmod][nval] = dproceduresmoothemission/((double) numbuckets)+(1-dproceduresmoothemission)*dprob;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szvartype+" is not recognized in the input model file");
if (btransition0)
//we have a non-zero transition will update the sparse indicies
for (int ni = 0; ni < transitionprobs.length; ni++)
int nindex = 0;
boolean[] elim_ni = elim[ni];
int[] transitionprobsindex_ni = transitionprobsindex[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobsindex_ni.length; nj++)
if (!elim_ni[nj])
//we have not eliminated this transition
//stores its index in order and add sum to denominator
transitionprobsindex_ni[nindex] = nj;
//update the number of valid transitions
transitionprobsnum[ni] = nindex;
for (int ni = 0; ni < transitionprobs.length; ni++)
int nindex =0;
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
if (!elim[nj][ni])
//copy into the column i the indicies of all non-eliminated transitions into i
transitionprobsindexCol[ni][nindex] = nj;
//updates the number of non-zero transitions from column i
transitionprobsnumCol[ni] = nindex;
* Takes an existing model and segmentation and outputs a confusion matrix by a selected subset
public void makeSegmentationConfusion() throws IOException
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
//number of non-zero transition required to be less than this at the more stringent cutoff
//for trying to exploit sparsity in the transition matrix for efficiency gains
int nsparsecutoff = (int) (numstates * ChromHMM.SPARSECUTOFFRATIO);
int[] numtime = new int[traindataObservedIndex.length];
//stores the maximum number of locations in any sequence and in each sequence
int nmaxtime = 0;
for (int nseq = 0; nseq < traindataObservedIndex.length; nseq++)
numtime[nseq] = traindataObservedIndex[nseq].length;
if (numtime[nseq] > nmaxtime)
nmaxtime = numtime[nseq];
double[][] fullposterior = null;
int[] fullmax = null;
double[][] confusion = new double[numstates][numstates];
double[][] normalizedconfusion = new double[numstates][numstates];
if (breadposterior)
fullposterior = new double[nmaxtime][numstates];
if ((breadstatebyline)||(breadsegment))
fullmax = new int[nmaxtime];
System.out.println("Maximum number of locations\t"+nmaxtime);
//stores the emission probability for the i^th combination of marks in the j^th state
double[][] emissionproducts = new double[traindataObservedValues.length][numstates];
//stores temporary product terms
double[] tempproductbetaemiss = new double[numstates];
//This stores the alpha values at each time point and number of states
double[][] alpha = new double[nmaxtime][numstates];
//Temporary storage of the gamma's for each state
double[][] gamma = new double[nmaxtime][numstates];
//Temporary storage of the beta values for each state
double[] beta_nt = new double[numstates];
//Temporary storage of the beta values for each state at the next time point
double[] beta_ntp1 = new double[numstates];
//stores the scaling value for each time point
double[] scale = new double[nmaxtime];
//stores the transition probabilities for each column
double[][] coltransitionprobs = new double[numstates][numstates];
boolean[] includemarks = new boolean[numdatasets];
double[] surplus = new double[numstates];
double[] deficit = new double[numstates];
double[] dstatesagree = new double[numstates];
if (szincludemarks.length()!=numdatasets)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of marks in "+szincludemarks+" of "+szincludemarks.length()+" does not equal expected number of "+numdatasets);
if ((breadstatebyline)||(breadsegment))
//stores the maximum assignment with all marks
fullmax = new int[nmaxtime];
//stores the posterior assignment with all marks
fullposterior = new double[nmaxtime][numstates];
String szdatasets = "";
for (int nmark = 0; nmark < includemarks.length; nmark++)
if (szincludemarks.charAt(nmark) == '1')
//stores in includemarks those data sets that have a '1' for the mark
includemarks[nmark] = true;
if (szdatasets.equals(""))
szdatasets += datasets[nmark];
szdatasets += "," + datasets[nmark];
else if (szincludemarks.charAt(nmark) == '0')
includemarks[nmark] = false;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szincludemarks+" is not a valid bit string for includemarks!");
RecIntString[] ordered = new RecIntString[chromfiles.length];
for (int nindex = 0; nindex < ordered.length; nindex++)
ordered[nindex] = new RecIntString(nindex,chromfiles[nindex]);
Arrays.sort(ordered,new RecIntStringCompare());
hsprefix = new HashSet();
for (int nseq = 0; nseq < traindataObservedIndex.length; nseq++)
int nordered_nseq = ordered[nseq].nindex;
//goes through each sequence
int[] traindataObservedIndex_nseq = traindataObservedIndex[nordered_nseq];
boolean[] traindataObservedSeqFlags_nseq = traindataObservedSeqFlags[nordered_nseq];
String szprefix = "";
if (!cellSeq[nordered_nseq].equals(""))
szprefix += cellSeq[nordered_nseq]+"_";
szprefix += numstates;
if (!szoutfileID.equals(""))
szprefix += "_"+szoutfileID;
if (breadposterior)
BufferedReader brprobs = null;
//creates the posterior file
String szposteriorinfilename = szsegmentdir+"/POSTERIOR/"+szprefix+"_"+chromSeq[nordered_nseq]+ChromHMM.SZPOSTERIOREXTENSION;
brprobs = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(szposteriorinfilename));
//skips the header lines
String szLinePosterior;
int nline = 0;
while ((szLinePosterior = brprobs.readLine())!=null)
StringTokenizer stposterior = new StringTokenizer(szLinePosterior,"\t");
for (int nstate = 0; nstate < numstates; nstate++)
fullposterior[nline][nstate] = Double.parseDouble(stposterior.nextToken());
else if (breadstatebyline)
String szcurrchrom = chromSeq[nordered_nseq];
//reads a file which has the state with the maximum posterior probability
String szmaxinfilename = szsegmentdir+"/STATEBYLINE/"+szprefix+"_"+szcurrchrom+ChromHMM.SZSTATEBYLINEEXTENSION;
BufferedReader brmax = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(szmaxinfilename));
//skip the header lines
String szLineMax;
int nline = 0;
while ((szLineMax = brmax.readLine())!=null)
fullmax[nline] = Integer.parseInt(szLineMax)-1;
else if (breadsegment)
BufferedReader brbed = null;
//creates a file which has the maximum segmentation
//we only have one file per cell type here
String szcurrchrom = chromSeq[nordered_nseq];
String szsegmentinfilename = szsegmentdir+"/" + szprefix+ChromHMM.SZSEGMENTEXTENSION;
brbed = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(szsegmentinfilename));
String szLineMax;
while ((szLineMax = brbed.readLine())!=null)
StringTokenizer stchrom = new StringTokenizer(szLineMax,"\t");
String szchrom = stchrom.nextToken();
if (szchrom.equals(szcurrchrom))
int nbegin = Integer.parseInt(stchrom.nextToken())/nbinsize;
int nend = (Integer.parseInt(stchrom.nextToken())-1)/nbinsize;
int nstate = Integer.parseInt(stchrom.nextToken().substring(1))-1;
for (int nj = nbegin; nj <= nend; nj++)
fullmax[nj] = nstate;
for (int ni = 0; ni < emissionproducts.length; ni++)
//going through each combination of marks
if (traindataObservedSeqFlags_nseq[ni])
//this signature of marks is observed on the current chromosome so
//updating its emission probabilities
double[] emissionproducts_ni = emissionproducts[ni];
boolean[] traindataObservedValues_ni = traindataObservedValues[ni];
boolean[] traindataNotMissing_ni = traindataNotMissing[ni];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
double dproduct = 1;
double[][] emissionprobs_ni = emissionprobs[ns];
//going through all marks
for (int nmod = 0; nmod < numdatasets; nmod++)
if ((traindataNotMissing_ni[nmod])&&(includemarks[nmod]))
//we have observed the mark
if (traindataObservedValues_ni[nmod])
dproduct *= emissionprobs_ni[nmod][1];
dproduct *= emissionprobs_ni[nmod][0];
// otherwise treated as missing omitting from product
emissionproducts_ni[ns] = dproduct;
//initial probability in state s is initial probability times emission probability at first position
double[] alpha_nt = alpha[0];
double dscale = 0;
double[] emissionproducts_nobserveindex =emissionproducts[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[0]];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
alpha_nt[ns] = probinit[ns] * emissionproducts_nobserveindex[ns];
dscale += alpha_nt[ns];
scale[0] = dscale;
//converts the alpha terms to probabilities
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
alpha_nt[ni] /= dscale;
//stores in coltransitionprobs the transpose of transitionprobs
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double[] coltransitionprobs_ni = coltransitionprobs[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
coltransitionprobs_ni[nj] = transitionprobs[nj][ni];
//forward step
int numtime_nseq = numtime[nordered_nseq];
for (int nt = 1; nt < numtime_nseq; nt++)
//the actual observed combination at position t
double[] alpha_ntm1 = alpha[nt-1];
alpha_nt = alpha[nt];
dscale = 0;
emissionproducts_nobserveindex = emissionproducts[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[nt]];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
//going through each state
int transitionprobsnumCol_ns = transitionprobsnumCol[ns];
int[] transitionprobsindexCol_ns = transitionprobsindexCol[ns];
double[] coltransitionprobs_ns = coltransitionprobs[ns];
double dtempsum = 0;
if (transitionprobsnumCol_ns < nsparsecutoff)
//if it is sparse enough then it is worth the extra array indirection here
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobsnumCol_ns; nj++)
//for each next state computing inner sum of all previous alpha and the transition probability
//for all non-zero transitions into the state
int nmappedindex = transitionprobsindexCol_ns[nj];
dtempsum += coltransitionprobs_ns[nmappedindex]*alpha_ntm1[nmappedindex];
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
//for each next state computing inner sum of all previous alpha and the transition probability
//for all transitions into the state
dtempsum += coltransitionprobs_ns[nj]*alpha_ntm1[nj];
//multiply the transition sum by the emission probability
double dalphaval = dtempsum*emissionproducts_nobserveindex[ns];
alpha_nt[ns] = dalphaval;
dscale += dalphaval;
//rescaling alpha
scale[nt] = dscale;
//scale_t(s)=P(o_0,...,o_t|lambda) summed over all states
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
alpha_nt[ns] /= dscale;
//backward step
int nlastindex = numtime_nseq-1;
double dinitval = 1.0/scale[nlastindex];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
beta_ntp1[ns] = dinitval;
int nmappedindexouter;
double ddenom = 0;
//gamma_nt - P(x=S| o_0,...,o_t)
//P(o_t+1,...,o_T|x_t=s,lambda) * P(o_0,...,o_t,x_t=s|lambda)
double[] gamma_nt = gamma[nlastindex];
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
double dval = alpha[nlastindex][ns]*beta_ntp1[ns];
ddenom += dval;
gamma_nt[ns] = dval;
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
gamma_nt[ns] /= ddenom;
for (int nt = nlastindex - 1; nt >= 0; nt--)
gamma_nt = gamma[nt];
int ntp1 = (nt+1);
double[] emissionproducts_ncombo_ntp1 = emissionproducts[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[ntp1]];
double dscale_nt = scale[nt];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
tempproductbetaemiss[ns] = beta_ntp1[ns]*emissionproducts_ncombo_ntp1[ns];
//double dscaleinv = 1.0/scale[nt];
//scale_t(s)=P(o_0,...,o_t|lambda) summed over all states
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double dtempsum = 0;
int[] transitionprobsindex_ni = transitionprobsindex[ni];
double[] transitionprobs_ni = transitionprobs[ni];
int transitionprobsnum_ni = transitionprobsnum[ni];
if (transitionprobsnum_ni < nsparsecutoff)
//if it is sparse enough then it is worth the extra array indirection here
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobsnum_ni; nj++)
//for each state summing over transition probability to state j, emission probablity in j at next step
//and probability of observing the remaining sequence
nmappedindexouter = transitionprobsindex_ni[nj];
dtempsum += transitionprobs_ni[nmappedindexouter]*tempproductbetaemiss[nmappedindexouter];
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
//for each state summing over transition probability to state j, emission probablity in j at next step
//and probability of observing the remaining sequence
dtempsum += transitionprobs_ni[nj]*tempproductbetaemiss[nj];
beta_nt[ni] = dtempsum/dscale_nt;
ddenom = 0;
alpha_nt = alpha[nt];
//gamma_nt - P(x=S| o_0,...,o_t)
//P(o_t+1,...,o_T|x_t=s,lambda) * P(o_0,...,o_t,xt=s|lambda)
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
double dval = alpha_nt[ns]*beta_nt[ns];
ddenom += dval;
gamma_nt[ns] = dval;
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
beta_ntp1 = beta_nt;
for (int nt = 0; nt < numtime_nseq; nt++)
gamma_nt = gamma[nt];
//handling the first line
if ((breadsegment)||(breadstatebyline))
double dmaxval = 0;
int nmaxstate = 0;
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
double dprob = gamma_nt[ns];
if (dprob > dmaxval)
//best one found so far
dmaxval = dprob;
nmaxstate = ns;
double[] fullposterior_nt = fullposterior[nt];
for (int nstate = 0; nstate < numstates; nstate++)
double dfullval = fullposterior_nt[nstate];
double dpartialval = gamma_nt[nstate];
if (dfullval >= dpartialval)
//assigned less to this state with the subset of the marks adding that amount to the decifict
dstatesagree[nstate] += dpartialval;
deficit[nstate] = dfullval - dpartialval;
surplus[nstate] = 0;
//we have a surplus of posterior assigned to this state with a subset of marks
dstatesagree[nstate] += dfullval;
surplus[nstate] = dpartialval - dfullval;
deficit[nstate] = 0;
double dsumdenom = 0;
for (int nb = 0; nb < surplus.length; nb++)
dsumdenom += surplus[nb];
for (int nb = 0; nb < surplus.length; nb++)
//re-normalize surplus
surplus[nb] /= dsumdenom;
for (int nb = 0; nb < confusion.length; nb++)
double[] confusion_nb = confusion[nb];
if (deficit[nb] > 0)
double ddeficit_nb = deficit[nb];
for (int nc = 0; nc < confusion_nb.length; nc++)
confusion_nb[nc] += ddeficit_nb*surplus[nc];
//there is a deficit for state nb with the subset of marks
//allocating it to the states that proportionally have additional posterior
for (int nb = 0; nb < confusion.length; nb++)
confusion[nb][nb] = dstatesagree[nb];
System.out.println("Writing to file "+szconfusionfileprefix+".txt");
System.out.println("Writing to file "+szconfusionfileprefix+".svg");
System.out.println("Writing to file "+szconfusionfileprefix+".png");
PrintWriter pwconfusion = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(szconfusionfileprefix+".txt",bappend));
for (int na = 0; na < confusion.length; na++)
for (int na = 0; na < confusion.length; na++)
double ddenom = 0;
for (int nb = 0; nb < confusion[na].length; nb++)
ddenom += confusion[na][nb];
for (int nb = 0; nb < confusion[na].length; nb++)
normalizedconfusion[na][nb] = confusion[na][nb]/(double) ddenom;
printConfusionImage(normalizedconfusion, szconfusionfileprefix, szincludemarks);
* Outputs the confusion matrix as a '.png' and '.svg'
public void printConfusionImage(double[][] confusion, String szconfusionfileprefix,
String szincludemarks) throws IOException
String[] rowlabels = new String[numstates];
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
rowlabels[ni] = ""+(ni+1);
String szsuffix;
if ((szsuffix = (String) hmlabelExtend.get(""+chorder+(stateordering[ni]+1)))!=null)
rowlabels[ni]+= "_"+szsuffix;
HeatChart map = new HeatChart(confusion);
map.setTitle("Confusion Matrix");
map.setXAxisLabel("State Subset of Marks ("+szincludemarks+")");
map.setAxisValuesFont(new Font("SansSerif",0,20));
map.setAxisLabelsFont(new Font("SansSerif",0,22));
map.setTitleFont(new Font("SansSerif",0,24));
map.setYAxisLabel("State All Marks");
if (confusion.length <=5)
Util.printImageToSVG(map, szconfusionfileprefix+".svg");
map.saveToFile(new File(szconfusionfileprefix+".png"));
* Takes an existing model and outputs information about the segmentation depending on the values of
* bprintsegment, bprintstatebyline, bprintposterior
public void makeSegmentation() throws IOException
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
//number of non-zero transition required to be less than this at the more stringent cutoff
//for trying to exploit sparsity in the transition matrix for efficiency gains
int nsparsecutoff = (int) (numstates * ChromHMM.SPARSECUTOFFRATIO);
int[] numtime = new int[traindataObservedIndex.length];
//stores the maximum number of locations in any sequence and in each sequence
int nmaxtime = 0;
for (int nseq = 0; nseq < traindataObservedIndex.length; nseq++)
numtime[nseq] = traindataObservedIndex[nseq].length;
if (numtime[nseq] > nmaxtime)
nmaxtime = numtime[nseq];
HashMap hmMaxCoord = null;
if (szchromlengthfile != null)
hmMaxCoord = new HashMap();
BufferedReader brchromlengthfile = Util.getBufferedReader(szchromlengthfile);
String szLine;
while ((szLine = brchromlengthfile.readLine())!=null)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(szLine,"\t ");
System.out.println("Maximum number of locations\t"+nmaxtime);
//stores the emission probability for the i^th combination of marks in the j^th state
double[][] emissionproducts = new double[traindataObservedValues.length][numstates];
//stores temporary product terms
double[] tempproductbetaemiss = new double[numstates];
//This stores the alpha values at each time point and number of states
double[][] alpha = new double[nmaxtime][numstates];
//Temporary storage of the gamma's for each state
double[][] gamma = new double[nmaxtime][numstates];
//Temporary storage of the beta values for each state
double[] beta_nt = new double[numstates];
//Temporary storage of the beta values for each state at the next time point
double[] beta_ntp1 = new double[numstates];
//stores the scaling value for each time point
double[] scale = new double[nmaxtime];
//stores the transition probabilities for each column
double[][] coltransitionprobs = new double[numstates][numstates];
//maps cell ID to printwriter objects
HashMap hmcellToFourColPW = null;
if (bprintsegment)
hmcellToFourColPW = new HashMap();
RecIntString[] ordered = new RecIntString[chromfiles.length];
for (int nindex = 0; nindex < ordered.length; nindex++)
ordered[nindex] = new RecIntString(nindex,chromfiles[nindex]);
Arrays.sort(ordered,new RecIntStringCompare());
hsprefix = new HashSet();
for (int nseq = 0; nseq < traindataObservedIndex.length; nseq++)
int nordered_nseq = ordered[nseq].nindex;
//goes through each sequence
int[] traindataObservedIndex_nseq = traindataObservedIndex[nordered_nseq];
boolean[] traindataObservedSeqFlags_nseq = traindataObservedSeqFlags[nordered_nseq];
String szprefix = "";
if (!cellSeq[nordered_nseq].equals(""))
szprefix += cellSeq[nordered_nseq]+"_";
szprefix += numstates;
if (!szoutfileID.equals(""))
szprefix += "_"+szoutfileID;
PrintWriter pwprobs = null;
if (bprintposterior)
//creates the posterior file
String szposterioroutfilename = szoutputdir+"/POSTERIOR/"+szprefix+"_"+chromSeq[nordered_nseq]+ChromHMM.SZPOSTERIOREXTENSION;
System.out.println("Writing to file "+szposterioroutfilename);
pwprobs = new PrintWriter(szposterioroutfilename);
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates-1; ni++)
PrintWriter pwmax = null;
if (bprintstatebyline)
//creates a file which has the state with the maximum posterior probability
String szmaxoutfilename = szoutputdir+"/STATEBYLINE/"+szprefix+"_"+chromSeq[nordered_nseq]+ChromHMM.SZSTATEBYLINEEXTENSION;
System.out.println("Writing to file "+szmaxoutfilename);
pwmax = new PrintWriter(szmaxoutfilename);
pwmax.println("MaxState "+chorder);
PrintWriter pwbed = null;
if (bprintsegment)
//creates a file which has the maximum segmentation
//we only have one file per cell type here
pwbed = (PrintWriter) hmcellToFourColPW.get(cellSeq[nordered_nseq]);
if (pwbed == null)
//haven't seen this cell type
String szsegmentoutfilename = szoutputdir+"/" + szprefix+SZSEGMENTEXTENSION;
pwbed = new PrintWriter(szsegmentoutfilename);
System.out.println("Writing to file "+szsegmentoutfilename);
for (int ni = 0; ni < emissionproducts.length; ni++)
//going through each combination of marks
if (traindataObservedSeqFlags_nseq[ni])
//this signature of marks is observed on the current chromosome so
//updating its emission probabilities
double[] emissionproducts_ni = emissionproducts[ni];
boolean[] traindataObservedValues_ni = traindataObservedValues[ni];
boolean[] traindataNotMissing_ni = traindataNotMissing[ni];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
double dproduct = 1;
double[][] emissionprobs_ni = emissionprobs[ns];
//going through all marks
for (int nmod = 0; nmod < numdatasets; nmod++)
if (traindataNotMissing_ni[nmod])
//we have observed the mark
if (traindataObservedValues_ni[nmod])
dproduct *= emissionprobs_ni[nmod][1];
dproduct *= emissionprobs_ni[nmod][0];
// otherwise treated as missing omitting from product
emissionproducts_ni[ns] = dproduct;
//initial probability in state s is initial probability times emission probability at first position
double[] alpha_nt = alpha[0];
double dscale = 0;
double[] emissionproducts_nobserveindex =emissionproducts[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[0]];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
alpha_nt[ns] = probinit[ns] * emissionproducts_nobserveindex[ns];
dscale += alpha_nt[ns];
scale[0] = dscale;
//converts the alpha terms to probabilities
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
alpha_nt[ni] /= dscale;
//stores in coltransitionprobs the transpose of transitionprobs
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double[] coltransitionprobs_ni = coltransitionprobs[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
coltransitionprobs_ni[nj] = transitionprobs[nj][ni];
//forward step
int numtime_nseq = numtime[nordered_nseq];
for (int nt = 1; nt < numtime_nseq; nt++)
//the actual observed combination at position t
double[] alpha_ntm1 = alpha[nt-1];
alpha_nt = alpha[nt];
dscale = 0;
emissionproducts_nobserveindex = emissionproducts[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[nt]];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
//going through each state
int transitionprobsnumCol_ns = transitionprobsnumCol[ns];
int[] transitionprobsindexCol_ns = transitionprobsindexCol[ns];
double[] coltransitionprobs_ns = coltransitionprobs[ns];
double dtempsum = 0;
if (transitionprobsnumCol_ns < nsparsecutoff)
//if it is sparse enough then it is worth the extra array indirection here
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobsnumCol_ns; nj++)
//for each next state computing inner sum of all previous alpha and the transition probability
//for all non-zero transitions into the state
int nmappedindex = transitionprobsindexCol_ns[nj];
dtempsum += coltransitionprobs_ns[nmappedindex]*alpha_ntm1[nmappedindex];
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
//for each next state computing inner sum of all previous alpha and the transition probability
//for all transitions into the state
dtempsum += coltransitionprobs_ns[nj]*alpha_ntm1[nj];
//multiply the transition sum by the emission probability
double dalphaval = dtempsum*emissionproducts_nobserveindex[ns];
alpha_nt[ns] = dalphaval;
dscale += dalphaval;
//rescaling alpha
scale[nt] = dscale;
//scale_t(s)=P(o_0,...,o_t|lambda) summed over all states
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
alpha_nt[ns] /= dscale;
//backward step
int nlastindex = numtime_nseq-1;
double dinitval = 1.0/scale[nlastindex];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
beta_ntp1[ns] = dinitval;
int nmappedindexouter;
double ddenom = 0;
//gamma_nt - P(x=S| o_0,...,o_t)
//P(o_t+1,...,o_T|x_t=s,lambda) * P(o_0,...,o_t,x_t=s|lambda)
double[] gamma_nt = gamma[nlastindex];
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
double dval = alpha[nlastindex][ns]*beta_ntp1[ns];
ddenom += dval;
gamma_nt[ns] = dval;
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
gamma_nt[ns] /= ddenom;
for (int nt = nlastindex - 1; nt >= 0; nt--)
gamma_nt = gamma[nt];
int ntp1 = (nt+1);
double[] emissionproducts_ncombo_ntp1 = emissionproducts[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[ntp1]];
double dscale_nt = scale[nt];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
tempproductbetaemiss[ns] = beta_ntp1[ns]*emissionproducts_ncombo_ntp1[ns];
//double dscaleinv = 1.0/scale[nt];
//scale_t(s)=P(o_0,...,o_t|lambda) summed over all states
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double dtempsum = 0;
int[] transitionprobsindex_ni = transitionprobsindex[ni];
double[] transitionprobs_ni = transitionprobs[ni];
int transitionprobsnum_ni = transitionprobsnum[ni];
if (transitionprobsnum_ni < nsparsecutoff)
//if it is sparse enough then it is worth the extra array indirection here
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobsnum_ni; nj++)
//for each state summing over transition probability to state j, emission probablity in j at next step
//and probability of observing the remaining sequence
nmappedindexouter = transitionprobsindex_ni[nj];
dtempsum += transitionprobs_ni[nmappedindexouter]*tempproductbetaemiss[nmappedindexouter];
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
//for each state summing over transition probability to state j, emission probablity in j at next step
//and probability of observing the remaining sequence
dtempsum += transitionprobs_ni[nj]*tempproductbetaemiss[nj];
beta_nt[ni] = dtempsum/dscale_nt;
ddenom = 0;
alpha_nt = alpha[nt];
//gamma_nt - P(x=S| o_0,...,o_t)
//P(o_t+1,...,o_T|x_t=s,lambda) * P(o_0,...,o_t,xt=s|lambda)
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
double dval = alpha_nt[ns]*beta_nt[ns];
ddenom += dval;
gamma_nt[ns] = dval;
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
beta_ntp1 = beta_nt;
int nstart = 0; //the start index of the current active interval
gamma_nt = gamma[0];
double dmaxval = 0;
int nmaxstate = 0;
//handling the first line
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
int nmappedstate = stateordering[ns]; //maps new state to old
double dprob = gamma_nt[nmappedstate];
if (bprintposterior)
if (ns > 0)
//print with tab if not the first
if (dprob > dmaxval)
//best one found so far
dmaxval = dprob;
nmaxstate = ns;
if (bprintposterior)
if (bprintstatebyline)
//this contains the best state of the previous interval
int nmaxstateprev = nmaxstate;
for (int nt = 1; nt < numtime_nseq; nt++)
gamma_nt = gamma[nt];
dmaxval = 0;
nmaxstate = 0;
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
int nmappedstate = stateordering[ns]; //maps new state to old
double dprob = gamma_nt[nmappedstate];
if (bprintposterior)
if (ns > 0)
//print with tab the first time
if (dprob > dmaxval)
dmaxval = dprob;
nmaxstate = ns;
if (bprintposterior)
if (bprintstatebyline)
if (bprintsegment&&(nmaxstateprev != nmaxstate))
//print out last segment we are done with
//start a new segment now
nstart = nt;
nmaxstateprev = nmaxstate;
if (bprintsegment)
int nlastcoordinate;
Integer objMaxCoord = null;
if (hmMaxCoord != null)
objMaxCoord = ((Integer) hmMaxCoord.get(chromSeq[nordered_nseq]));
if (objMaxCoord != null)
nlastcoordinate = Math.min(numtime_nseq*nbinsize,((Integer) objMaxCoord).intValue());
nlastcoordinate = numtime_nseq*nbinsize;
//close out the max state file if that was requested
if (bprintstatebyline)
//close out the posterior state file if that was requested
if (bprintposterior)
//if segment print was requested then we are going to go close those printwriters
if (bprintsegment)
Iterator itr = hmcellToFourColPW.values().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext())
PrintWriter pw = (PrintWriter);
* This is the core procedure for learning the parameters of the model
public void trainParameters() throws IOException
NumberFormat nf3 = NumberFormat.getInstance();
NumberFormat nf1 = NumberFormat.getInstance();
int niteration = 1;
boolean bconverged = false;
double dzerotransitioncutoff = Math.pow(10,-nzerotransitionpower);
//number of non-zero transition for the
int nsparsecutoff = (int) (numstates * ChromHMM.SPARSECUTOFFRATIO);
//number of non-zero transition that need to be less than this at the looser cut-off
int nsparsecutofflooser = (int) (numstates * ChromHMM.SPARSECUTOFFLOOSERRATIO);
double dprevloglike;
//stores the maximum number of locations in any sequence and in each sequence
int[] numtime = new int[traindataObservedIndex.length];
int nmaxtime = 0;
for (int nseq = 0; nseq < traindataObservedIndex.length; nseq++)
numtime[nseq] = traindataObservedIndex[nseq].length;
if (numtime[nseq] > nmaxtime)
nmaxtime = numtime[nseq];
System.out.println("Maximum number of locations\t"+nmaxtime);
//stores the emission probability for the i^th combination of marks in the j^th state
double[][] emissionproducts = new double[traindataObservedValues.length][numstates];
//stores temporary product terms
double[] tempproductbetaemiss = new double[numstates];
//This stores the alpha values at each time point and number of states
double[][] alpha = new double[nmaxtime][numstates];
//Temporary storage of the gamma's for each state
double[] gamma_nt = new double[numstates];
//Temporary storage of the beta values for each state
double[] beta_nt = new double[numstates];
//Temporary storage of the beta values for each state at the next time point
double[] beta_ntp1 = new double[numstates];
//stores the scaling value for each time point
double[] scale = new double[nmaxtime];
//stores the transition probabilities for each column
double[][] coltransitionprobs = new double[numstates][numstates];
//stores the sufficient statistic for the initital probability in each state for the last visit
double[][] gammainitstore = new double[traindataObservedIndex.length][numstates];
//stores the sufficient statistics for computing the transition probabilities cumulated for each iteration
double[][][] sxistore = new double[traindataObservedIndex.length][numstates][numstates];
//stores the sufficient statistic for computing the emission probabilities
double[][][][] gammaksumstore =
new double[traindataObservedIndex.length][numstates][numdatasets][numbuckets];
//temporary storage in computation of sxi
double[][] sumforsxi = new double[numstates][numstates];
//stores the sum of the gamma values associated with each combination in each state
double[][] gammaObservedSum = new double[traindataObservedValues.length][numstates];
int nelim = 0;
long ltimeitr= System.currentTimeMillis();
dprevloglike = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
dloglike = 0;
for (int nseq = 0; nseq < traindataObservedIndex.length; nseq++)
//going through each sequence
int[] traindataObservedIndex_nseq = traindataObservedIndex[nseq];
boolean[] traindataObservedSeqFlags_nseq = traindataObservedSeqFlags[nseq];
double[][][] gammaksum_nseq = gammaksumstore[nseq];
for (int ns = 0; ns < gammaksum_nseq.length; ns++)
//resetting the gamma sufficient statistics in the current sequence
double[][] gammaksum_nseq_ns = gammaksum_nseq[ns];
for (int nmark = 0; nmark < gammaksum_nseq_ns.length; nmark++)
for (int nbucket = 0; nbucket < numbuckets; nbucket++)
gammaksum_nseq_ns[nmark][nbucket] = 0;
double[][] sxi_nseq = sxistore[nseq];
for (int ni = 0; ni < sxi_nseq.length; ni++)
//reseeting the sxi sufficient statistics in the current sequence
double[] sxi_nseq_ni = sxi_nseq[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < sxi_nseq_ni.length; nj++)
sxi_nseq_ni[nj] = 0;
//gammaObservedSum stores the weight for each combination of marks in each state
for (int ncombo = 0; ncombo < gammaObservedSum.length; ncombo++)
//resetting that to 0
double[] gammaObservedSum_ncombo = gammaObservedSum[ncombo];
for (int ns = 0; ns < gammaObservedSum_ncombo.length; ns++)
gammaObservedSum_ncombo[ns] = 0;
for (int ni = 0; ni < emissionproducts.length; ni++)
//going through each combination of marks
if (traindataObservedSeqFlags_nseq[ni])
//this signature of marks is observed on the current chromosome so
//updating its emission probabilities
double[] emissionproducts_ni = emissionproducts[ni];
boolean[] traindataObservedValues_ni = traindataObservedValues[ni];
boolean[] traindataNotMissing_ni = traindataNotMissing[ni];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
double dproduct = 1;
double[][] emissionprobs_ns = emissionprobs[ns];
for (int nmod = 0; nmod < numdatasets; nmod++)
if (traindataNotMissing_ni[nmod])
//we are include this marks emission probability
if (traindataObservedValues_ni[nmod])
dproduct *= emissionprobs_ns[nmod][1];
dproduct *= emissionprobs_ns[nmod][0];
// otherwise treated as missing omitting from product
emissionproducts_ni[ns] = dproduct;
//initial probability in state s is initial probability times emission probability at first position
double[] alpha_nt = alpha[0];
double dscale = 0;
double[] emissionproducts_nobserveindex =emissionproducts[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[0]];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
alpha_nt[ns] = probinit[ns] * emissionproducts_nobserveindex[ns];
dscale += alpha_nt[ns];
scale[0] = dscale;
//converts the alpha terms to probabilities
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
alpha_nt[ni] /= dscale;
dloglike += Math.log(dscale);
//stores in coltransitionprobs the transpose of transitionprobs
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double[] coltransitionprobs_ni = coltransitionprobs[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
coltransitionprobs_ni[nj] = transitionprobs[nj][ni];
//forward step
int numtime_nseq = numtime[nseq];
for (int nt = 1; nt < numtime_nseq; nt++)
//the actual observed combination at position t
double[] alpha_ntm1 = alpha[nt-1];
alpha_nt = alpha[nt];
dscale = 0;
emissionproducts_nobserveindex = emissionproducts[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[nt]];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
//stores the emission product for each location on the chromosome
int transitionprobsnumCol_ns = transitionprobsnumCol[ns];
int[] transitionprobsindexCol_ns = transitionprobsindexCol[ns];
double[] coltransitionprobs_ns = coltransitionprobs[ns];
double dtempsum = 0;
if (transitionprobsnumCol_ns < nsparsecutoff)
//number of transitions is sparse enough worth going through the extra redirection
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobsnumCol_ns; nj++)
//for each next state computing inner sum of all previous alpha and the transition probability
//for all non-zero transitions into the state
int nmappedindex = transitionprobsindexCol_ns[nj];
dtempsum += coltransitionprobs_ns[nmappedindex]*alpha_ntm1[nmappedindex];
//avoid the redirect and multiply by 0
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
dtempsum += coltransitionprobs_ns[nj]*alpha_ntm1[nj];
//multiply the transition sum by the emission probability
double dalphaval = dtempsum*emissionproducts_nobserveindex[ns];
alpha_nt[ns] = dalphaval;
dscale += dalphaval;
//rescaling alpha
scale[nt] = dscale;
//scale_t(s)=P(o_0,...,o_t|lambda) summed over all states
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
alpha_nt[ns] /= dscale;
dloglike += Math.log(dscale);
//backward step
int nlastindex = numtime_nseq-1;
double dinitval = 1.0/scale[nlastindex];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
beta_ntp1[ns] = dinitval;
double ddenom = 0;
//gamma_nt - P(x=S| o_0,...,o_t)
//P(o_t+1,...,o_T|x_t=s,lambda) * P(o_0,...,o_t,xt=s|lambda)
alpha_nt = alpha[nlastindex];
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
double dval = alpha_nt[ns]*beta_ntp1[ns];
ddenom += dval;
gamma_nt[ns] = dval;
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
gamma_nt[ns] /=ddenom;
double[] gammaObservedSum_combo_nt = gammaObservedSum[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[nlastindex]];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
//first sum gamma over all common signatures
//updates probability of observing the signature when in the state
gammaObservedSum_combo_nt[ns] += gamma_nt[ns];
for (int nt = nlastindex - 1; nt >= 0; nt--)
int ntp1 = (nt+1);
double[] emissionproducts_combo_ntp1 = emissionproducts[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[ntp1]];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
tempproductbetaemiss[ns] = beta_ntp1[ns]*emissionproducts_combo_ntp1[ns];
//double dscaleinv = 1.0/scale[nt];
double dscale_nt = scale[nt];
//scale_t(s)=P(o_0,...,o_t|lambda) summed over all states
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double dtempsum = 0;
int[] transitionprobsindex_ni = transitionprobsindex[ni];
double[] transitionprobs_ni = transitionprobs[ni];
int transitionprobsnum_ni = transitionprobsnum[ni];
if (transitionprobsnum_ni < nsparsecutoff)
//sparse enought to pay the indirection penalty
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobsnum_ni; nj++)
//for each state summing over transition probability to state j, emission probablity in j at next step
//and probability of observing the remaining sequence
int nmappedindexouter = transitionprobsindex_ni[nj];
dtempsum += transitionprobs_ni[nmappedindexouter]*tempproductbetaemiss[nmappedindexouter];
//not trying to exploit sparsity here
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
//for each state summing over transition probability to state j, emission probablity in j at next step
//and probability of observing the remaining sequence
dtempsum += transitionprobs_ni[nj]*tempproductbetaemiss[nj];
beta_nt[ni] = dtempsum/dscale_nt;
ddenom = 0;
alpha_nt = alpha[nt];
//gamma_nt - P(x=S| o_0,...,o_t)
//P(o_t+1,...,o_T|x_t=s,lambda) * P(o_0,...,o_t,xt=s|lambda)
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
double dval = alpha_nt[ns]*beta_nt[ns];
ddenom += dval;
gamma_nt[ns] = dval;
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
gamma_nt[ns] /= ddenom;
gammaObservedSum_combo_nt = gammaObservedSum[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[nt]];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
//first sum gamma over all common signatures
//updates probability of observing the signature when in the state
gammaObservedSum_combo_nt[ns] += gamma_nt[ns];
double dsum = 0;
//this compues the numerator portion
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double[] sumforsxi_ni = sumforsxi[ni]; //computing expected number of transition from state i
int[] transitionprobsindex_ni = transitionprobsindex[ni]; //indicies of non-zero transitions from state i
double[] transitionprobs_ni = transitionprobs[ni]; //probability of transitions from state i
int ntransitionprobsnum_ni = transitionprobsnum[ni]; //number of non-zero transitions from state i
double dalpha_nt_ni = alpha_nt[ni];
//sxi is P(q_t = S_i, q_(t+1) = S_j | O)
if (ntransitionprobsnum_ni < nsparsecutofflooser)
//enough 0 transitionto use sparsity here
//looser cut off since the indirection is less of the total time
for (int nj = 0; nj < ntransitionprobsnum_ni; nj++)
int nmappedindex = transitionprobsindex_ni[nj];
//computes transition probability from state i to j
double dtempval = transitionprobs_ni[nmappedindex] *dalpha_nt_ni*tempproductbetaemiss[nmappedindex];
dsum += dtempval;
sumforsxi_ni[nmappedindex] = dtempval;
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
//computes transition probability from state i to j
double dtempval = transitionprobs_ni[nj]*dalpha_nt_ni*tempproductbetaemiss[nj];
dsum += dtempval;
sumforsxi_ni[nj] = dtempval;
//normalizing the numerator by the sum of the denominator and updating this iterations value for it
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
int[] transitionprobsindex_ni = transitionprobsindex[ni];
double[] sumforsxi_ni = sumforsxi[ni];
double[] sxi_nseq_ni = sxi_nseq[ni];
int ntransitionprobsnum_ni = transitionprobsnum[ni];
if (ntransitionprobsnum_ni < nsparsecutoff)
//guessing sparse enough to avoid the indirections
for (int nj = 0; nj < ntransitionprobsnum_ni; nj++)
int nmappedindex = transitionprobsindex_ni[nj];
sxi_nseq_ni[nmappedindex] += sumforsxi_ni[nmappedindex]/dsum;
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
sxi_nseq_ni[nj] += sumforsxi_ni[nj]/dsum;
beta_ntp1 = beta_nt; //updating beta_ntp1
double[] gammainitstore_nseq = gammainitstore[nseq];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
//storing the initial gamma from this iteration
gammainitstore_nseq[ns] = gamma_nt[ns];
for (int nindex = 0; nindex < gammaObservedSum.length; nindex++)
//going through all the gamma sufficient statistic
if (traindataObservedSeqFlags_nseq[nindex])
//only update for those combinations that were observed on this sequnce
//gets the observed combination and missing combination signatures
boolean[] traindataObservedValues_nindex = traindataObservedValues[nindex];
boolean[] traindataNotMissing_nindex = traindataNotMissing[nindex];
double[] gammaObservedSum_nindex = gammaObservedSum[nindex];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
//going through each state
double[][] gammaksum_nseq_ns = gammaksum_nseq[ns];
double gammaObservedSum_nindex_ns = gammaObservedSum_nindex[ns];
for (int nmark = 0; nmark < numdatasets; nmark++)
//going through each mark
if (traindataNotMissing_nindex[nmark])
//only update non-missing
if (traindataObservedValues_nindex[nmark])
//updates the gamma sum for each mark when in state and observed 1
gammaksum_nseq_ns[nmark][1] += gammaObservedSum_nindex_ns;
//updates the gamma sum for each mark when in state and observed 0
gammaksum_nseq_ns[nmark][0] += gammaObservedSum_nindex_ns;
//M step
if ((niteration >1) ||(nseq==(traindataObservedIndex.length-1)))
//executes the M-step after any pass through a sequence after one pass has been made through all sequences
double dsum = 0;
//updating the inital probabilities
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double dgammainitsum = 0;
for (int nitr = 0; nitr < traindataObservedIndex.length; nitr++)
dgammainitsum += gammainitstore[nitr][ni];
probinit[ni] = dgammainitsum;
dsum += dgammainitsum;
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
probinit[ni] /= dsum;
//this indicates if there is a change on the set of 0 probability transitions
boolean bchange = false;
for (int ni = 0; ni < transitionprobs.length; ni++)
dsum = 0;
//computes the denominator for the transition probabilities
int[] transitionprobsindex_ni = transitionprobsindex[ni];
double[] transitionprobs_ni = transitionprobs[ni];
int transitionprobsnum_ni = transitionprobsnum[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobsnum_ni; nj++)
int ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj = transitionprobsindex_ni[nj];
double dsxistoreitr = 0;
for (int nitr = 0; nitr < traindataObservedIndex.length; nitr++)
dsxistoreitr += sxistore[nitr][ni][ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj];
transitionprobs_ni[ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj] = dsxistoreitr;
dsum += dsxistoreitr;
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobsnum_ni; nj++)
int ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj = transitionprobsindex_ni[nj];
//computes the updated transition probabilities
transitionprobs_ni[ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj] /= dsum;
if ((transitionprobs_ni[ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj] < dzerotransitioncutoff) && (ni != ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj))
//if falls below threshold eliminate the transition probabilities
elim[ni][ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj] = true;
bchange = true;
transitionprobs_ni[ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj] = 0;
if (bchange)
//a transition was eliminated we need to update the probabilities
for (int ni = 0; ni < transitionprobs.length; ni++)
int nindex = 0;
ddenom = 0;
boolean[] elim_ni = elim[ni];
double[] transitionprobs_ni = transitionprobs[ni];
int[] transitionprobsindex_ni = transitionprobsindex[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobs_ni.length; nj++)
if (!elim_ni[nj])
//we have not eliminated this transition
//stores its index in order and add sum to denominator
transitionprobsindex_ni[nindex] = nj;
ddenom += transitionprobs_ni[nj];
//renormalize the transition probabilities by the sum of the non-eliminated transitions
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobs_ni.length; nj++)
transitionprobs_ni[nj] /= ddenom;
//update the number of valid transitions
transitionprobsnum[ni] = nindex;
for (int ni = 0; ni < transitionprobs.length; ni++)
int nindex =0;
int[] transitionprobsindexCol_ni = transitionprobsindexCol[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobs[ni].length; nj++)
if (!elim[nj][ni])
//copy into the column of i the index of all non-eliminated transitions of i
transitionprobsindexCol_ni[nindex] = nj;
//updates the number of non-zero transitions from column i
transitionprobsnumCol[ni] = nindex;
//updating the emission parameters
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
double[][] emissionprobs_ns = emissionprobs[ns];
for (int nmark = 0; nmark < emissionprobs_ns.length; nmark++)
double[] emissionprobs_ns_nmark = emissionprobs_ns[nmark];
//can't used a general gamma sum because of missing emission vals
double dgammadenom = 0;
//updates gamma sum
for (int nbucket = 0; nbucket < numbuckets; nbucket++)
emissionprobs_ns_nmark[nbucket] = 0;
for (int nitr = 0; nitr < traindataObservedIndex.length; nitr++)
emissionprobs_ns_nmark[nbucket] += gammaksumstore[nitr][ns][nmark][nbucket];
dgammadenom += emissionprobs_ns_nmark[nbucket];
for (int nbucket = 0; nbucket < numbuckets; nbucket++)
emissionprobs_ns_nmark[nbucket] /= dgammadenom;
double ddiff =(dloglike-dprevloglike);
//dconvergediff is only enforced if greater thanor equal to 0
dprevloglike = dloglike;
if (bordercols)
//updates after each iteration the current status of the search
//we just completed a full iteration
long ltimefinal = System.currentTimeMillis();
double dtimechange = (ltimefinal-ltimeitr)/(double) 1000;
bconverged = (((niteration >= nmaxiterations)||((ddiff< dconvergediff)&&(dconvergediff>=0)))||((dtimechange>nmaxseconds)&&(nmaxseconds>=0)));
System.out.println(niteration+"\tTime Iteration\t"+dtimechange+"\t"+"\tElim\t"+nelim);
System.out.println("Full "+niteration+"\t"+dloglike+"\t"+dprevloglike+"\t"+ddiff);
if (niteration == 1)
System.out.format("%10s %25s %10s %20s\n","Iteration","Estimated Log Likelihood", "Change","Total Time (secs)");
System.out.format("%10s %25s %10s %20s\n",""+niteration,""+nf3.format(dloglike),"-",""+nf1.format(dtimechange));
//System.out.format(niteration+" "+nf3.format(dloglike)+" "+nf3.format(ddiff)+" "+nf1.format(dtimechange));
System.out.format("%10s %25s %10s %20s\n",""+niteration,""+nf3.format(dloglike),""+nf3.format(ddiff),""+nf1.format(dtimechange));
while (!bconverged);
// Create a new thread.
class NewThread implements Runnable
int[] traindataObservedIndex_nseq;
boolean[] traindataObservedSeqFlags_nseq;
double[][][] gammaksum_nseq;
double[][] sxi_nseq;
int numtime_nseq;
double[] gammainitstore_nseq;
double[][][] gammaObservedSum_Pool;
double[][][] alpha_Pool;
double[][] emissionproducts;
double[][] gamma_nt_Pool;
double[][] coltransitionprobs;
double[][] scale_Pool;
double[][] beta_nt_Pool;
double[][] beta_ntp1_Pool;
double[][] tempproductbetaemiss_Pool;
int nsparsecutoff;
int nsparsecutofflooser;
double[][][] sumforsxi_Pool;
double[] dloglikeA;
int nseq;
NewThread(int[] traindataObservedIndex_nseq,
boolean[] traindataObservedSeqFlags_nseq,
double[][][] gammaksum_nseq,
double[][] sxi_nseq,
int numtime_nseq,
double[] gammainitstore_nseq,
double[][][] gammaObservedSum_Pool,
double[][][] alpha_Pool,
double[][] emissionproducts,
double[][] gamma_nt_Pool,
double[][] coltransitionprobs,
double[][] scale_Pool,
double[][] beta_nt_Pool,
double[][] beta_ntp1_Pool,
double[][] tempproductbetaemiss_Pool,
double[][][] sumforsxi_Pool,
int nsparsecutoff,
int nsparsecutofflooser,
double[] dloglikeA,
int nseq)
this.traindataObservedIndex_nseq = traindataObservedIndex_nseq;
this.traindataObservedSeqFlags_nseq = traindataObservedSeqFlags_nseq;
this.gammaksum_nseq = gammaksum_nseq;
this.sxi_nseq = sxi_nseq;
this.numtime_nseq = numtime_nseq;
this.gammainitstore_nseq = gammainitstore_nseq;
this.gammaObservedSum_Pool = gammaObservedSum_Pool;
this.alpha_Pool = alpha_Pool;
this.emissionproducts = emissionproducts;
this.gamma_nt_Pool = gamma_nt_Pool;
this.coltransitionprobs = coltransitionprobs;
this.scale_Pool = scale_Pool;
this.beta_nt_Pool = beta_nt_Pool;
this.beta_ntp1_Pool = beta_ntp1_Pool;
this.tempproductbetaemiss_Pool = tempproductbetaemiss_Pool;
this.nsparsecutoff = nsparsecutoff;
this.nsparsecutofflooser = nsparsecutofflooser;
this.sumforsxi_Pool = sumforsxi_Pool;
this.dloglikeA = dloglikeA;
this.nseq = nseq;
private int slotavailable()
for (int ni = 0; ni < threadslots.length; ni++)
if (!threadslots[ni])
threadslots[ni] = true;
return ni;
return -1;
// This is the entry point for the second thread.
public void run()
int nprocess;
synchronized (objlock)
while ((nprocess=slotavailable())==-1)
catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
threadslots[nprocess] = false;
public void estep(
double[][] gammaObservedSum,
double[][] alpha,
double[] gamma_nt,
double[] scale,
double[] beta_nt,
double[] beta_ntp1,
double[] tempproductbetaemiss,
double[][] sumforsxi)
//going through each sequence
double dloglikeseq = 0;
for (int ns = 0; ns < gammaksum_nseq.length; ns++)
//resetting the gamma sufficient statistics in the current sequence
double[][] gammaksum_nseq_ns = gammaksum_nseq[ns];
for (int nmark = 0; nmark < gammaksum_nseq_ns.length; nmark++)
for (int nbucket = 0; nbucket < numbuckets; nbucket++)
gammaksum_nseq_ns[nmark][nbucket] = 0;
for (int ni = 0; ni < sxi_nseq.length; ni++)
//reseeting the sxi sufficient statistics in the current sequence
double[] sxi_nseq_ni = sxi_nseq[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < sxi_nseq_ni.length; nj++)
sxi_nseq_ni[nj] = 0;
//gammaObservedSum stores the weight for each combination of marks in each state
for (int ncombo = 0; ncombo < gammaObservedSum.length; ncombo++)
//resetting that to 0
double[] gammaObservedSum_ncombo = gammaObservedSum[ncombo];
for (int ns = 0; ns < gammaObservedSum_ncombo.length; ns++)
gammaObservedSum_ncombo[ns] = 0;
//initial probability in state s is initial probability times emission probability at first position
double[] alpha_nt = alpha[0];
double dscale = 0;
double[] emissionproducts_nobserveindex =emissionproducts[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[0]];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
alpha_nt[ns] = probinit[ns] * emissionproducts_nobserveindex[ns];
dscale += alpha_nt[ns];
scale[0] = dscale;
//converts the alpha terms to probabilities
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
alpha_nt[ni] /= dscale;
dloglikeseq += Math.log(dscale);
//forward step
//int numtime_nseq = numtime[nseq];
for (int nt = 1; nt < numtime_nseq; nt++)
//the actual observed combination at position t
double[] alpha_ntm1 = alpha[nt-1];
alpha_nt = alpha[nt];
dscale = 0;
emissionproducts_nobserveindex = emissionproducts[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[nt]];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
//stores the emission product for each location on the chromosome
int transitionprobsnumCol_ns = transitionprobsnumCol[ns];
int[] transitionprobsindexCol_ns = transitionprobsindexCol[ns];
double[] coltransitionprobs_ns = coltransitionprobs[ns];
double dtempsum = 0;
if (transitionprobsnumCol_ns < nsparsecutoff)
//number of transitions is sparse enough worth going through the extra redirection
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobsnumCol_ns; nj++)
//for each next state computing inner sum of all previous alpha and the transition probability
//for all non-zero transitions into the state
int nmappedindex = transitionprobsindexCol_ns[nj];
dtempsum += coltransitionprobs_ns[nmappedindex]*alpha_ntm1[nmappedindex];
//avoid the redirect and multiply by 0
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
dtempsum += coltransitionprobs_ns[nj]*alpha_ntm1[nj];
//multiply the transition sum by the emission probability
double dalphaval = dtempsum*emissionproducts_nobserveindex[ns];
alpha_nt[ns] = dalphaval;
dscale += dalphaval;
//rescaling alpha
scale[nt] = dscale;
//scale_t(s)=P(o_0,...,o_t|lambda) summed over all states
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
alpha_nt[ns] /= dscale;
dloglikeseq += Math.log(dscale);
//backward step
int nlastindex = numtime_nseq-1;
double dinitval = 1.0/scale[nlastindex];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
beta_ntp1[ns] = dinitval;
double ddenom = 0;
//gamma_nt - P(x=S| o_0,...,o_t)
//P(o_t+1,...,o_T|x_t=s,lambda) * P(o_0,...,o_t,xt=s|lambda)
alpha_nt = alpha[nlastindex];
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
double dval = alpha_nt[ns]*beta_ntp1[ns];
ddenom += dval;
gamma_nt[ns] = dval;
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
gamma_nt[ns] /=ddenom;
double[] gammaObservedSum_combo_nt = gammaObservedSum[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[nlastindex]];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
//first sum gamma over all common signatures
//updates probability of observing the signature when in the state
gammaObservedSum_combo_nt[ns] += gamma_nt[ns];
for (int nt = nlastindex - 1; nt >= 0; nt--)
int ntp1 = (nt+1);
double[] emissionproducts_combo_ntp1 = emissionproducts[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[ntp1]];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
tempproductbetaemiss[ns] = beta_ntp1[ns]*emissionproducts_combo_ntp1[ns];
//double dscaleinv = 1.0/scale[nt];
double dscale_nt = scale[nt];
//scale_t(s)=P(o_0,...,o_t|lambda) summed over all states
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double dtempsum = 0;
int[] transitionprobsindex_ni = transitionprobsindex[ni];
double[] transitionprobs_ni = transitionprobs[ni];
int transitionprobsnum_ni = transitionprobsnum[ni];
if (transitionprobsnum_ni < nsparsecutoff)
//sparse enought to pay the indirection penalty
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobsnum_ni; nj++)
//for each state summing over transition probability to state j, emission probablity in j at next step
//and probability of observing the remaining sequence
int nmappedindexouter = transitionprobsindex_ni[nj];
dtempsum += transitionprobs_ni[nmappedindexouter]*tempproductbetaemiss[nmappedindexouter];
//not trying to exploit sparsity here
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
//for each state summing over transition probability to state j, emission probablity in j at next step
//and probability of observing the remaining sequence
dtempsum += transitionprobs_ni[nj]*tempproductbetaemiss[nj];
beta_nt[ni] = dtempsum/dscale_nt;
ddenom = 0;
alpha_nt = alpha[nt];
//gamma_nt - P(x=S| o_0,...,o_t)
//P(o_t+1,...,o_T|x_t=s,lambda) * P(o_0,...,o_t,xt=s|lambda)
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
double dval = alpha_nt[ns]*beta_nt[ns];
ddenom += dval;
gamma_nt[ns] = dval;
for (int ns = 0; ns < gamma_nt.length; ns++)
gamma_nt[ns] /= ddenom;
gammaObservedSum_combo_nt = gammaObservedSum[traindataObservedIndex_nseq[nt]];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
//first sum gamma over all common signatures
//updates probability of observing the signature when in the state
gammaObservedSum_combo_nt[ns] += gamma_nt[ns];
double dsum = 0;
//this compues the numerator portion
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double[] sumforsxi_ni = sumforsxi[ni]; //computing expected number of transition from state i
int[] transitionprobsindex_ni = transitionprobsindex[ni]; //indicies of non-zero transitions from state i
double[] transitionprobs_ni = transitionprobs[ni]; //probability of transitions from state i
int ntransitionprobsnum_ni = transitionprobsnum[ni]; //number of non-zero transitions from state i
double dalpha_nt_ni = alpha_nt[ni];
//sxi is P(q_t = S_i, q_(t+1) = S_j | O)
if (ntransitionprobsnum_ni < nsparsecutofflooser)
//enough 0 transitionto use sparsity here
//looser cut off since the indirection is less of the total time
for (int nj = 0; nj < ntransitionprobsnum_ni; nj++)
int nmappedindex = transitionprobsindex_ni[nj];
//computes transition probability from state i to j
double dtempval = transitionprobs_ni[nmappedindex] *dalpha_nt_ni*tempproductbetaemiss[nmappedindex];
dsum += dtempval;
sumforsxi_ni[nmappedindex] = dtempval;
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
//computes transition probability from state i to j
double dtempval = transitionprobs_ni[nj]*dalpha_nt_ni*tempproductbetaemiss[nj];
dsum += dtempval;
sumforsxi_ni[nj] = dtempval;
//normalizing the numerator by the sum of the denominator and updating this iterations value for it
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
int[] transitionprobsindex_ni = transitionprobsindex[ni];
double[] sumforsxi_ni = sumforsxi[ni];
double[] sxi_nseq_ni = sxi_nseq[ni];
int ntransitionprobsnum_ni = transitionprobsnum[ni];
if (ntransitionprobsnum_ni < nsparsecutoff)
//guessing sparse enough to avoid the indirections
for (int nj = 0; nj < ntransitionprobsnum_ni; nj++)
int nmappedindex = transitionprobsindex_ni[nj];
sxi_nseq_ni[nmappedindex] += sumforsxi_ni[nmappedindex]/dsum;
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
sxi_nseq_ni[nj] += sumforsxi_ni[nj]/dsum;
beta_ntp1 = beta_nt; //updating beta_ntp1
//double[] gammainitstore_nseq = gammainitstore[nseq];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
//storing the initial gamma from this iteration
gammainitstore_nseq[ns] = gamma_nt[ns];
for (int nindex = 0; nindex < gammaObservedSum.length; nindex++)
//going through all the gamma sufficient statistic
if (traindataObservedSeqFlags_nseq[nindex])
//only update for those combinations that were observed on this sequnce
//gets the observed combination and missing combination signatures
boolean[] traindataObservedValues_nindex = traindataObservedValues[nindex];
boolean[] traindataNotMissing_nindex = traindataNotMissing[nindex];
double[] gammaObservedSum_nindex = gammaObservedSum[nindex];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
//going through each state
double[][] gammaksum_nseq_ns = gammaksum_nseq[ns];
double gammaObservedSum_nindex_ns = gammaObservedSum_nindex[ns];
for (int nmark = 0; nmark < numdatasets; nmark++)
//going through each mark
if (traindataNotMissing_nindex[nmark])
//only update non-missing
if (traindataObservedValues_nindex[nmark])
//updates the gamma sum for each mark when in state and observed 1
gammaksum_nseq_ns[nmark][1] += gammaObservedSum_nindex_ns;
//updates the gamma sum for each mark when in state and observed 0
gammaksum_nseq_ns[nmark][0] += gammaObservedSum_nindex_ns;
dloglikeA[nseq] = dloglikeseq;
boolean[] threadslots;
Object objlock = new Object();
int nlaunched;
* This is the core procedure for learning the parameters of the model
public void trainParametersParallel() throws IOException
NumberFormat nf3 = NumberFormat.getInstance();
NumberFormat nf1 = NumberFormat.getInstance();
int niteration = 1;
boolean bconverged = false;
double dzerotransitioncutoff = Math.pow(10,-nzerotransitionpower);
//number of non-zero transition for the
int nsparsecutoff = (int) (numstates * ChromHMM.SPARSECUTOFFRATIO);
//number of non-zero transition that need to be less than this at the looser cut-off
int nsparsecutofflooser = (int) (numstates * ChromHMM.SPARSECUTOFFLOOSERRATIO);
double dprevloglike;
//stores the maximum number of locations in any sequence and in each sequence
int[] numtime = new int[traindataObservedIndex.length];
int nmaxtime = 0;
for (int nseq = 0; nseq < traindataObservedIndex.length; nseq++)
numtime[nseq] = traindataObservedIndex[nseq].length;
if (numtime[nseq] > nmaxtime)
nmaxtime = numtime[nseq];
System.out.println("Maximum number of locations\t"+nmaxtime);
int numprocessors;
// for (int nseq = 0; nseq < traindataObservedIndex.length; nseq++)
if (nmaxprocessors <= 0)
numprocessors = Math.min(traindataObservedIndex.length,Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
numprocessors = Math.min(traindataObservedIndex.length,
//if (ChromHMM.BVERBOSE)
if (numprocessors == 1)
System.out.println("Using "+numprocessors+" thread for Baum-Welch training");
System.out.println("Using "+numprocessors+" threads for Baum-Welch training");
threadslots = new boolean[numprocessors];
//stores the emission probability for the i^th combination of marks in the j^th state
double[][] emissionproducts = new double[traindataObservedValues.length][numstates];
//stores temporary product terms
double[][] tempproductbetaemiss_Pool = new double[numprocessors][numstates];
//This stores the alpha values at each time point and number of states
double[][][] alpha_Pool = new double[numprocessors][nmaxtime][numstates];
//Temporary storage of the gamma's for each state
double[][] gamma_nt_Pool = new double[numprocessors][numstates];
//Temporary storage of the beta values for each state
double[][] beta_nt_Pool = new double[numprocessors][numstates];
//Temporary storage of the beta values for each state at the next time point
double[][] beta_ntp1_Pool = new double[numprocessors][numstates];
//stores the scaling value for each time point
double[][] scale_Pool = new double[numprocessors][nmaxtime];
//stores the transition probabilities for each column
double[][] coltransitionprobs = new double[numstates][numstates];
//stores the sufficient statistic for the initital probability in each state for the last visit
double[][] gammainitstore = new double[traindataObservedIndex.length][numstates];
//stores the sufficient statistics for computing the transition probabilities cumulated for each iteration
double[][][] sxistore = new double[traindataObservedIndex.length][numstates][numstates];
//stores the sufficient statistic for computing the emission probabilities
double[][][][] gammaksumstore =
new double[traindataObservedIndex.length][numstates][numdatasets][numbuckets];
//temporary storage in computation of sxi
double[][][] sumforsxi_Pool = new double[numprocessors][numstates][numstates];
//stores the sum of the gamma values associated with each combination in each state
double[][][] gammaObservedSum_Pool = new double[numprocessors][traindataObservedValues.length][numstates];
double[] dloglikeA = new double[traindataObservedIndex.length];
int nelim = 0;
long ltimeitr= System.currentTimeMillis();
dprevloglike = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
//dloglike= 0;
for (int ni = 0; ni < emissionproducts.length; ni++)
//going through each combination of marks
//this signature of marks is observed on the current chromosome so
//updating its emission probabilities
double[] emissionproducts_ni = emissionproducts[ni];
boolean[] traindataObservedValues_ni = traindataObservedValues[ni];
boolean[] traindataNotMissing_ni = traindataNotMissing[ni];
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
double dproduct = 1;
double[][] emissionprobs_ns = emissionprobs[ns];
for (int nmod = 0; nmod < numdatasets; nmod++)
if (traindataNotMissing_ni[nmod])
//we are include this marks emission probability
if (traindataObservedValues_ni[nmod])
dproduct *= emissionprobs_ns[nmod][1];
dproduct *= emissionprobs_ns[nmod][0];
// otherwise treated as missing omitting from product
emissionproducts_ni[ns] = dproduct;
//stores in coltransitionprobs the transpose of transitionprobs
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double[] coltransitionprobs_ni = coltransitionprobs[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < numstates; nj++)
coltransitionprobs_ni[nj] = transitionprobs[nj][ni];
synchronized (objlock)
nlaunched = traindataObservedIndex.length;
for (int nseq = 0; nseq < traindataObservedIndex.length; nseq++)
double[][] sxi_nseq = sxistore[nseq];
int numtime_nseq = numtime[nseq];
int[] traindataObservedIndex_nseq = traindataObservedIndex[nseq];
boolean[] traindataObservedSeqFlags_nseq = traindataObservedSeqFlags[nseq];
double[][][] gammaksum_nseq = gammaksumstore[nseq];
double[] gammainitstore_nseq = gammainitstore[nseq];
NewThread myNewThread = new NewThread(traindataObservedIndex_nseq,
new Thread(myNewThread).start();
while (nlaunched > 0)
catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
//normal EM
//executes the M-step after any pass through a sequence after one pass has been made through all sequences
double dsum = 0;
//updating the inital probabilities
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
double dgammainitsum = 0;
for (int nitr = 0; nitr < traindataObservedIndex.length; nitr++)
dgammainitsum += gammainitstore[nitr][ni];
probinit[ni] = dgammainitsum;
dsum += dgammainitsum;
for (int ni = 0; ni < numstates; ni++)
probinit[ni] /= dsum;
//this indicates if there is a change on the set of 0 probability transitions
boolean bchange = false;
for (int ni = 0; ni < transitionprobs.length; ni++)
dsum = 0;
//computes the denominator for the transition probabilities
int[] transitionprobsindex_ni = transitionprobsindex[ni];
double[] transitionprobs_ni = transitionprobs[ni];
int transitionprobsnum_ni = transitionprobsnum[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobsnum_ni; nj++)
int ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj = transitionprobsindex_ni[nj];
double dsxistoreitr = 0;
for (int nitr = 0; nitr < traindataObservedIndex.length; nitr++)
dsxistoreitr += sxistore[nitr][ni][ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj];
transitionprobs_ni[ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj] = dsxistoreitr;
dsum += dsxistoreitr;
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobsnum_ni; nj++)
int ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj = transitionprobsindex_ni[nj];
//computes the updated transition probabilities
transitionprobs_ni[ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj] /= dsum;
if ((transitionprobs_ni[ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj] < dzerotransitioncutoff) && (ni != ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj))
//if falls below threshold eliminate the transition probabilities
elim[ni][ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj] = true;
bchange = true;
transitionprobs_ni[ntransitionprobsindex_ni_nj] = 0;
if (bchange)
//a transition was eliminated we need to update the probabilities
for (int ni = 0; ni < transitionprobs.length; ni++)
int nindex = 0;
double ddenom = 0;
boolean[] elim_ni = elim[ni];
double[] transitionprobs_ni = transitionprobs[ni];
int[] transitionprobsindex_ni = transitionprobsindex[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobs_ni.length; nj++)
if (!elim_ni[nj])
//we have not eliminated this transition
//stores its index in order and add sum to denominator
transitionprobsindex_ni[nindex] = nj;
ddenom += transitionprobs_ni[nj];
//renormalize the transition probabilities by the sum of the non-eliminated transitions
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobs_ni.length; nj++)
transitionprobs_ni[nj] /= ddenom;
//update the number of valid transitions
transitionprobsnum[ni] = nindex;
for (int ni = 0; ni < transitionprobs.length; ni++)
int nindex =0;
int[] transitionprobsindexCol_ni = transitionprobsindexCol[ni];
for (int nj = 0; nj < transitionprobs[ni].length; nj++)
if (!elim[nj][ni])
//copy into the column of i the index of all non-eliminated transitions of i
transitionprobsindexCol_ni[nindex] = nj;
//updates the number of non-zero transitions from column i
transitionprobsnumCol[ni] = nindex;
//updating the emission parameters
for (int ns = 0; ns < numstates; ns++)
double[][] emissionprobs_ns = emissionprobs[ns];
for (int nmark = 0; nmark < emissionprobs_ns.length; nmark++)
double[] emissionprobs_ns_nmark = emissionprobs_ns[nmark];
//can't used a general gamma sum because of missing emission vals
double dgammadenom = 0;
//updates gamma sum
for (int nbucket = 0; nbucket < numbuckets; nbucket++)
emissionprobs_ns_nmark[nbucket] = 0;
for (int nitr = 0; nitr < traindataObservedIndex.length; nitr++)
emissionprobs_ns_nmark[nbucket] += gammaksumstore[nitr][ns][nmark][nbucket];
dgammadenom += emissionprobs_ns_nmark[nbucket];
for (int nbucket = 0; nbucket < numbuckets; nbucket++)
emissionprobs_ns_nmark[nbucket] /= dgammadenom;
dloglike = 0;
for (int nindex = 0; nindex < dloglikeA.length; nindex++)
dloglike += dloglikeA[nindex];
double ddiff =(dloglike-dprevloglike);
//dconvergediff is only enforced if greater thanor equal to 0
dprevloglike = dloglike;
if (bordercols)
//updates after each iteration the current status of the search
//we just completed a full iteration
long ltimefinal = System.currentTimeMillis();
double dtimechange = (ltimefinal-ltimeitr)/(double) 1000;
bconverged = (((niteration >= nmaxiterations)||((ddiff< dconvergediff)&&(dconvergediff>=0)))||((dtimechange>nmaxseconds)&&(nmaxseconds>=0)));
System.out.println(niteration+"\tTime Iteration\t"+dtimechange+"\t"+"\tElim\t"+nelim);
System.out.println("Full "+niteration+"\t"+dloglike+"\t"+dprevloglike+"\t"+ddiff);
if (niteration == 1)
System.out.format("%10s %25s %10s %20s\n","Iteration","Estimated Log Likelihood", "Change","Total Time (secs)");
System.out.format("%10s %25s %10s %20s\n",""+niteration,""+nf3.format(dloglike),"-",""+nf1.format(dtimechange));
//System.out.format(niteration+" "+nf3.format(dloglike)+" "+nf3.format(ddiff)+" "+nf1.format(dtimechange));
System.out.format("%10s %25s %10s %20s\n",""+niteration,""+nf3.format(dloglike),""+nf3.format(ddiff),""+nf1.format(dtimechange));
while (!bconverged);
* Loads in the input data
* If there are multiple cell type associated with the files that should be
* indicated by a prefix before an '_'
public void loadData() throws IOException
if (szinputfilelist == null)
//takes all files in the directory with a _binary
File dir = new File(szinputdir);
String[] chromfilesall = dir.list();
if (chromfilesall == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szinputdir+" is not a valid directory!");
ArrayList alfiles = new ArrayList();
for (int nfile = 0; nfile < chromfilesall.length; nfile++)
if (chromfilesall[nfile].contains("_binary"))
if (alfiles.size() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No files found in "+szinputdir+" containing '_binary'");
//stores them in chromfiles
chromfiles = new String[alfiles.size()];
for (int nfile = 0; nfile < chromfiles.length; nfile++)
chromfiles[nfile] = (String) alfiles.get(nfile);
//loads in the input coords list
BufferedReader brfiles = Util.getBufferedReader(szinputfilelist);
ArrayList alfiles = new ArrayList();
String szLine;
while ((szLine = brfiles.readLine())!=null)
//stores them in chromfiles
chromfiles = new String[alfiles.size()];
for (int nfile = 0; nfile < chromfiles.length; nfile++)
chromfiles[nfile] = (String) alfiles.get(nfile);
Arrays.sort(chromfiles);//gives a deterministic reproducible starting order to the chromfiles
//randomly orders the chromosome files to visit
RecIntDouble[] recA = new RecIntDouble[chromfiles.length];
String[] tempchromfiles = new String[chromfiles.length];
//now going to randomize the order of chromosomes if theRandom is not null
//the order of chromosome matters when doing an incremental expectation maximization
for (int ni = 0; ni < chromfiles.length; ni++)
tempchromfiles[ni] = chromfiles[ni];
if (theRandom == null)
recA[ni] = new RecIntDouble(ni, ni);
recA[ni] = new RecIntDouble(ni,theRandom.nextDouble());
if (theRandom != null)
//already in order if random is null
Arrays.sort(recA,new RecIntDoubleCompare());
cellSeq = new String[chromfiles.length];
chromSeq = new String[chromfiles.length];
for (int ni = 0; ni < chromfiles.length; ni++)
//swapping into chromfiles the sorted chromosome ordering
chromfiles[ni] = tempchromfiles[recA[ni].nindex];
traindataObservedIndex = new int[chromfiles.length][]; //number of columns depends on number of lines in file
HashMap hmObserved = new HashMap(); //maps an observation string to an index and set of flags
int nobserved = 0;
PrintWriter pw = null;
for (int nfile = 0; nfile < chromfiles.length; nfile++)
System.out.println("reading\t"+szinputdir+" "+chromfiles[nfile]);
BufferedReader br = Util.getBufferedReader(szinputdir+"/"+chromfiles[nfile]);
String szLine = br.readLine(); //first line tells cell type and chromosome
if (szLine == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szinputdir+"/"+chromfiles[nfile]+" is empty!");
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(szLine,"\t");
cellSeq[nfile] = st.nextToken();
if (!st.hasMoreTokens())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("First line must contain cell type and chromosome. Only one entry found.");
chromSeq[nfile] = st.nextToken();
if (st.hasMoreTokens())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("First line should only contain cell type and chromosome");
szLine = br.readLine(); //reading header
//to output binary
if (szLine == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szinputdir+"/"+chromfiles[nfile]+" only has one line!");
st = new StringTokenizer(szLine,"\t");
int numtokens = st.countTokens();
if (nfile == 0)
//first time reading header taking tokens
datasets = new String[numtokens];
int ntoken = 0;
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
datasets[ntoken] = st.nextToken();
//Requires number of tokens to match
if (numtokens != datasets.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(" numtokens "+numtokens+" does not match "+datasets.length);
int ntoken = 0;
//Gives warning if a header column does not match
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
String sztoken = st.nextToken();
if (!datasets[ntoken].equals(sztoken))
System.out.println("WARNING headers do not match between "+chromfiles[nfile]+" and "+chromfiles[0]);
//numdatasets is the number of marks we are integrating
numdatasets = datasets.length;
ArrayList aldata = new ArrayList();
while ((szLine = br.readLine())!=null)
st = new StringTokenizer(szLine,"\t");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int ncol = 0; ncol < numdatasets; ncol++)
String sztoken = st.nextToken();
if (sztoken.equals("0"))
else if (sztoken.equals("1"))
else if (sztoken.equals("2"))
//this means missing
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized value "+sztoken+" found in "+szinputdir+"/"+chromfiles[nfile]);
int nsize = aldata.size();
traindataObservedIndex[nfile] = new int[nsize];
int[] traindataObservedIndex_nfile = traindataObservedIndex[nfile];
for (int nrow = 0; nrow < nsize; nrow++)
BigInteger theBigInteger = new BigInteger((String) aldata.get(nrow),3);
ObservedRec theObservedRec = (ObservedRec) hmObserved.get(theBigInteger);
boolean[] flagA;
if (theObservedRec == null)
//this is the first time we encountered this combination of marks
flagA = new boolean[chromfiles.length];
//recording which chromsomes this mark combination was observed
flagA[nfile] =true;
//storing a mapping from observed byte string to an integer index in alFlags and alObserved
hmObserved.put(theBigInteger, new ObservedRec(nobserved,flagA));
//saving this observed index
traindataObservedIndex[nfile][nrow] = nobserved;
//increments the number of observed combinations of marks
//updating that this signature was observed on this chromosome
theObservedRec.flagA[nfile] = true;
//storing the index of the flags associated with this row
traindataObservedIndex_nfile[nrow] = theObservedRec.nobserved;
//saving the mapping of signatures and chromsome observed on
//stores whether there is a present call at each location
traindataObservedValues = new boolean[nobserved][numdatasets];
//stores whether the mark is not considered missing
traindataNotMissing = new boolean[nobserved][numdatasets];
//stores whether this sequence combination appears on the chromosome
traindataObservedSeqFlags = new boolean[chromfiles.length][traindataObservedValues.length];
Iterator hmObservedIterator = hmObserved.entrySet().iterator();
while (hmObservedIterator.hasNext())
Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry);
BigInteger theBigInteger = (BigInteger) pairs.getKey();
String szmapping = theBigInteger.toString(3); //getting back the mapping string
ObservedRec theObservedRec = (ObservedRec) pairs.getValue();
int ncurrindex = theObservedRec.nobserved;//this is an index on which obervation combination it is
boolean[] traindataObservedValues_ncurrindex = traindataObservedValues[ncurrindex];
boolean[] traindataNotMissing_ncurrindex = traindataNotMissing[ncurrindex];
//if the mapping string is less than the number of data sets then
//there are leading 0's will set for leading 0's not missing and absent
int numch = szmapping.length();
int numleading0 = numdatasets - numch;
for (int nj = 0; nj < numleading0; nj++)
traindataObservedValues_ncurrindex[nj] = false;
traindataNotMissing_ncurrindex[nj] = true;
int nmappedindex = numleading0; //starting from the leading 0 position
for (int nj = 0; nj < numch; nj++)
char ch = szmapping.charAt(nj);
if (ch == '0')
traindataObservedValues_ncurrindex[nmappedindex] = false;
traindataNotMissing_ncurrindex[nmappedindex] = true;
else if (ch=='1')
traindataObservedValues_ncurrindex[nmappedindex] = true;
traindataNotMissing_ncurrindex[nmappedindex] = true;
//missing data
traindataObservedValues_ncurrindex[nmappedindex] = false;
traindataNotMissing_ncurrindex[nmappedindex] = false;
boolean[] currFlags = theObservedRec.flagA;
for (int nj = 0; nj < chromfiles.length; nj++)
//storing at this observation whether it is found for each chromosome
traindataObservedSeqFlags[nj][ncurrindex] = currFlags[nj];
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
boolean bok = true;
String szcommand = "";
if (args.length >= 1)
szcommand = args[0];
bok = false;
if (szcommand.equalsIgnoreCase("Version"))
System.out.println("This is Version 1.10 of ChromHMM (c) Copyright 2008-2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology");
else if (szcommand.equalsIgnoreCase("BinarizeBed"))
String szcontroldir=null;
int nflankwidthcontrol = 5;
int nshift = 100;
boolean bcenterinterval = false;
int noffsetleft = 0;
int noffsetright = 1;
double dpoissonthresh = 0.0001;
double dfoldthresh = 0;
boolean bcontainsthresh = true;
int npseudocount = 1;
String szcolfields=null;
String szoutputcontroldir=null;
String szoutputsignaldir = null;
int npseudocountcontrol = 1;
boolean bpeaks = false;
int nargindex = 1;
if (args.length <= 4)
bok = false;
while (nargindex < args.length-4)
if (args[nargindex].equals("-b"))
nbinsize = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-c"))
szcontroldir = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-colfields"))
szcolfields = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-e"))
noffsetright= Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-f"))
dfoldthresh = Double.parseDouble(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-n"))
nshift = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-o"))
szoutputcontroldir = args[++nargindex];
File f = new File(szoutputcontroldir);
if (!f.exists())
if (!f.mkdirs())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szoutputcontroldir+" does not exist and could not be created!");
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-p"))
dpoissonthresh = Double.parseDouble(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-s"))
noffsetleft = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-strictthresh"))
bcontainsthresh = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-t"))
szoutputsignaldir = args[++nargindex];
File f = new File(szoutputsignaldir);
if (!f.exists())
if (!f.mkdirs())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szoutputsignaldir+" does not exist and could not be created!");
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-u"))
npseudocountcontrol = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-center"))
bcenterinterval = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-peaks"))
bpeaks = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-w"))
nflankwidthcontrol = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
bok = false;
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
bok = false;
if ((bok)&&(nargindex == args.length-4))
String szchromlengthfile = args[nargindex++];
String szmarkdir = args[nargindex++];
String szcellmarkfiletable = args[nargindex++];
String szoutputbinarydir= args[nargindex];
File f = new File(szoutputbinarydir);
if (!f.exists())
if (!f.mkdirs())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szoutputbinarydir+" does not exist and could not be created!");
if (szcontroldir == null)
szcontroldir = szmarkdir;
nshift,bcenterinterval, noffsetleft,noffsetright,szoutputsignaldir,
bok = false;
if (!bok)
System.out.println("usage BinarizeBed [-b binsize][-c controldir][-center][-colfields chromosome,start,end[,strand]][-e offsetend][-f foldthresh]"+
"[-n shift][-o outputcontroldir][-p poissonthresh][-peaks][-s offsetstart][-strictthresh][-t outputsignaldir]"+
"[-u pseudocountcontrol][-w flankwidthcontrol] "+
"chromosomelengthfile inputbeddir cellmarkfiletable outputbinarydir");
else if (szcommand.equalsIgnoreCase("BinarizeSignal"))
boolean bcontainsthresh = true;
double dfoldthresh = 0;
double dpoissonthresh = 0.0001;
int nflankwidthcontrol = 5;
int npseudocountcontrol = 1;
String szsignaldir = null;
String szoutputdir = null;
String szcontroldir = null;
if (args.length <= 2)
bok = false;
int nargindex = 1;
while (nargindex < args.length-2)
if (args[nargindex].equals("-c"))
szcontroldir = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-f"))
dfoldthresh = Double.parseDouble(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-p"))
dpoissonthresh = Double.parseDouble(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-strictthresh"))
bcontainsthresh = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-u"))
npseudocountcontrol = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-w"))
nflankwidthcontrol = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
bok = false;
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
bok = false;
if ((bok)&&(nargindex == args.length-2))
szsignaldir = args[nargindex++];
szoutputdir = args[nargindex];
File f = new File(szoutputdir);
if (!f.exists())
if (!f.mkdirs())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szoutputdir+" does not exist and could not be created!");
if (szcontroldir!=null)
Preprocessing.makeBinaryDataFromSignalAgainstControl(szsignaldir,szcontroldir, szoutputdir,
dpoissonthresh, dfoldthresh,bcontainsthresh, nflankwidthcontrol,npseudocountcontrol);
Preprocessing.makeBinaryDataFromSignalUniform(szsignaldir, szoutputdir, dpoissonthresh, dfoldthresh, bcontainsthresh);
bok = false;
if (!bok)
System.out.println("usage BinarizeSignal [-c controldir][-f foldthresh][-p poissonthresh][-strictthresh][-u pseudocountcontrol][-w flankwidth] signaldir outputdir");
else if (szcommand.equalsIgnoreCase("CompareModels"))
String szmainmodel;
String szinputdir;
String szoutputprefix;
int nargindex = 1;
if (args.length == 5)
bok = false;
if (args[nargindex].equals("-color"))
String szcolor = args[++nargindex];
StringTokenizer stcolor = new StringTokenizer(szcolor,",");
if (stcolor.countTokens()==3)
nr = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
ng = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
nb = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
bok = false;
bok = false;
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
bok = false;
if (nargindex != args.length-3)
bok = false;
if (bok)
szmainmodel = args[nargindex++];
szinputdir = args[nargindex++];
szoutputprefix = args[nargindex];
StateAnalysis.makeModelEmissionCompare(szmainmodel,szinputdir,szoutputprefix,new Color(nr,ng,nb));
if (!bok)
System.out.println("usage CompareModels [-color r,g,b] referencemodel comparedir outputprefix");
else if (szcommand.equalsIgnoreCase("StatePruning"))
boolean beuclidean = true;
int nindex = 1;
String szinputdir;
String szoutputdir;
if (nindex >= args.length)
bok = false;
if (args[nindex].equals("-correlation"))
beuclidean = false;
if (nindex+1 == (args.length-1))
szinputdir = args[nindex++];
szoutputdir = args[nindex];
File f = new File(szoutputdir);
if (!f.exists())
if (!f.mkdirs())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szoutputdir+" does not exist and could not be created!");
NestedEliminateInitialize.nestedEliminateInitialize(szinputdir, szoutputdir,beuclidean);
bok = false;
if (!bok)
System.out.println("usage: StatePruning [-correlation] inputdir outputdir");
else if (szcommand.equalsIgnoreCase("EvalSubset"))
Color theColor = new Color(nr, ng, nb);
String szinputfilelist = null;
boolean breadposterior = false;
boolean breadstatebyline = false;
boolean breadsegment = false;
String szchromlengthfile = null;
String szoutfileID = "";
boolean bappend = false;
int nargindex = 1;
while (nargindex < args.length-5)
if (args[nargindex].equals("-color"))
String szcolor = args[++nargindex];
StringTokenizer stcolor = new StringTokenizer(szcolor,",");
if (stcolor.countTokens()==3)
nr = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
ng = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
nb = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
bok = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-b"))
nbinsize = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-f"))
szinputfilelist = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-i"))
szoutfileID = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-append"))
bappend = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-readposterior"))
breadposterior = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-readstatesbyline"))
breadstatebyline = true;
bok = false;
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
bok = false;
if (bok&&(nargindex==args.length-5))
String szmodelfile = args[nargindex++];
String szinputdir = args[nargindex++];
String szsegmentdir = args[nargindex++];
String szconfusionfileprefix = args[nargindex++];
String szinclude = args[nargindex];
boolean breadsegments = !breadstatebyline&&!breadposterior;
if (breadposterior && breadstatebyline)
System.out.println("Invalid to specify both -readposterior and -readstatesbyline output");
ChromHMM theHMM = new ChromHMM(szinputdir, szsegmentdir,szinputfilelist,szconfusionfileprefix,
szmodelfile, szoutfileID, nbinsize, breadposterior,
breadsegments,breadstatebyline,szinclude,bappend, theColor);
bok = false;
if (!bok)
System.out.println("usage: EvalSubset [-append][-b binsize][-f inputfilelist][-i outfileID]"+
" inputmodel inputdir segmentdir outconfusionfileprefix includemarks");
else if (szcommand.equalsIgnoreCase("MakeSegmentation"))
String szinputfilelist = null;
boolean bprintposterior = false;
boolean bprintstatebyline = false;
boolean bnoprintsegment = false;
String szchromlengthfile = null;
String szoutfileID = "";
int nargindex = 1;
while (nargindex < args.length-3)
if (args[nargindex].equals("-b"))
nbinsize = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-f"))
szinputfilelist = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-i"))
szoutfileID = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-l"))
szchromlengthfile = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-nobed"))
bnoprintsegment = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-printposterior"))
bprintposterior = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-printstatesbyline"))
bprintstatebyline = true;
bok = false;
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
bok = false;
if (bok&&(nargindex==args.length-3))
String szmodelfile = args[nargindex++];
String szinputdir = args[nargindex++];
String szoutputdir = args[nargindex];
File f = new File(szoutputdir);
if (!f.exists())
if (!f.mkdirs())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szoutputdir+" does not exist and could not be created!");
if (bprintposterior)
File fposterior = new File(szoutputdir+"/POSTERIOR");
if (!fposterior.exists())
if (!fposterior.mkdirs())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szoutputdir+"POSTERIOR does not exist and could not be created!");
if (bprintstatebyline)
File fstatebyline = new File(szoutputdir+"/STATEBYLINE");
if (!fstatebyline.exists())
if (!fstatebyline.mkdirs())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szoutputdir+" STATEBYLINE does not exist and could not be created!");
boolean bprintsegments = !bnoprintsegment;
if (bprintsegments||bprintposterior||bprintstatebyline)
ChromHMM theHMM = new ChromHMM(szinputdir, szinputfilelist,szchromlengthfile, szoutputdir, szmodelfile, szoutfileID, nbinsize, bprintposterior,
System.out.println("No output type was requested!");
bok = false;
if (!bok)
System.out.println("usage: MakeSegmentation [-b binsize][-f inputfilelist][-i outfileID][-l chromosomelengthfile][-nobed]"+
" modelfile inputdir outputdir");
else if (szcommand.equalsIgnoreCase("MakeBrowserFiles"))
String szcolormapping = null;
String szlabelmapping = null;
int nargindex = 1;
int numstates = -1;
while (nargindex < args.length-3)
if (args[nargindex].equals("-c"))
szcolormapping = args[++nargindex];
else if ((args[nargindex].equals("-l"))||(args[nargindex].equals("-m")))
//the -l is for backwards compatibility
szlabelmapping = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-n"))
numstates = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
bok = false;
if ((bok)&&(nargindex==args.length-3))
String szsegmentfile = args[nargindex++];
String szsegmentationname = args[nargindex++];
String szoutputfileprefix =args[nargindex];
BrowserOutput theBrowserOutput = new BrowserOutput(szsegmentfile,szcolormapping,szlabelmapping,
szsegmentationname, szoutputfileprefix,numstates);
bok = false;
if (!bok)
System.out.println("usage: MakeBrowserFiles [-c colormappingfile][-m labelmappingfile][-n numstates] segmentfile segmentationname outputfileprefix");
else if (szcommand.equalsIgnoreCase("OverlapEnrichment"))
String szinput;
String szcell = "";
String szinputcoorddir;
String szinputcoordlist=null;
String szlabelmapping = null;
String szcolfields = null;
String szoutfile;
String sztitle = "Fold Enrichments";
boolean bmax= true;
int nargindex = 1;
while (nargindex < args.length-3)
if (args[nargindex].equals("-a"))
szcell = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-b"))
nbinsize = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-color"))
String szcolor = args[++nargindex];
StringTokenizer stcolor = new StringTokenizer(szcolor,",");
if (stcolor.countTokens()==3)
nr = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
ng = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
nb = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
bok = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-colfields"))
szcolfields = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-binres"))
bbaseres = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-f"))
szinputcoordlist = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-signal"))
busesignal = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-uniformscale"))
buniformheat = true; //scales heatmap columns individually
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-s"))
noffsetleft = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-center"))
bcenter = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-m"))
szlabelmapping = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-multicount"))
bcountmulti = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-posterior"))
bmax = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-e"))
noffsetright = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-t"))
sztitle = args[++nargindex];
bok = false;
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
bok = false;
if ((nargindex == args.length-3)&&(bok))
szinput = args[nargindex++];
szinputcoorddir = args[nargindex++];
szoutfile = args[nargindex];
boolean bunique = !bcountmulti;
boolean bcolscaleheat = !buniformheat;
Color theColor = new Color(nr, ng, nb);
System.out.println("Computing Enrichments...");
if (bmax)
StateAnalysis.enrichmentMax(szinput, szinputcoorddir,szinputcoordlist,noffsetleft,noffsetright,nbinsize,
bcenter, bunique, busesignal,szcolfields,bbaseres, szoutfile,bcolscaleheat,theColor,sztitle, szlabelmapping);
StateAnalysis.enrichmentPosterior(szinput, szcell,szinputcoorddir,szinputcoordlist,noffsetleft,noffsetright,nbinsize,
bcenter, bunique, busesignal,szcolfields,bbaseres,szoutfile,bcolscaleheat,theColor,sztitle, szlabelmapping);
bok = false;
if (!bok)
System.out.println("usage OverlapEnrichment [-a cell][-b binsize][-binres][-color r,g,b][-center][-colfields chromosome,start,end[,signal]]"+
"[-e offsetend][-f coordlistfile][-m labelmappingfile]"+
"[-multicount][-posterior][-s offsetstart][-signal][-t title][-uniformscale]"+
" inputsegment inputcoorddir outfileprefix");
else if ((szcommand.equalsIgnoreCase("NeighborhoodEnrichment"))||(szcommand.equalsIgnoreCase("NeighborhoodSignal")))
String szinput;
String szlabelmapping = null;
String szcolfields = null;
String szoutfile;
String sztitle = "Fold Enrichments";
String szcell = "";
String szanchorpositions;
boolean bmax = true;
int nargindex = 1;
boolean bspacing = false;
while (nargindex < args.length-3)
if (args[nargindex].equals("-a"))
szcell = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-b"))
nbinsize = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-color"))
String szcolor = args[++nargindex];
StringTokenizer stcolor = new StringTokenizer(szcolor,",");
if (stcolor.countTokens()==3)
nr = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
ng = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
nb = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
bok = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-colfields"))
szcolfields = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-signal"))
busesignal = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-l"))
numleft = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-m"))
szlabelmapping = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-o"))
noffsetanchor = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-posterior"))
bmax = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-r"))
numright = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-s"))
nspacing = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
bspacing = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-nostrand"))
busestrand = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-t"))
sztitle = args[++nargindex];
bok =false;
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
bok = false;
if (!bspacing)
nspacing = nbinsize;
if ((nargindex == args.length-3)&&(bok))
Color theColor = new Color(nr, ng, nb);
szinput = args[nargindex++];
szanchorpositions = args[nargindex++];
szoutfile = args[nargindex];
System.out.println("Computing Enrichments...");
if (szcommand.equalsIgnoreCase("NeighborhoodSignal"))
//this is an undocumented feature to compute signal enrichment for marks around a position
else if (bmax)
bok = false;
if (!bok)
System.out.println("usage NeighborhoodEnrichment [-a cell][-b binsize][-color r,g,b][-colfields chromosome,position[,optionalcol1|,optionalcol1,optionalcol2]"+
"[-l numleftintervals][-nostrand][-m labelmappingfile]"+
"[-o anchoroffset][-posterior][-r numrightintervals]"+
"[-s spacing][-signal][-t title] inputsegment anchorpositions outfileprefix");
else if (szcommand.equalsIgnoreCase("LearnModel"))
String path = ChromHMM.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();
String decodedPath = URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8");
String szprefixpath = decodedPath.substring(0, decodedPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
//System.out.println("prefix path is "+szprefixpath);
int nseed = 999;
int nmaxiterations= 200;//number of passes through all the data
int nzerotransitionpower =8; //Sets the transition probability to 0 if below this constant value
String szInitFile =null;
int ninitmethod = ChromHMM.INITMETHOD_INFORMATION;
double dconvergediff = 0.001;//-1;
double dinformationsmooth= 0.02;
double dloadsmoothemission = 0.02;
double dloadsmoothtransition = 0.5;
boolean bprintposterior = false;
boolean bprintstatebyline = false;
boolean bnoprintsegment = false;
boolean bprintbrowser = true;
boolean bprintenrich = true;
String szinputfilelist = null;
String szchromlengthfile = null;
String szoutfileID = "";
int nstateorder =ChromHMM.STATEORDER_EMISSION;
boolean bnoordercols = false;
int nargindex = 1;
int nmaxseconds = -1;
int nmaxprocessors = 0;
boolean bnormalEM = false;
while (nargindex < args.length-4)
if (args[nargindex].equals("-b"))
nbinsize = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-color"))
String szcolor = args[++nargindex];
StringTokenizer stcolor = new StringTokenizer(szcolor,",");
if (stcolor.countTokens()==3)
nr = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
ng = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
nb = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
bok = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-d"))
dconvergediff = Double.parseDouble(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-e"))
dloadsmoothemission = Double.parseDouble(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-f"))
szinputfilelist = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-h"))
dinformationsmooth = Double.parseDouble(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-i"))
szoutfileID = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-init"))
String sztoken = args[++nargindex];
if ((sztoken.equals("information"))||(sztoken.equals("0")))
else if ((sztoken.equals("random"))||(sztoken.equals("1")))
ninitmethod = ChromHMM.INITMETHOD_RANDOM;
else if ((sztoken.equals("load"))||(sztoken.equals("2")))
ninitmethod = ChromHMM.INITMETHOD_LOAD;
bok = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-l"))
szchromlengthfile = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-m"))
szInitFile = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-nobed"))
bnoprintsegment = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-nobrowser"))
bprintbrowser = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-noenrich"))
bprintenrich = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-p"))
bnormalEM = true;
nmaxprocessors = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-stateordering"))
String sztoken = args[++nargindex];
if (sztoken.equals("emission"))
else if (sztoken.equals("transition"))
bok = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-printposterior"))
bprintposterior = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-r"))
nmaxiterations = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-s"))
nseed = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-t"))
dloadsmoothtransition = Double.parseDouble(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-holdcolumnorder"))
bnoordercols = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-printstatebyline"))
bprintstatebyline = true;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-x"))
nmaxseconds = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-z"))
nzerotransitionpower = Integer.parseInt(args[++nargindex]);
bok = false;
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
bok = false;
if (bok&&(nargindex==args.length-4))
Color theColor = new Color(nr, ng, nb);
String szinputdir = args[nargindex++];
String szoutputdir = args[nargindex++];
File f = new File(szoutputdir);
if (!f.exists())
if (!f.mkdirs())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szoutputdir+" does not exist and could not be created!");
if (bprintposterior)
File fposterior = new File(szoutputdir+"/POSTERIOR");
if (!fposterior.exists())
if (!fposterior.mkdirs())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szoutputdir+"/POSTERIOR does not exist and could not be created!");
if (bprintstatebyline)
File fstatebyline = new File(szoutputdir+"/STATEBYLINE");
if (!fstatebyline.exists())
if (!fstatebyline.mkdirs())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szoutputdir+"/STATEBYLINE does not exist and could not be created!");
int numstates = 0;
numstates = Integer.parseInt(args[nargindex++]);
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
bok = false;
if (bok)
String szassembly= args[nargindex++];
boolean bprintsegments = !bnoprintsegment;
boolean bordercols = !bnoordercols;
if ((szoutfileID.equals(""))&&(ninitmethod == ChromHMM.INITMETHOD_RANDOM))
szoutfileID = ""+nseed;
if (szchromlengthfile == null)
File flength = new File(szprefixpath+"/"+CHROMSIZESDIR+"/"+szassembly+".txt");
if (flength.exists())
szchromlengthfile = szprefixpath+"/"+CHROMSIZESDIR+"/"+szassembly+".txt";
ChromHMM theHMM = new ChromHMM(szinputdir, szoutputdir, szinputfilelist,szchromlengthfile,numstates, nseed,ninitmethod,
nmaxiterations,dconvergediff,nmaxseconds, bprintposterior,bprintsegments,bprintstatebyline,
nbinsize,szoutfileID,nstateorder,bordercols,nzerotransitionpower,theColor,bnormalEM, nmaxprocessors);
String szwebpage = szoutputdir+"/webpage_"+numstates+".html";
PrintWriter pwweb = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(szwebpage));
pwweb.println("<center><h1>ChromHMM Report</h1></center>");
pwweb.println("Input Directory: "+szinputdir+"<br>");
pwweb.println("Output Directory: "+szoutputdir+"<br>");
pwweb.println("Number of States: "+numstates+"<br>");
pwweb.println("Assembly: "+szassembly+"<br>");
pwweb.print("Full ChromHMM command: ");
for (int na = 0; na < args.length-1; na++)
pwweb.print(args[na]+" ");
pwweb.println("<h1>Model Parameters</h1>");
pwweb.println("<img src=\"emissions_"+numstates+".png\"><br>");
pwweb.println("<li><a href=\"emissions_"+numstates+".svg\">Emission Parameter SVG File</a><br>");
pwweb.println("<li><a href=\"emissions_"+numstates+".txt\">Emission Parameter Tab-Delimited Text File</a><br>");
pwweb.println("<img src=\"transitions_"+numstates+".png\"><br>");
pwweb.println("<li><a href=\"transitions_"+numstates+".svg\">Transition Parameter SVG File</a><br>");
pwweb.println("<li><a href=\"transitions_"+numstates+".txt\">Transition Parameter Tab-Delimited Text File</a><br><br>");
pwweb.println("<li><a href=\"model_"+numstates+".txt\">All Model Parameters Tab-Delimited Text File</a> <br>");
pwweb.println("<h1>Genome Segmentation Files</h1>");
if (bprintsegments||bprintposterior||bprintstatebyline)
if (bprintsegments)
Iterator hsiterator = theHMM.hsprefix.iterator();
String[] prefixes = new String[theHMM.hsprefix.size()];
int nhsindex = 0;
while (hsiterator.hasNext())
prefixes[nhsindex] = (String);
for (int nfile = 0; nfile < prefixes.length; nfile++)
String szsegmentfile = prefixes[nfile]+ChromHMM.SZSEGMENTEXTENSION;
pwweb.println("<li><a href=\""+szsegmentfile+"\">"+prefixes[nfile]+" Segmentation File (Four Column Bed File)</a><br>");
if (bprintstatebyline)
pwweb.println("<li><a href=\"STATEBYLINE\"> Directory of Maximum States Assignments Line By Line</a><br>");
if (bprintposterior)
pwweb.println("<li><a href=\"POSTERIOR\"> Directory of Posterior Files</a><br>");
if (bprintbrowser)
pwweb.println("Custom Tracks for loading into the <a href=\"\">UCSC Genome Browser</a>:<br>");
for (int nprefixindex = 0; nprefixindex < prefixes.length; nprefixindex++)
String szprefix = prefixes[nprefixindex];
String szsegmentfile = szoutputdir+"/"+szprefix+ChromHMM.SZSEGMENTEXTENSION;
BrowserOutput theBrowserOutput = new BrowserOutput(szsegmentfile,null,null,
pwweb.println("<li><a href="+szprefix+ChromHMM.SZBROWSERDENSEEXTENSION+".bed>"+szprefix+" Browser Custom Track Dense File</a> <br>");
pwweb.println("<li><a href="+szprefix+ChromHMM.SZBROWSEREXPANDEDEXTENSION+".bed>"+szprefix+" Browser Custom Track Expanded File</a><br>");
if (bprintenrich)
pwweb.println("<h1>State Enrichments</h1>");
for (int nprefixindex = 0; nprefixindex < prefixes.length; nprefixindex++)
String szprefix = prefixes[nprefixindex];
pwweb.println("<h2>"+szprefix+" Enrichments</h2>");
String szsegmentfile = szoutputdir+"/"+szprefix+ChromHMM.SZSEGMENTEXTENSION;
File fcoordassembly = new File(szprefixpath+"/"+COORDDIR+"/"+szassembly);
if (fcoordassembly.exists())
!ChromHMM.DEFAULT_OVERLAPENRICHMENT_BUNIFORMHEAT,theColor,"Fold Enrichment "+szprefix,null);
String szoverlapoutfile = szprefix+ChromHMM.SZOVERLAPEXTENSION+".txt";
pwweb.println("<img src=\""+szprefix+ChromHMM.SZOVERLAPEXTENSION+".png\"> <br>");
pwweb.println("<li><a href=\""+szprefix+ChromHMM.SZOVERLAPEXTENSION+".svg"+"\">"+szprefix+" Overlap Enrichment SVG File"+"</a><br>");
pwweb.println("<li><a href=\""+szoverlapoutfile+"\">"+szprefix+" Overlap Enrichment Tab-Delimited Text File"+"</a><br>");
System.out.println("Warning: No coordinate directory found for assembly "+szassembly+" in "+szprefixpath+"/"+COORDDIR);
File fanchorassembly = new File(szprefixpath+"/"+ANCHORFILEDIR+"/"+szassembly);
if (fanchorassembly.exists())
String[] dir = fanchorassembly.list();
for (int nfile = 0; nfile < dir.length; nfile++)
int nperiodindex = dir[nfile].indexOf(".");
String szanchorname;
if (nperiodindex == -1)
szanchorname = dir[nfile];
szanchorname = dir[nfile].substring(0,nperiodindex);
theColor,"Fold Enrichment "+szprefix+" "+szanchorname,null);
String szneighborhoodoutfileprefix = szprefix+"_"+szanchorname+ChromHMM.SZNEIGHBORHOODEXTENSION;
pwweb.println("<img src=\""+szneighborhoodoutfileprefix+".png\"> <br>");
pwweb.println("<li><a href=\""+szneighborhoodoutfileprefix+".svg"+"\">"+szneighborhoodoutfileprefix+" Enrichment SVG File</a><br>");
pwweb.println("<li><a href=\""+szneighborhoodoutfileprefix+".txt"+"\">"+szneighborhoodoutfileprefix+" Enrichment Tab-Delimited Text File</a><br>");
System.out.println("Warning: No coordinate directory found for assembly "+szassembly+" in "+szprefixpath+"/"+ANCHORFILEDIR);
java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop().browse((new File(szwebpage)).toURI());
catch (Exception ex)
System.out.println("Warning could not automatically open in a browser "+szwebpage);
bok = false;
if (!bok)
System.out.println("usage: LearnModel [-b binsize][-color r,g,b][-d convergedelta][-e loadsmoothemission][-f inputfilelist][-h informationsmooth]"+
"[-holdcolumnorder][-i outfileID][-init information|random|load][-l chromosomelengthfile][-m modelinitialfile]"+
"[-nobed][-nobrowser][-noenrich][-p maxprocessors][-printposterior][-printstatebyline][-r maxiterations][-s seed]"+
"[-stateordering emission|transition]"+
"[-t loadsmoothtransition][-x maxseconds][-z zerotransitionpower] inputdir outputdir numstates assembly");
else if (szcommand.equalsIgnoreCase("Reorder"))
int ninitmethod = ChromHMM.INITMETHOD_INFORMATION;
String szoutfileID = "";
String szlabelmapping = null;
String szstateorderingfile = null;
String szcolumnorderingfile = null;
int nstateorder = ChromHMM.STATEORDER_FIXED;
boolean bnoordercols = false;
boolean bnoprintsegment = false;
int nargindex = 1;
while (nargindex < args.length-2)
if (args[nargindex].equals("-color"))
String szcolor = args[++nargindex];
StringTokenizer stcolor = new StringTokenizer(szcolor,",");
if (stcolor.countTokens()==3)
nr = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
ng = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
nb = Integer.parseInt(stcolor.nextToken());
bok = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-f"))
szcolumnorderingfile = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-i"))
szoutfileID = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-m"))
szlabelmapping = args[++nargindex];
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-o"))
szstateorderingfile = args[++nargindex];
nstateorder = ChromHMM.STATEORDER_USER;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-stateordering"))
String sztoken = args[++nargindex];
if (sztoken.equals("emission"))
else if (sztoken.equals("transition"))
bok = false;
else if (args[nargindex].equals("-holdcolumnorder"))
bnoordercols = true;
bok = false;
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
bok = false;
if (bok&&(nargindex==args.length-2))
Color theColor = new Color(nr, ng, nb);
String szInitFile = args[nargindex++];
String szoutputdir = args[nargindex++];
File f = new File(szoutputdir);
if (!f.exists())
if (!f.mkdirs())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(szoutputdir+" does not exist and could not be created!");
if (bok)
boolean bprintsegments = !bnoprintsegment;
boolean bordercols = !bnoordercols;
ChromHMM theHMM = new ChromHMM(szInitFile, szoutputdir, szstateorderingfile, szcolumnorderingfile, szoutfileID,nstateorder,bordercols,theColor,szlabelmapping);
bok = false;
if (!bok)
System.out.println("usage: Reorder [-color r,g,b][-f columnorderingfile][-holdcolumnorder][-i outfileID]"+
"[-m labelmappingfile][-o stateorderingfile][-stateordering emission|transition] inputmodel outputdir");
System.out.println("Need to specify the mode BinarizeBed|BinarizeSignal|CompareModels|EvalSubset|LearnModel|MakeBrowserFiles"+
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