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Tmux configurations with status bar theme
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# set prefix to control-f | |
set -g prefix C-f | |
#unbind system defined prefix | |
unbind C-b | |
# helps in faster key repetition | |
set -sg escape-time 0 | |
# start session number from 1 rather than 0 | |
set -g base-index 1 | |
# start pane number from 1 similar to windows | |
set -g pane-base-index 1 | |
# Make the current window the first window | |
bind T swap-window -t 1 | |
# source .tmux.conf file | |
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display "Configuration Reloaded!" | |
# dont mess up with other ctrl-a options by pressing ctrl-a twice | |
bind C-a send-prefix | |
# vertical split | |
bind | split-window -h | |
# horizontal split | |
bind - split-window -v | |
# pane movement similar to vim | |
bind h select-pane -L | |
bind j select-pane -D | |
bind k select-pane -U | |
bind l select-pane -R | |
# resize panes | |
bind -r H resize-pane -L 5 | |
bind -r J resize-pane -D 5 | |
bind -r K resize-pane -U 5 | |
bind -r L resize-pane -R 5 | |
# to cycle through windows | |
bind -r C-h select-window -t :- | |
bind -r C-l select-window -t :+ | |
bind b previous-window | |
# Toggle mouse on | |
bind m \ | |
set -g mode-mouse on \;\ | |
set -g mouse-resize-pane on \;\ | |
set -g mouse-select-pane on \;\ | |
set -g mouse-select-window on \;\ | |
display 'Mouse: ON' | |
# Toggle mouse off | |
bind M \ | |
set -g mode-mouse off \;\ | |
set -g mouse-resize-pane off \;\ | |
set -g mouse-select-pane off \;\ | |
set -g mouse-select-window off \;\ | |
display 'Mouse: OFF' | |
#Note: hold shift key to select the text using mouse | |
# set 256 color | |
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" | |
# monitor activities in other windows | |
setw -g monitor-activity on | |
set -g visual-activity on | |
# enable vi mode | |
setw -g mode-keys vi | |
# remap copy paste keys | |
unbind [ | |
bind y copy-mode | |
unbind p | |
bind p paste-buffer | |
# bind -t vi-copy 'v' begin-selection | |
# bind -t vi-copy 'y' copy-selection | |
# copy to system clipboard | |
bind C-c run "tmux save-buffer - | xclip -i -sel clipboard" | |
# paste from system clipboard | |
bind C-v run "tmux set-buffer \"$(xclip -o -sel clipboard)\"; tmux paste-buffer" | |
# maximizing and restoring panes | |
unbind Up | |
bind Up new-window -d -n tmp \; swap-pane -s tmp.1 \; select-window -t tmp | |
unbind Down | |
bind Down last-window \; swap-pane -s tmp.1 \; kill-window -t tmp | |
# switch between sessions | |
bind -r ( switch-client -p | |
bind -r ) switch-client -n | |
# set zsh as default shell | |
set -g default-command /bin/zsh | |
set -g default-shell /bin/zsh | |
# recording program output to a log | |
bind P pipe-pane -o "cat >>~/#W.log" \; display "Toggled logging to ~/#W.log" | |
# don't allow tmux to rename the window based on commands running | |
set-window-option -g allow-rename off | |
# | |
set -g lock-after-time 300 | |
set -g lock-command "cmatrix -s" | |
# include status line powerline theme | |
# status bar theme | |
set -g status-bg 'colour235' | |
set -g message-command-fg 'colour222' | |
set -g status-justify 'centre' | |
set -g status-left-length '100' | |
set -g status 'on' | |
set -g pane-active-border-fg 'colour154' | |
set -g message-bg 'colour238' | |
set -g status-right-length '100' | |
set -g status-right-attr 'none' | |
set -g message-fg 'colour222' | |
set -g message-command-bg 'colour238' | |
set -g status-attr 'none' | |
# set -g status-utf8 'on' | |
set -g pane-border-fg 'colour238' | |
set -g status-left-attr 'none' | |
setw -g window-status-fg 'colour121' | |
setw -g window-status-attr 'none' | |
setw -g window-status-activity-bg 'colour235' | |
setw -g window-status-activity-attr 'none' | |
setw -g window-status-activity-fg 'colour154' | |
setw -g window-status-separator '' | |
setw -g window-status-bg 'colour235' | |
set -g status-left '#[fg=colour232,bg=colour154] #S #[fg=colour154,bg=colour238,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour222,bg=colour238] #W #[fg=colour238,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour121,bg=colour235] #(whoami) #(uptime | cut -d " " -f 1,2,3) #[fg=colour235,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]' | |
set -g status-right '#[fg=colour235,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour121,bg=colour235] %r %a %Y #[fg=colour238,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour222,bg=colour238] #H #[fg=colour154,bg=colour238,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour232,bg=colour154] #(rainbarf --battery --remaining --no-rgb) ' | |
setw -g window-status-format '#[fg=colour235,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[default] #I #W #[fg=colour235,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]' | |
setw -g window-status-current-format '#[fg=colour235,bg=colour238,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour222,bg=colour238] #I #W #F #[fg=colour238,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]' |
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