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Last active February 8, 2024 12:49
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Git-ftp cheatsheet (with auto tags)


See manual at:

Install git-ftp package:

Direct setup for linux:

curl > /bin/git-ftp
chmod 755 /bin/git-ftp

Setup with scopes

Move to your local project root. Example setup for scope named productive

git config git-ftp.productive.url
git config git-ftp.productive.user johndoe
git config git-ftp.productive.password s3cr3t

# SFTP with SSH key
git config git-ftp.productive.url s
git config git-ftp.productive.user johndoe
git config git-ftp.productive.key ~/.ssh/id_rsa


git ftp init -s <scope-name>  # First usage
git ftp push -s <scope-name>  # Normal usage

Passphrase protected SSH-keys

git-ftp cannot ask you for a passphrase for your private key. You can store the passphrase in your ssh-agent as a workaround:

ssh-agent bash
ssh-add ~/.ssh/<YOUR_KEY_NAME>

Auto tags

git-ftp supports hooks, that means scripts that are automatically called before or after pushing code with git-ftp. I wrote a post-ftp-push hook to set git tags corresponding to the pushed scope. E.g. pushing a specific commit to testing scope will set a test-system tag on the pushed commit.

Create a text file called (it has no extension) .git/hooks/post-ftp-push



case $remote in
        echo "[POST PUSH ($remote)] WARNING: Unknown git-ftp scope '$remote'. Using scope name as tag name"

echo "-----------------"
echo "Updating files for the following commits:"
git log --pretty=format:%s $tag..HEAD

echo "-----------------"
echo "Handling deployment tags"
git tag -d "$tag"
git tag "$tag"
echo "[POST PUSH ($remote)] Removed tag '$tag' from old commits."
echo "[POST PUSH ($remote)] Added tag '$tag' to current commit $local_sha."

exit 0

Upload .version file with current commit id

Adding this pre-ftp-push hook to git's hooks folder allways writes the current commit id to a file called .version.


echo "Updating version hash in .version file"
echo -n "$local_sha" > .version

exit 0

Adding this line to the .git-ftp-include file, allways uploads the .version file to the remote server


Hint: It might be usefull to add the .version file to your .gitignore file

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