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Created January 21, 2013 21:00
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Multi-Database DatabaseCleaner setup
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before :suite do
# set up a global cleaning strategy
# AR specific strategy
DatabaseCleaner[:active_record].strategy = :truncation
# Explicitly tell DatabaseCleaner what connection is AR
DatabaseCleaner[:active_record, connection: :pediafed_test]
# Mongoid specific strategy
DatabaseCleaner[:mongoid].strategy = :truncation
# Explicitly tell DatabaseCleaner what connection is MongoDB
DatabaseCleaner[:mongoid, connection: :pediafed_test]
config.before :each do
config.after :each do
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After discovering a huge problem in my tests as I converted a number of the Pediafed models over to ActiveRecord/Postgres; Don and I discovered that DatabaseCleaner was not aware of how to handle multiple datastores from the get go, and was defaulting to the first one it encountered: AR.

Above is the solution. This is well documented in DatabaseCleaner's Documentation, but I figured I would document it for our future endeavors.

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Very helpful, thanks for sharing!

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