Save superseb/c363247c879e96c982495daea1125276 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/bash | |
docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name rancher-server rancher/rancher:latest | |
while ! curl -k https://localhost/ping; do sleep 3; done | |
# Login | |
LOGINRESPONSE=`curl -s '' -H 'content-type: application/json' --data-binary '{"username":"admin","password":"admin"}' --insecure` | |
LOGINTOKEN=`echo $LOGINRESPONSE | jq -r .token` | |
# Change password | |
curl -s '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $LOGINTOKEN" --data-binary '{"currentPassword":"admin","newPassword":"thisisyournewpassword"}' --insecure | |
# Create API key | |
APIRESPONSE=`curl -s '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $LOGINTOKEN" --data-binary '{"type":"token","description":"automation"}' --insecure` | |
# Extract and store token | |
APITOKEN=`echo $APIRESPONSE | jq -r .token` | |
# Set server-url | |
RANCHER_SERVER=https://your_rancher_server.com | |
curl -s '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $APITOKEN" -X PUT --data-binary '{"name":"server-url","value":"'$RANCHER_SERVER'"}' --insecure > /dev/null | |
# Create cluster | |
CLUSTERRESPONSE=`curl -s '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $APITOKEN" --data-binary '{"dockerRootDir":"/var/lib/docker","enableNetworkPolicy":false,"type":"cluster","rancherKubernetesEngineConfig":{"addonJobTimeout":30,"ignoreDockerVersion":true,"sshAgentAuth":false,"type":"rancherKubernetesEngineConfig","authentication":{"type":"authnConfig","strategy":"x509"},"network":{"type":"networkConfig","plugin":"canal"},"ingress":{"type":"ingressConfig","provider":"nginx"},"monitoring":{"type":"monitoringConfig","provider":"metrics-server"},"services":{"type":"rkeConfigServices","kubeApi":{"podSecurityPolicy":false,"type":"kubeAPIService"},"etcd":{"snapshot":false,"type":"etcdService","extraArgs":{"heartbeat-interval":500,"election-timeout":5000}}}},"name":"yournewcluster"}' --insecure` | |
# Extract clusterid to use for generating the docker run command | |
CLUSTERID=`echo $CLUSTERRESPONSE | jq -r .id` | |
# Create token | |
curl -s '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $APITOKEN" --data-binary '{"type":"clusterRegistrationToken","clusterId":"'$CLUSTERID'"}' --insecure > /dev/null | |
# Set role flags | |
ROLEFLAGS="--etcd --controlplane --worker" | |
# Generate nodecommand | |
AGENTCMD=`curl -s '"'$CLUSTERID'"' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $APITOKEN" --insecure | jq -r '.data[].nodeCommand' | head -1` | |
# Concat commands | |
# Echo command | |
Hi superseb! First of all, thank you for this work.
Did you get some documentation about Rancher 2.x API? Because I'm looking for it since long, and haven't found a thing yet.
I'm trying to use this script, but the server name never get filled in rancher. The curl for "Set server-url" don't fails, and in the output show the stuff seemingly right, but the value seems to set empty, and, for example, when trying to get nodeCommand, the parameter for "--server" is empty.
Do you have any idea why this problem could be happening?
Very best regards.
I think in Generate nodecommand section query param is clusterId
not id
How do I login/authenticate when rancher is configured with github authentication? I tried this: /v3-public/githubProviders/github?action=login
I got this to work for Active Directory: https://$RancherENV/v3-public/activeDirectoryProviders/activedirectory?action=login
is coupled withrancher/rancher
and will be automatically filled in in the generatedAGENTCOMMAND