40Hex Issue 4 December 1991
Just thought it would be funny to list what I think is the ulitmate virus programmers toolkit. Theroys may vary.
- Turbo Assembler (MASM sucks, and it is slow)
- Turbo Debugger(It rules, what else can I say?)
- Quick Edit (Small, Fast and Turbo-like keys)
- Sourcer 486 ver 4.54(The ONLY real dissembler out)
- Virus Scan by McAffe Asst. (It really is a great tool)
- VSUM (Patti Hoffman is a stupid bitch, but I must admit, this program is the virus underground bible)
- VSAFE from Central Point Anti-Virus (Not as annoying as Flu-Shot)
- Pklite Proffesional(If you don't have it - get it)
- Norton 6.0 (Diskedit alone is worth the d/l time)
- Pc-Backup by Central Point (we all fuck up sooner or later)
- MEMWALK.EXE (great shareware program, like diskedit for memory)
- Teledisk (for boot block virus saves)
- Trunc - by Skism Programming (Electronic file shredder)
- Microsoft Press Quick Reference Series - DOS Functions (INT 20 - 26) - ROM and BIOS functions (INT 10, 15 - 16) - MS DOS extentions (Expaned, extended memory interupts)
- Undocumented DOS or any current text file on the subject-
- 40HEX magazine (Well I do have good stuff here, sometimes)
- Dark Angel's Phunky Virus writing guide (pretty hard to come by. He expalins stuff well)
- The following source code:
- Leprosy-B(beginers only on this one, none-the-lesss
- Cancer (well documented, intermediate)
- Tiny-F (not bad intro to .COM infections)
- Dark Avenger (well availible and excellent tips on .EXE infection)
- Stoned II (boot block intro)
- Secure 2.0 (I got the source to this. It is a virus detection system from the guy who wrote 1260, Mark Washburn. The source has some great examples on debug trapping, TSR skills, and encryption)
- IBM Scan source (I have this too, it's funny... Kinda like McAfee's SCAN but lamer By David Chess)
- VX-Underground!!!
An account on the Bulgerian Virus Exchange +359-220-4198An account on a BBS with Fido-Nets' virus echo (keep track of your latest score)Many accounts on the Homebase BBS (408) 988-4004 2400 bps (408) 988-5138 HST 9600 (408) 988-5190 v32 9600(Tell Areyh I sent ya')- Scientific Calculator (Hex aint easy)
- Vivaren (Helps you break night, or any other controlled substance)
- Food, smokes, or whatever your vice is...
That'll do it...