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supertestnet /
Last active February 27, 2025 19:36
Exceptional Projects and Winners of Bitcoin++ Hackathon at Floripa 2025

Name: Sloppy
Desc: a nostr bot that runs an LLM that tries to earn money by being funny, and uses its earnings to pay for its own hosting – such that it dies if no one finds it funny enough
Other links:

Name: SatsGuardian
Desc: A base layer services that watches the mempool. If it detects an unauthorized transaction from your cold wallet, it tries to use RBF to recover your funds
Other links:

supertestnet /
Last active February 7, 2025 23:18
Thoughts on Moore's law (edit: actually it's about House's observation)

The chart below is in logarithmic scale:

source of chart

It charts the growth of cpu speeds in comparison with the VAX 11/780. It suggests that Moore’s law stopped applying around 2003. I decided to continue the chart using gigaflops as a metric for cpu speed and allowing for multi-core cpus.

I don’t have data on how many floating point operations the VAX 11/780 could do but I suspect it is “none” because I think the first cpu advertised as being capable of floating point operations was the Intel 8087 in 1980.

supertestnet / wallets.txt
Last active January 23, 2025 16:43
List of bitcoin wallets ranked by type (custody or non) and number of downloads on google play
name, custody, number, type
Alby Go, self custodial, 1_000, wallet
Aqua Wallet, custodial, 10_000, wallet
BTCPayServer, self custodial, N/A, wallet
Balance of Satoshis, self custodial, N/A, wallet
Bare Bitcoin, custodial, 1_000, exchange
Bipa, custodial, 100_000, exchange
BitBanana, self custodial, 1_000, wallet
Bitkit, self custodial, 1_000, wallet
Blixt, self custodial, 5_000, wallet
supertestnet /
Last active January 13, 2025 19:57
Thoughts on building a polymarket clone or similar type of prediction market on bitcoin

Funding tx

Have an Oracle create a utxo like I do in tornado factory, where all the money in an n-of-n utxo goes, at first, to the Oracle, and where each key in the n-of-n is actually a 2-of-2 “sharded key,” where a statechain operator has one shard and the Oracle has the other. People can pay 10k sats to the Oracle to “buy” one of his or her shards. With it, the buyer contacts the statechain operator and obtains a cosignature on a tx that gives them the right to withdraw 2 10k-sat increments of the money from the n-of-n utxo (per my tornado factory protocol), except their withdrawal txs are not valid unless the Oracle says the result is a Yes (or No, if the user bought No). I will call these “right to withdraw” keyshards RTWs and those are what you’re buying and selling in these markets.

Connectors versus adaptor signatures

The above idea relies on the assumption that you can only withdraw using your signature if the Oracle announces a result in your

supertestnet / historical_price_fetcher.html
Last active January 6, 2025 16:44
Some javascript for fetching the historical price of bitcoin on any date since Kraken existed
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="[email protected]/dist/ccxt.browser.min.js"></script>
<!-- the manual for using the ccxt library is here: -->
var date = "2016-07-26";
supertestnet / Musings on a Non-Interactive Coinpool.txt
Last active January 3, 2025 04:37
In this document, I spend about 15 pages, written over the course of a few weeks, thinking up a way to do a non-interactive coinpool without any consensus-changes to bitcoin. It is a glimpse into my thought process.
Recently, while discussing covenant proposals on twitter, I had this conversation (slightly modified):
Me: Several [covenant] proposals make privacy pools like TornadoCash easier to build on bitcoin so...get on board for the "more privacy" reason! (I think you can build a TornadoCash-like privacy pool with any of the following: op_ctv, op_txhash, op_vault, op_cat, or op_paircommit)
Other person: Just a dumb question, a proposal like coinpool or joinpool (tornado cash like privacy pools on CTV) AFAIK requires all the users to stay online so it is possible to interact with the pool. Is it possible to make it tornado cash like, meaning I can open the wallet, deposit into the pool, turn off my PC, and after months I can withdraw the funds?
Me: Tldr: yes I think its possible. Long answer: I think I could make that kind of pool with three primitives: blind signatures, transferable stat
supertestnet / ctv_hash_generator_in_javascript.js
Last active December 10, 2024 12:47
CTV Hash Generator in Javascript
//[email protected]
var sha256 = s => {
if ( typeof s == "string" ) s = new TextEncoder().encode( s );
return crypto.subtle.digest( 'SHA-256', s ).then( hashBuffer => {
var hashArray = Array.from( new Uint8Array( hashBuffer ) );
var hashHex = hashArray
.map( bytes => bytes.toString( 16 ).padStart( 2, '0' ) )
.join( '' );
return hashHex;
supertestnet /
Last active January 2, 2025 02:40
Burrow: a federated coinpool built on hedgehog channels


Burrow is a proposal for a federated coinpool on top of hedgehog channels. The coinpool can have a bunch of cool properties:

  • a single-honest-party assumption, so the federation can't rug any user unless the keyholders in the federation are all scoundrels

  • users can onboard into the pool without an on-chain transaction (e.g. maybe you send in coins via lightning, or maybe another user gives you your first coins from within the pool)

  • every onboarded user gets their own wallet interface with their own personal balance and Send/Receive buttons

supertestnet / gist:5f262c632cbcd00348824aad5c289705
Last active April 24, 2024 17:13
Unnamed Noncustodial Inchoate Sidechains On Bitvm (Unisob)

Unnamed Noncustodial Inchoate Sidechains On Bitvm (Unisob)

I have an independent bitvm sidechain model that works without a federation. Instead, there is a "bridge operator" who assists with depositing money to the sidechain as well as with the "happy path" of withdrawing from the sidechain. In my version, you can withdraw even if the bridge operator ceases operations, because there is also a "sad path" that does not require his ongoing cooperation

the main idea is that when you want to deposit money onto the sidechain you should get a "withdrawal contract" from the bridge operator

the withdrawal contract is done in bitvm and it basically says, if you (the withdrawer) can provide a proof of a valid withdrawal request from the sidechain, the prover has up to X blocks to supply proof that he sent you your money on bitcoin

if he does not supply that proof, you may slash him and take the funds that way

supertestnet / gist:8df4b12812dd5a66ce965e0ae2f2d550
Last active January 10, 2024 15:57
How to do arbitrary data script with p2tr
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