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Last active August 13, 2024 16:56
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Generate Styles for blocks
import { get } from "lodash";
import getPalette from "tailwindcss-palette-generator";
import plugin from "tailwindcss/plugin";
import { createTailwindcss } from "@mhsdesign/jit-browser-tailwindcss";
export const getTailwindConfig = (options: any, plugins: any[] = []) => {
const primary = get(options, "primaryColor", "#000");
const secondary = get(options, "secondaryColor", "#ccc");
const headingFont = get(options, "headingFont", "Inter");
const bodyFont = get(options, "bodyFont", "Inter");
const borderRadius = get(options, "roundedCorners", "0");
const BG_LIGHT_MODE = get(options, "bodyBgLightColor", "#fff");
const BG_DARK_MODE = get(options, "bodyBgDarkColor", "#000");
const TEXT_DARK_MODE = get(options, "bodyTextDarkColor", "#000");
const TEXT_LIGHT_MODE = get(options, "bodyTextLightColor", "#fff");
const palette = getPalette([
{ color: primary, name: "primary" },
{ color: secondary, name: "secondary" },
const colors: Record<string, string> = {
bgLightMode: BG_LIGHT_MODE,
bgDarkMode: BG_DARK_MODE,
textLightMode: TEXT_LIGHT_MODE,
textDarkMode: TEXT_DARK_MODE,
const theme = {
extend: {
fontFamily: { heading: [headingFont], body: [bodyFont] },
borderRadius: { global: `${!borderRadius ? "0" : borderRadius}px` },
colors: { ...palette, ...colors },
return {
darkMode: "class",
theme: theme,
plugins: plugins,
export const generateCSS = async (str: string, themeConfiguration: any) => {
const plugins = [
plugin(function ({ addBase, theme }: any) {
"h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6": {
fontFamily: theme("fontFamily.heading"),
body: {
fontFamily: theme("fontFamily.body"),
color: theme("colors.textLightMode"),
backgroundColor: theme("colors.bgLightMode"),
".dark body": {
color: theme("colors.textDarkMode"),
backgroundColor: theme("colors.bgDarkMode"),
const tailwind = createTailwindcss({
tailwindConfig: getTailwindConfig(themeConfiguration, plugins),
return await tailwind.generateStylesFromContent(
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
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