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Created August 12, 2013 21:22
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How can i pivot every student in the StudentList so that i can databind a List<CourseDetails> to the same xtragrid. This is the code for a question on stackoverflow:
// Linqpad demo
void Main()
var getData = new GetData();
var list1 = GetData.StudentList1();
var list2 = GetData.StudentList2();
// List<Student> list1 = GetData.StudentList1().ToList<Student>();
// List<Student> list2 = GetData.StudentList2().ToList<Student>();
list1 = list2.ToList().Union(list1.ToList()).ToList();
public class GetData{
public CourseDetails Course1() {
return new CourseDetails(){
Id =1
,Course = new Course(){CourseId = 201, CourseName="SQL Basics"}
,Teacher = new Teacher(){TeacherId=30, TeacherName="M Gra"}
,Room = new Room(){RoomId=80, RoomName="2th floor R100"}
,StudentList = GetData.StudentList2()
public CourseDetails Course2(){
return new CourseDetails(){
Id =1
,Course = new Course(){CourseId = 435, CourseName="C# Ninja"}
,Teacher = new Teacher(){TeacherId=48, TeacherName="J Skee"}
,Room = new Room(){RoomId=32, RoomName="base floor R001"}
,StudentList = GetData.StudentList1()
public static List<Student> StudentList1(){
return new List<Student>(){
new Student(){Id = 101, StudentName="Amy"}
,new Student(){Id = 104, StudentName="Koothrap"}
,new Student(){Id = 105, StudentName="Cooper"}
public static List<Student> StudentList2(){
return new List<Student>(){
new Student(){Id = 101, StudentName="Amy"}
,new Student(){Id = 102, StudentName="Penny"}
public static List<Tuple<string, string, string, string, string, string, string>> GetTuple(){
var header = Tuple.Create("Id", "Course", "Teacher", "Amy", "Penny", "Koothrap", "Cooper");
var row1 = Tuple.Create("201", "SQL Basics", "M Gra", "1", "1", "", "");
var row2 = Tuple.Create("435", "C# Ninja", "J Skee", "1", "", "1", "1");
var list = new List<Tuple<string, string, string, string, string, string, string>>();
return list;
public class CourseDetails{
public int Id{ get; set;}
public Course Course{ get; set;}
public Teacher Teacher{get; set;}
public Room Room{get; set;}
public List<Student> StudentList{get; set;}
public class Course{
public int CourseId{ get; set;}
public string CourseName{ get; set;}
public class Teacher{
public int TeacherId{ get; set;}
public string TeacherName{ get; set;}
public class Room{
public int RoomId{ get; set;}
public string RoomName{ get; set;}
public class Student{
public int Id{ get; set;}
public string StudentName{ get; set;}
public override bool Equals(object other) //note parameter is of type object
Student t = other as Student;
return (t != null) ? Id.Equals(t.Id) : false;
public override int GetHashCode()
return Id.GetHashCode();
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