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Created February 10, 2014 16:30
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Ometa/JS Parsing Example of a PNG (Binary) File
ometa BinaryParser <: Parser {
// Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Second Edition)
// Note: not all chunk are defined, this is just a POC
//entire PNG stream
START = [header:h (chunk+):c number*:n] -> [h,c,n],
//chunk definition
chunk = int4:len str4:t apply(t,len):d byte4:crc
-> [#chunk, [#type, t], [#length, len], [#data, d], [#crc, crc]],
//chunk types
IHDR :len = int4:w int4:h byte:dep byte:type byte:comp byte:filter byte:inter
-> {type:"IHDR", data:{width:w, height:h, bitdepth:dep, colortype:type, compression:comp, filter:filter, interlace:inter}},
gAMA :len = int4:g -> {type:"gAMA", value:g},
pHYs :len = int4:x int4:y byte:u -> {type:"pHYs", x:x, y:y, units:u},
tEXt :len = repeat('byte',len):d -> {type:"tEXt", data:toAscii(d)},
iTXt :len = repeat('byte',len):d -> {type:"iTXt", data:toShortAscii(d)},
tIME :len = int2:y byte:mo byte:day byte:hr byte:min byte:sec
-> {type:"tIME", year:y, month:mo, day:day, hour:hr, minute:min, second:sec},
IDAT :len = repeat('byte',len):d -> {type:"IDAT", data:"omitted"},
IEND :len = repeat('byte',len):d -> {type:"IEND"},
//useful definitions
byte = number,
header = 137 80 78 71 13 10 26 10 -> "PNG HEADER", //mandatory header
int2 = byte:a byte:b -> byteArrayToInt16([b,a]), //2 bytes to a 16bit integer
int4 = byte:a byte:b byte:c byte:d -> byteArrayToInt32([d,c,b,a]), //4 bytes to 32bit integer
str4 = byte:a byte:b byte:c byte:d -> toChunkType([a,b,c,d]), //4 byte string
byte4 = repeat('byte',4):d -> d,
BinaryParser.repeat = function(rule, count) {
var ret = [];
for(var i=0; i<count; i++) {
return ret;
toAscii = function(byteArray) {
var foo = String.fromCharCode.apply(String, byteArray);
console.log ("String:" + foo + " (...byteArrayOmitted...)");
return foo;
toShortAscii = function(byteArray) {
var embeddedText = String.fromCharCode.apply(String, byteArray);
// The iTxt chunk can contain a lot of text/xml, so truncate for proof of concept
console.log ("String:" + embeddedText.slice(1, 51) + " (...only first 50 bytes shown...)");
return embeddedText;
toChunkType = function(byteArray) {
var aChuckType = String.fromCharCode.apply(String, byteArray);
console.log ("ChunkType :" + aChuckType + " : " + byteArray );
return aChuckType;
byteArrayToInt32 = function(localByteArray) {
var uint8array = new Uint8Array(localByteArray);
var uint32array = new Uint32Array(
uint8array.byteOffset + uint8array.byteLength - 4,
1 // 4Bytes long
var newInt32 = uint32array[0];
console.log ( "i32 : " + newInt32 + " <= " + localByteArray );
return newInt32;
byteArrayToInt16 = function(byteArray) {
var ints = [];
for (var i = 0; i < byteArray.length; i += 2) {
//ints.push((byteArray[i] << 8) | (byteArray[i+1]));
console.log (ints);
return ints;
fetchBinary = function() {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET","",true);
req.responseType = "arraybuffer";
req.onload = function(e) {
var buf = req.response;
if(buf) {
var byteArray = new Uint8Array(buf);
console.log("got " + byteArray.byteLength + " bytes");
var arr = [];
for(var i=0; i<byteArray.byteLength; i++) {
// watch out if you uncomment the next line, it can kill your browser w/ large png files
// console.log(arr);
var parserResults = BinaryParser.match(arr, "START");
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