I had an issue where Signal never created backups, even when I manually tried to make one.
The logs reveal the following:
01-16 00:54:39.725 8241 8299 I GenericForegroundServic: [startForegroundTask] Task: Creating Signal backup…, ID: 12
01-16 00:54:39.734 8241 8241 D GenericForegroundServic: [onCreate]
01-16 00:54:39.734 8241 8241 D GenericForegroundServic: [onStartCommand] Action: start
01-16 00:54:39.734 8241 8241 I GenericForegroundServic: [onStartCommand] Adding entry: ChannelId: backups_v2, ID: 12, Progress: 0/0 determinate
01-16 00:54:39.735 8241 8299 W NotificationController: Tried to update the progress, but the service was no longer bound!