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Created November 26, 2012 21:34
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A NodeJS script using PhantomJs to render some various screen resolution
* A NodeJS script using PhantomJs to render some various screen resolution for a
* web page
* Developped with PhantomJs 1.7.0
* Script require two arguments :
* * The URL to snapshot;
* * The name of the snapshot, it will be suffixed with the used resolution and used as
* the output filename (always in PNG format);
* Caveats :
* * If the webpage does not fit in the given resolution, phantomjs take the minimal
* resolution where the page fit correctly, by example the google page when asked
* in 320x480 will result in a 615x480 (because the menu need a width at less 615px).
* We could detect this and crop the render (with a second pass?) to output an image
* at the correct asked size;
* * The script does not manage eventual http errors;
* * Better trick to manage the transparent background pages;
* * A way (as a command argument?) to select resolutions (with a simple size list display as an help command?);
var version = "0.1",
system = require('system'),
adaptative_models = {
'mobile_minimal': { width: 320, height: 480 },
'mobile_middle': { width: 480, height: 320 },
'tablet_portrait': { width: 600, height: 800 },
'tablet_landscape': { width: 800, height: 600 },
'desktop_large': { width: 1440, height: 900 },
enabled_models = ['mobile_minimal', 'desktop_large'],
url, destination;
if (system.args.length < 3) {
console.log('Usage: snapshot-responsive-models.js <some URL> <name>');
} else {
* We need to wait that phantomjs has finished to load and snapshoting each page,
* and "phantom.exit()" method must conditionned to the end of the process else it
* can stop the script before jobs are all done. So we use a simple system with a
* callback, where the main function "process" is used as the callback that is
* called after phantomjs has finished to snapshot a page.
/* Function to snapshot an "url" with the given "screen size" and output it to a
* "name_screensize.png" file
function snapshot_screen(url, name, destination, screen_size, callback) {
var page = require('webpage').create(),
filename = destination+"_"+screen_size.width+"x"+screen_size.height+".png";
page.viewportSize = screen_size;
console.log( "Snapshoting model '"+ name +"' with "+page.viewportSize.width+"x"+page.viewportSize.height );
console.log( "Filename:"+ filename);, function () {
// Avoid transparent page when no background image/color are setted on the
// body, so then force the white color
// TODO: This should also use "styles" in conditions, and force the color
// with a style
page.evaluate(function() {
if (!document.body.bgColor && !document.body.background) {
document.body.bgColor = '#ffffff';
//return document.body.background;
* Main method for doing the jobs
* Jobs are taken from the "enabled_models" variable that list the screen size
* models to use
function process() {
url = system.args[1];
destination = system.args[2];
if (enabled_models.length > 0) {
console.log( "Processing URL : "+ url );
var model_name = enabled_models[0],
screen_size = adaptative_models[model_name];
enabled_models.splice(0, 1);
// Load page with the screen size, output it then use the process callback
snapshot_screen(url, model_name, destination, screen_size, process);
} else {
// Everything is done so exit the script
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