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Created January 19, 2016 23:28
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CasperJS script to authenticate and store persistent cookie through profile for SlimerJS
* This is a CasperJS script.
* It try to authenticate so the session cookie can be stored in current profile
* and then BackstopJS+CasperJS+SlimerJS can use the same cookie during tests.
* Scenario
* ========
* 1. Create an empty Gecko user profile;
* 2. Use this script to authenticate:
* 2.1. Go to login page;
* 2.2. Submit form with correct login+password;
* 2.3. Go to some dashboard to valid authentication;
* 3. Use Gecko user profile with BackstopJS (with SlimerJS);
* 4. Profit.
* Usage
* =====
* Init Gecko user profile
* -----------------------
* xvfb-run slimerjs -CreateProfile MyFunnyProfile
* (or without xvfb-run if you dont use it)
* Authenticate once
* -----------------
* casperjs --engine=slimerjs -P MyFunnyProfile --verbose --log-level=debug casperjs_authenticator.js
* Use the same profile name to be able to keep and use the cookie session
* persistently. This may be used just once because the session cookie will
* live for some time until expiration.
* Using profile with BackstopJS
* -----------------------------
* Once authenticated with this casperjs script, the cookie session is
* registered in your profile, you just need to configure option 'casperFlags'
* in your 'backstop.json' file to give it the profile name to use with SlimerJS:
* "casperFlags": [
* "--engine=slimerjs",
* "-P MyFunnyProfile"
* ],
* BackstopJS will pass arguments to CasperJS that will pass it to SlimerJS
* that will be able to use the profile during tests.
* Notes
* =====
* This code should be almost compatible with PhantomJS engine too, but
* i didn't tested it. Also, with PhantomJS don't user profile, instead it use
* persistent cookie through a text file, see its command line documentation.
* So process with PhantomJS engine should be almost the same but using the
* persistent cookie file argument instead profile argument.
var casper = require('casper').create(),
viewport = {'width': 1440, 'height': 800},
pause_time = 5000,
screenshot_filename = "casperjs_authenticator.png",
page_account_url = "",
page_login_url = "",
account_username = "your_username",
account_password = "your_password";
// Return text content from the last 'h1'
function get_page_title(){
return jQuery("h1").last().text();
* Open the page and set the viewport
casper.start(page_login_url, function(response) {
var title = casper.evaluate(get_page_title);
this.echo("Page title: "+title, 'INFO');
this.viewport(viewport.width, viewport.height);
this.echo("Fixed viewport to: "+viewport.width+"x"+viewport.height, 'INFO');
* Capture page before login
casper.then(function() {
var screenshot = "1."+screenshot_filename;
this.capture(screenshot, {
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: viewport.width,
height: viewport.height
this.echo("Taken screenshot to: "+screenshot, 'INFO');
* Login in then screenshot again for curiosity
casper.then(function() {
this.echo("Attempt to login", 'INFO');
this.fill('form.simple', {
'username': account_username,
'password': account_password
}, true);
this.echo("Should be logged as: "+account_username, 'INFO');
* Check login is ok
casper.thenOpen(page_account_url, function() {
this.echo("Check login", 'INFO');
var screenshot = "2."+screenshot_filename;
this.capture(screenshot, {
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: viewport.width,
height: viewport.height
this.echo("Taken screenshot to: "+screenshot, 'INFO');
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