I hereby claim:
- I am svenfuchs on github.
- I am svenfuchs (https://keybase.io/svenfuchs) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is FEB0 A93F B199 EB4C CE1C B79B 60B8 9DF8 875A 4114
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
#/ Usage: <progname> [options]... | |
#/ How does this script make my life easier? | |
# ** Tip: use #/ lines to define the --help usage message. | |
$stderr.sync = true | |
require 'optparse' | |
# default options | |
flag = false | |
option = "default value" |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
require 'csv' | |
filename = ARGV.shift | |
def format(questions, answers) | |
answers.map.with_index do |answer, ix| | |
"##### #{questions[ix]}\n\n#{answer}\n\n" | |
end |
Some notes on remote debugging mac builds on Travisci. It's hard to tell when something hangs what the cause it. Trial and error via commits is tedious. And on Mac , sometimes it's the gui asking for input. So I worked my around to get the access I needed for faster debugging a build. | |
################################################# | |
# Enable remote ssh access to travisci build for debugging | |
################################################# | |
# Add a key so we can login to travisci vm | |
- cat ssh/travisci.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | |
- chmod 600 ssh/travisci | |
# Install netcat |
Based on Mislav's gist and vim-tmux-navigator.
Since tmux hosts vim I disliked that I had to install a vim plugin for this. Instead I think it's cleaner to control vim from tmux.
My actual goal was to achive the following behaviour though (I have a default setup similar to the one Mislav shows in the gist. Two vertically split tmux panes, where the left one hosts vim, which has two vertically split windows):
(do not wrap to the rightmost tmux pane, but) zoom the left tmux pane.C-l
(do not wrap to the leftmost tmux pane, but) zoom the right tmux pane.Conference | Date | Location | Contact | Reply | |
Distill | @distill | 08-09.08. | USA, San Francisco | [email protected] | 2 free tickets + hotel |
JRubyConf EU | @JRubyConfEU | 14-15.08. | Germany, Berlin | [email protected] | 2 free tickets |
eurucamp | @eurucamp | 16-18.08. | Germany, Berlin | [email protected] |
How to get to the Travis CI office: http://goo.gl/maps/vmidH
The address is Prinzessinnenstrasse 20, on the left driveway:
In your Gemfile add:
group :development, :test do
gem 'micro_migrations', :git => '[email protected]:33e9f92c229eb808a4fa.git'
You might want to add something like this to the Rakefile of apps that use a gem that uses micro_migrations:
ENV['SCHEMA'] = "#{Gem.loaded_specs['your-gem-name'].full_gem_path}/db/schema.rb"
When developing an application where you have split out shared functionality to multiple dependent gem repositories can get cumbersome when you
sources with :git
or just plain Rubygems sources,bundle update
and Gemfile.lock
with local :path
sources bundled etc. etc.So what about this strategy:
A. Create a file .Gemfile.local
Travis CI consists of two main parts right now:
As we are moving to AMQP for communication between app and workers we want to split up the web app into