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Last active June 25, 2021 09:30
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Clearing "purgeable" space on macOS High Sierra (e.g. before installing Windows 10 using BootCamp)
# 1. Check for any local time machine snapshots
tmutil listlocalsnapshots /
# 2. Ask time machine to free 100 GBs of local snapshots. Third parameter '4' probably means high priority (
tmutil thinlocalsnapshots / $((100 * 1024 * 1204 * 1024)) 4
# 3. Make sure that only a `(dataless)` snapshot exists
tmutil listlocalsnapshots /
# 4. List all mounted volumes and find the one mounted on '/' (probably '/dev/disk1s1')
df -h
# 5. Free space on the volume mounted on '/', e.g.:
diskutil secureErase freespace 0 /dev/disk1s1
# If this still does not work, disable automatic time machine backups and try steps 2. and 5. again...
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