- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Flycut (clipboard manager, AppStore)
- Magnet (window manager, AppStore)
- 1Password (password manager, AppStore)
- The Unarchiver (advanced unarchiving, AppStore)
- Slack (AppStore)
- Skype
- Spotify
- MacDown (markdown editor)
- Google Drive
- Dropbox
- gfxCardStatus (graphics card info menulet)
- GIF Brewery (AppStore)
Just copy them to ~/Library/QuickLook
- QLColorCode (syntax highlighting)
- QLStephen (extensionless text files)
- QLMarkdown (rendered markdown)
- QLImageSize (image dimensions and file size)
- QLJson (formatted, interactive JSON)
- Xcode (AppStore)
xcode-select --install
- iTerm 2 (Terminal replacement)
- Homebrew
- Oh My Zsh
- Sublime Text
- SequelPro (MySQL client)
- Tower (git client)
- ForkLift (FTP client, also on AppStore)
- Dash (docset viewer)
- Docker for Mac
- Atom
- CCMenu (build status menulet, AppStore)
- Lisanet PDFWriter (pdf pseudo printer)