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fighting entropy

Sander Verweij sverweij

fighting entropy
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sverweij / 106UUIDs.csv
Created January 23, 2025 16:11
106 UUID's canonical & compact
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 2 should actually have 3 columns, instead of 1 in line 1.
UUID - canonical, base16 format;UUID - compact, base64 format
sverweij /
Last active January 22, 2025 15:12
Scrappy script to open stdin into whichever is associated with .html extensions (MacOS)
set -e
RANDOMNAME=$(mktemp).html || exit 1
cat /dev/stdin > $RANDOMNAME
# to open with an other browser (or program) replace the above line with
# something like ...
# open -a safari $RANDOMNAME
- Use yarn to avoid accidentally running code from un-installed packages
sh-3.2$ npx tsc --init

                This is not the tsc command you are looking for                

To get access to the TypeScript compiler, tsc, from the command line either:
sverweij /
Last active December 23, 2024 14:03
delete a batch of git branches
# the grep --invert-match to prevent deletion of branches you'd want to keep no matter what
git branch | grep --invert-match master | sed s/^/git\ branch\ -D/g | sh
sverweij /
Last active May 4, 2024 10:58
Setting up npm provenance with GitHub actions
  • for the package in your npmjs account set the publishing access to "Require two-factor authentication or an automation or granular access token" (with just two-factor auth publishing will bork).
  • in your npmjs account create an automation token (or a 'finegrained' one) and remember the key to paste ...
  • under your repo's settings -> secrets and variables -> actions add an NPM_TOKEN and paste the key from your npmjs account in it
  • add below workflow files to .github/workflows
  • the setup uses npm clean-install (= npm ci) so it needs a package-lock.json
    • change .npmrc so it allows for package locks
    • ensure .gitignore doesn't contain a line for package-locks
    • run npm i to generate the package lock
  • commit & push the shebang
  • on GitHub create a release (or prerelease)
sverweij /
Last active July 24, 2023 18:55
Fixing a security problem: Polynomial regular expression used on uncontrolled data

Fixing a security problem: Polynomial regular expression used on uncontrolled data

Using cookies as an attack vector on your server

You have a cookie that stores a client's session id. To validate the session you probably need to check it against a server. An attacker might exploit this. E.g. with the big list of naughty strings [^0], or with a big string crafted for the occasion.

We're going to look at one such example and try to find a way to prevent these attacks

{SAFe} ∩ {Agile} = ∅
# This is Git's per-user configuration file.
name = redacted
email = [email protected]
helper = osxkeychain
pretty = %Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset

What do we want?

  • Exactly the same build on all environment, so we can just promote instead of rebuild each time.
  • Preferably source maps because debugging on test might be useful.
  • No source maps on production, though.


  • Always generate source maps, but as hidden
sverweij /
Last active November 15, 2021 14:03
getting dependency metrics from dependency-cruiser

What's this?

A dependency-cruiser reporter plugin to calculate Robert C. Martin's dependency metrics with dependency-cruiser.

How do I run it?

  • copy depcruise-config-force-dependents.js and metrics-reporter-plugin.js to the working directory
  • run this: